Leo vs Ego-T discussion thread

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Feb 19, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Okiedokie. I was just wondering how many others have both systems, and what their thoughts are. Please chime in.

I've been using the Leo for nearly a month now. It was my first PV, and I haven't had much to compare it to. I've been struggling non-stop to tune my carts and juice to get it to wick properly. In frustration, I ordered an Ego-T, as well as a few Boge 510 cartos. The cartos were basically ordered so I can cannibalize them for mod parts when they die. I've tried them, and they are as expected and not worth discussing. Not bad, but just not worth discussing here.

I just received my ego-t today, and it's a whole separate animal from the Leo. Here are some of my thoughts so far:

The Ego-T is MUCH easier to get working right out of the box. I have 3 attys and batts, and they are all performing with no leaking or dryness. No tweaking at all required so far.

The Ego-T has far fewer refills, and there is much less wasted juice. Much less messy, seems better suited to road trips, etc..

The Leo (now that I've got some carts and attys "tuned in") has VASTLY superior taste, throat hit, and vapor production. When it's wicking right.

The Leo seems to be of sturdier construction, and I like the button much better on it, although I think they are about a draw on overall styling. The Leo may be a tad more "girlie", so it loses a point or two from my point of view.

The Leo charging system is much more convenient. It's common style USB port uses the same end as my GFs phone and camera.

The draw seems to be a draw. They both suit me fine, although the Leo mouthpiece is more comfortable in my opinion.

These are my first thoughts after having the chance to compare these two systems. I'm pretty sure that the Leo will continue to be my "home" PV, but I can't see taking it on the go considering how much less work the Ego-T requires. C'mon Boge! Get those tanks out! If we can get a unit with the vapor and flavour of the Leo, and the convenience of the Ego-T, I think we'll have something great.

Don't be scared to throw your $0.02 in.


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Nov 14, 2008
Bradford, Ohio
I bought my leo before my ego t. The leo was one of the biggest dissappointments I have ever had regarding e cigs. I tried relentlessly to get the leo to wick, but kept slamming into a brick wall. I just finally gave up, went back to my 801, and waited for my ego t to arrive. The ego t has worked very well for me. The attys are quite expensive, and only seem to work well for about a week and a half. The ego lr attys are alot better than the regular attys. My interest is in the throat hit, not really into any flavors. I have been using 36 mg. unflavored pg juice in all my lr attys. I have not had any problems with dry hits, leaking, or with my juice turning dark as long as I use the lr attys, it works great. The leo leaked constantly and gave dry hits. When the leo works, it is an awesome unit, just not worth the hassle for a few good hits. The best use I have found for my leo is a paper weight, a very expensive paper weight. I might try the leo tank system when it comes out, but I will wait for more reviews on them before I spend amymore money on them. I watched several reviews on the leo before I bought one. All the reviewers must have gotten a much better unit than I did. rsmith76


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Sep 12, 2010
New York
I have both units. I used the leo first. I raved all over this board of what a great unit it was compared to my ego 510 pv. The vape was so full, lots of flavor and great th. The battery charging setup is great it uses a very popular charging setup so I have lots of chargers. All the time I was trying one mod after another to fix the wicking problem.

Then I tried the reg ego-t atty setup. I mean are you kidding me....right out of the box this system works. Was not quite as much vape or flavor but the ego-t just works. Then I bought a couple lr ego-t attys. Now we are talking real close to the leo vape and flavor and th...but no messing around as this just works.

I did cheat a little as I found a leo to 510 adapter so I still get to use the leo battery.

If boge does not come out with an afordable tank system soon. i might not ever use boge again as every day I become more of a joye user and they continue to improve on their tank system while boge just keeps saying....SOON

Plus I still feel the leo is way over priced. One battery and one atty is going to cost you 50 bucks. For ten dollars more you can buy two full riva sets every day. That's four batteries
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Jan 14, 2011
portland OR
Please keep these comparisons coming as this is very interesting. Most reviews of the ego-t I've seen mention a dulling of flavor (which people here seem to agree with) and a stiff draw. How does the draw compare to the Leo? And keep us updated on atty life. I haven't lost any of my Leos yet and they have the 90 day warranty...

Personally I have found a few liquids that work fine with the Leo and some mods that work ok with less cooperative liquids -- so I will continue to use it.
As far as price goes, I thought a Riva cost about $50 (prob. depends of batt size?)? and then more for the tank system? It seems like maybe 20% more for a leo royal? I know I don't feel ripped off.

Is the 510 atty really that great? I've never tried one :) I'm having trouble justifying the purchase of another three part system as I'm not much of a dripper. And can you drip with an ego-t?

Am I right in thinking that the consensus so far is that the Leo is better if you have it working smoothly, and the ego-t is better if you are having trouble?


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Feb 14, 2011
Lee's Summit, MO
I have both, and I have never gotten my ego-t to work. 1 or 2 good hits if I'm lucky, then 3-4 dry nasty ones, tried new attys, cleaning the attys, adjusting the wick, different juices, anything and everything I could think of and I can't get it to work consistently. I did not have problems with it leaking, and the battery life is good, but I think there needs to be better QC on the attys. After I was so disappointed in the ego-t I bought a Leo, my Leo gives me much better taste, vapor, and is much more consistent than my ego-t ever was. I really wanted the tank to work for me, because I liked the idea of a nice looking pv I could take out for the day without running out of juice or needing to refill all the time, just throw an extra tank in my purse and go. The Leo has a bigger cartridge than the 510 (which I also have) and nice long battery life. I can take it with me and not worry about refilling it for a few hours at least. A couple extra cartridges in my bag and I'm good. I hope when Leo does come out with their tanks, they do a better job with the attys than ego did.


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Jan 26, 2011
I have both the Leo and the Ego T. So far, I like them both even though they both have their ups and downs. As far as the Leo, once I started useing the blue foam and found the right size for the juice i am useing ( more foam for thinner juice, less for thicker) the wicking and leaking problems are to a minimum. The Leo has a far superior flavor, Th and vapor production.
The Ego T is a nice system. Minimal leaking and wicking problems though I still get them. The flavor is "OK". I find that lighter, thinner juise works best in the Ego. I still go back to my Leo for an all around good vape. As far as atomizers, I think they run about neck and neck. I have replaced each about the same amount of times, I am a pretty heavy vapor and use both every day. I dont think we'll ever have a "perfect" PV right out of the box, every one is going to have their problems and need a lil tweaking now and then....But this is all just my opinion.
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