Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, all.

Looks good, Mike. :thumb:

If you put the side planks on, it won't take as long to fill ;)


Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
I'm gonna have the best looking raised garden anywhere! Hopefully in the next day or so we'll get the soil and plants and have it all set this week.

Yesterday I met Kate to get our nails done and then we spent a couple hours shopping at Home Goods. It was so nice spending time with just the 2 of us.

It's way overcast and only 58 outside so it feels chilly.

Anybody able to see the aurora? We've had rain here ever since the beginning. The weather channel says partly cloudy tonight and tomorrow will be sunny so maybe it'll clear out enough tonight. I'm surprised we might still be able to see some of it.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I enjoyed the Prime Rib and they had a fantastic band playing. Everyone there knows about Ken and they are so sympathetic to me. They were nice to me before but even nicer now. At least I have a safe place to go and socialize. I don't drink but they have wonderful sweet tea and that is all I need.

A friend gave me some Prenizone and that has definitely helped with the Poison Oak and probably my cough a little bit. I have used a whole box of Kleenex. I'm thinking I probably lost another pound this weekend blowing my nose.

I am going to get back to the gym tomorrow (fingers crossed) and then start back on getting the house back in order. What else do I have to do?



Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
If I have nothing to do but get the house in order, I have nothing to do at all.

Around here,, there's a place for everything, and everything in it's place.

By the way, the place for everything is the dining room table.
Around here any available flat surface works.


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, all.

Seems we're done with our first summer, temps back in decent ranges for a while :)

By the way, the place for everything is the dining room table.

Around here any available flat surface works.

And many that are only slightly tilted... :lol:



ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Around here,, there's a place for everything, and everything in it's place.
For a sec, I got excited thinking there was someone a little like me. You tease!

Around here any available flat surface works.
Yeah right, I just don't see that happening. I picture your house as very organized.

And many that are only slightly tilted... :lol:
I think the only "tilted" thing around this house, . . is ME!


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Here it is lunch time and the only thing I have accomplished is making my bed and fixing a cup of instant coffee. I slept rather well thank goodness but I still feel run down. I am not coughing as bad though, so maybe it is finally getting better.

It is mostly cloudy right now and 88% chance of rain tomorrow so that is probably the biggest part of my problem today.

Since I cannot drive a motorcycle and it looks like I have a problem keeping a chauffeur, a friend suggested I trade in my Harley and get a trike. I think they are very nice for bikers who do not want to stop riding just because their knees are getting stiff. I have seen several women driving them in the charity runs that Ken took me on. Something else for me to ponder. As if I did not have enough of my small brain.
My ex bro-in-law bought one and they love it.

Hope you all are having a nice day! :wub:

Janet H

Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2011
It's been a good day to get the walls done on the raised garden. 70 degrees and sunny. It's going to be gorgeous when it's finished. We ordered he soil today and tomorrow I'm going to pick up a few bales of peat moss and of course, plants and seeds.

I enjoyed the Prime Rib and they had a fantastic band playing. Everyone there knows about Ken and they are so sympathetic to me. They were nice to me before but even nicer now. At least I have a safe place to go and socialize. I don't drink but they have wonderful sweet tea and that is all I need.

A friend gave me some Prenizone and that has definitely helped with the Poison Oak and probably my cough a little bit. I have used a whole box of Kleenex. I'm thinking I probably lost another pound this weekend blowing my nose. View attachment 1012634

I am going to get back to the gym tomorrow (fingers crossed) and then start back on getting the house back in order. What else do I have to do?

So glad you were well enough to go to dinner. It's nice to have a safe place "where everyone knows your name" especially when they have good food too!

It's pretty satisfying to get the house in order. Then you can start making decisions about where you want to move to. That could be full time job!


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Here it is lunch time and the only thing I have accomplished is making my bed and fixing a cup of instant coffee. I slept rather well thank goodness but I still feel run down. I am not coughing as bad though, so maybe it is finally getting better.

It is mostly cloudy right now and 88% chance of rain tomorrow so that is probably the biggest part of my problem today.

Since I cannot drive a motorcycle and it looks like I have a problem keeping a chauffeur, a friend suggested I trade in my Harley and get a trike. I think they are very nice for bikers who do not want to stop riding just because their knees are getting stiff. I have seen several women driving them in the charity runs that Ken took me on. Something else for me to ponder. As if I did not have enough of my small brain. View attachment 1012660 My ex bro-in-law bought one and they love it.

Hope you all are having a nice day! :wub:
How ‘bout a hot pink Slingshot instead of a trike?



ECF Guru
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Morning, all.

Back to normal temps for a while, and essentially no rain for the same while. Maybe some random, scattered and light showers, but those all appear to be not here ;)

Uh, no hot pink slingshot, Mike. Pics from Pinterest never get here...



Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Uh, no hot pink slingshot, Mike. Pics from Pinterest never get here.

hmmm, showed up when I previewed the post and showing up now in my post when I scroll back and look at it. Well here it is again.

Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 9.57.03 AM.png

Janet H

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Sep 3, 2011
hmmm, showed up when I previewed the post and showing up now in my post when I scroll back and look at it. Well here it is again.

View attachment 1012683
Funny, but I'm not having any trouble seeing the picture. I thought if anybody would have trouble it would be me. I don't understand much about computers.
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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina

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