Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only


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Jan 25, 2024
Among The Pugs
I managed to get my house pressure washed and spiffy two weeks ago, if the rain and drizzle would stop, I might get froggy and do the rest of the structures.


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
And finally we have a garden.

It started with 2 1/2 yards of garden soil dumped in the driveway,


Which then had to be moved to the garden


Where Janet added peat moss to the garden mix ( 1/3 each of top soil, sand, & manure)


Then finally the planting began.


And ta-da, we have a garden :)


Janet H

Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2011
Whew! Lots of running around today. At least all the places I had to stop at were pretty quick in and out trips. Well, they would have been quicker if 2 of the places didn't have 2 different entry/exit doors. I thought I parked in the aisle in front of the door... Thank heavens for AC in the car because it's 85 and humid out there while I wandered around the parking lot. Fortunately I hadn't bought any ice cream.

Now I have to finish up some laundry and have my afternoon coffee and relax until it's time to make dinner and then watch the Phillies game that starts at 6:40.

Janet H

Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2011
Great job, bro .. you obviously did not ditch all the tools when you moved .. will it need varmint protection in your new locale .. ??

View attachment 1013079
Don't think we'll have a problem with varmints since the walls are 2.5' tall. Thought we'd have lots of deer given we live off of deer drive, but we've only seen 3 since we moved in. If they dare raid the garden we'll fix it with some tall stakes with deer mesh stretched around it. No groundhogs and only a couple rabbits. So far so good.
I was able to harvest some greens for our salads he past 2 days. Don't know if the carrots and radishes will make it since we're getting them in kinda late. Next year I'll definitely get potatoes planted next year.


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, loungers.

Recurring random rain :) Still on the cool side, as well.

I was able to harvest some greens for our salads he past 2 days.

Wow, did you plant full grown ones? Seems mighty fast to already have a crop in! :thumbs:


Janet H

Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2011
The garden is mulched so hopefully I won't have to water as much and it will help keep any weed seeds that blow in from taking root with any vigor. The mulch will help keep the soil cool so hopefully it'll help extend the growing time.

My radishes that I planted 2 days ago have sprouted! I'll wait a week or so and plant another row. They're so easy to grow that I don't understand why they're so expensive at the store. Carrot seeds are lagging behind, but they're supposed to take longer. Fingers crossed that they'll make it.

The lettuce plants were at least 5" tall and a bit leggy when I planted them and I had a couple that I'd planted 2 weeks ago in the small raised garden so I got more leaves from there. I just snipped off some outer leaves and now I'll let them grow a bit before hitting them again.

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