Kayfun LITE - Part 2

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Aug 19, 2012
Fairly new to this atty. The one I have is stock, no changes. How best to fill this without overfilling? Tough to tell as the window is so limited. Thanks.
Hey Mike, I'm assuming you have the clear center section??

Turn the KFL upside down and tilt at about a 45 degree angle. Fill until the bubble just disappears in the clear section. Should be good to go.


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May 10, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Anyone using a "scottish roll" with Japanese cotton in your KFL? Just wicked one this way, and I'm actually surprised at how well it's vaping, since the super tight fit in a micro coil runs contrary to my practice with regular organic cotton from balls. I don't get how a tight, and therefore, compressed wick has adequate room to store juice?! But it's working! I'll try a looser fit next time. What's your experience with this type of wick?
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May 10, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Anyone using a "scottish roll" with Japanese cotton in your KFL? Just wicked one this way, and I'm actually surprised at how well it's vaping, since the super tight fit in a micro coil runs contrary to my practice with regular organic cotton from balls. I don't get how a tight, and therefore, compressed wick has adequate room to store juice?! But it's working! I'll try a looser fit next time. What's your experience with this type of wick?
Um...Nope! The only reason it was working OK initially was obviously because I pre-saturated after wicking. Major flavor drop after that juice is gone. It's just too damned tight to wick. Yet all the vids I watched show them cramming those wicks in tight. It made no sense when I watched them, and my skepticism has proven correct. In fairness, all the vids I watched were using multi-coil builds, which may help, but physics is real, and if a wick is that compressed, there's no room for any juice, especially with cotton, which is a slow wicking material to start with. Other than the tightly fitted wick, I like the concept, so I'll try another more "comfortably" fitting wick- I'll bet it will be fine.
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May 10, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Re the so-called "scottish roll" wicking, Tried one with a more relaxed fit, and it's pretty good, but I'm not sold on this technique or the Japanese cotton, for that matter. I like that the cotton fibers are nice and straight, which I do believe contributes to better wicking. I'll probably just use the cotton for "normal" wicks, and see how I like it. I just don't get how anyone would expect tight, compressed cotton wick to actually wick! Maybe I'm missing something?


ECF Guru
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Dec 3, 2014
NS, Canada
Re the so-called "scottish roll" wicking, Tried one with a more relaxed fit, and it's pretty good, but I'm not sold on this technique or the Japanese cotton, for that matter. I like that the cotton fibers are nice and straight, which I do believe contributes to better wicking. I'll probably just use the cotton for "normal" wicks, and see how I like it. I just don't get how anyone would expect tight, compressed cotton wick to actually wick! Maybe I'm missing something?
If you put the Scottish Roll into a dripper with a 3 or 4 mm ID Clapton, they hold an incredible amount of juice and work great! It really doesn't work too well in an RTA with a smaller coil diameter or large wells for the tails to rest in.


ECF Guru
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Dec 3, 2014
NS, Canada
Yes, you are missing rayon.
Agreed! :thumbs:

When you have Rayon, you don't need to tinker with a Scottish Roll or even use cotton for that matter. My Cotton Labo Puffs gather dust in the corner, I will probably give them to the wife for makeup.

For those that have not seen it, here is a Rayon testimonial from the Rayonati Sloth!


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May 10, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Not ready to try rayon. I tend to be very sensitive to certain wicking material, and I see too many posts from folks who experience throat irritation and other nasties. If it works for you, that's great! One day I may give it a try, but I'm less inclined to experiment if it ain't broke, and I really like the flavor I get from a good organic cotton wick.


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ECF Guru
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Dec 3, 2014
NS, Canada
Though one would have to be cautious with the liquid you put into it as some liquids are known to fog or crack these plastic type tanks. Myself I think I'd go for this one instead:

Kayfun Fused Quartz tank Kit
Until one of those comes apart in your pocket as it is only held together with o-rings. If you add the threaded chimney and DX Threaded Topfill Cap to keep it secure, it costs as much, if not more than the KFL...
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  • Mar 19, 2013
    Until one of those comes apart in your pocket as it is only held together with o-rings. If you add the threaded chimney and DX Threaded Topfill Cap to keep it secure, it costs as much, if not more than the KFL...
    I have used an sov mini and long glass kit 2 years and have never had one come apart. I do like the threaded chimney idea, just more secure. So the o-rings holding my gennies together is bad?


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Dec 3, 2014
    NS, Canada
    I have used an sov mini and long glass kit 2 years and have never had one come apart. I do like the threaded chimney idea, just more secure. So the o-rings holding my gennies together is bad?
    They are only bad if they come free while the atty is full of juice. Good to hear that you have a solid quartz tank solution.
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