Lounge Lizards / Misfits / Free Thinkers / Bohemians & the Forgotten :: Young at Heart Only


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
A lovely day here if you are a duck! It has rained all day. I have laid around eating beef jerky all day and did very little. I moved the clothes out of Ken's closet and it made me a little sad so I ate ice-cream!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I slept better after I finally got to sleep. It is ridiculous how long it takes me. It's like the lights go off and it's time for me to figure out every problem I have or see coming. Sheesh!

I admired Ken. He started steady breathing about 2 minutes after he shut his eyes. I need to work on that.

Not sure what the weather is going to do today but after the rainfall we had yesterday, my tomato plant does not need watering.

Hope everyone has a good morning! Hugs to all. :wub:

Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
Good morning. We had lots of rain last night so I gotta go out and empty the dishes under my potted plants on the deck. More rain expected this afternoon and night.

Yesterday I went to the local garden center and bought veggie plants and flowers and a rhododendron bush to replace a bush we had to chop down in front of the house. So much work to do outside. I just need it to stop raining!


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ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA


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    ECF Guru
    Supporting Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, all.

    Cool and cloudy, but probably no rain. Or a deluge. Guess is for scattered showers, and that usually means none or they all congregate here.

    I can see the link and the picture.

    Yup, ONLY the link, the pic is a copy and paste.



    Super Member
    Jan 25, 2024
    Among The Pugs
    You know the Vitamin D deficiency struggle is real.

    You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Sammamish, Enumclaw and Issaquah.

    You avoid driving through Seattle at all costs.

    You know what a Geoduck is.

    You consider swimming an indoor sport.

    You see a person carrying an umbrella and instantly think tourist.

    Your lawn is mostly moss and you don't really care.

    Honking your car horn is for absolute emergencies.

    You're EXTREMELY picky about your coffee.

    “The mountain is out today", isn't a strange statement.

    While Out of State you just tell people you're from Seattle since that's the only known city in Washington according to the rest of the world.

    You remember Almost Live.

    You've eaten in the Space Needle, and while it was delicious, you're never paying $150 for a meal up there again.

    You rarely wash your car because it's just going to get washed by the rain tomorrow.

    You're used to the phrase "No, not DC" when telling out of staters where you're from.

    Northface is always in fashion.

    You take a warm coat and a hat with you for a day at the beach.

    You have Mastered the Art of doing everything in the rain.

    You have had both the thought of how beautiful Mount Rainier is, while simultaneously accepting that it will someday kill you .

    You get a little twitchy if it's been more than a week since it last rained.

    You can say Humptulips, Lilliwap and Dosewallips without giggling.

    No credit given, my hands and feet are webbed.


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Apr 16, 2013
    North Carolina
    Well, I am hoping it dries up so I can get the yard mowed before the rain starts again! Sheesh! I've had enough moisture!

    I was finally sleeping soundly this morning after tossing and turning all night, and the phone rang. Grrrr
    (note to self: turn the phone off, no one needs you now)

    I hope everyone has a great day. I am going to go to Verizon to activate my new phone (yes, I could do it myself but I don't want to lose anything) and then I'm going git-r-done! :wub:

    Janet H

    Ultra Member
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    Sep 3, 2011
    Oh my word, the sun just came out! I'll see how many minutes we get of it. It was just sprinkling out there a few minutes ago and it looks like it's going to rain any time.

    So, our garden soil is to be delivered on Saturday and the family is coming over to wheelbarrow it around back to the raised garden. So today I made a big pot of meatballs for sandwiches and a double batch of cannoli dip. Not sure what kind of veggies to make. Maybe I'll just make a run to the store to pick up a couple salads. Everybody can help themselves because I've got plants to go in the garden and want to be planting, not feeding people.

    Our son is away and his wife had an opportunity to go to a concert tonight so we're picking up the boys from school today. They're having a sleepover here and we'll take them to school in the morning. It's so much easier to do this now that they're older.


    ECF Guru
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    ECF Veteran
    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, loungers.

    Another grey day, and maybe the scattered showers that were elsewhere yesterday will congregate here today. Or not.

    So, our garden soil is to be delivered on Saturday

    Waiting for the latest dirt ;)


    Janet H

    Ultra Member
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    Sep 3, 2011
    Turns out there's a 50/50 chance of rain tomorrow and the mulch place decided to deliver the soil today so we could tarp it. How nice. So, the soil got delivered and now I'm not sure anyone is coming to help tomorrow. Our son and family are going to the Phillies game on Sunday and I haven't heard back from daughter. Mike and I might be wheelbarrowing the soil around ourselves... Oh well, at least we have a whole pot of delicious meatballs so I won't have to cook.

    Mike cut out a huge bush that had been planted about 6" from the wall of the house. Looking head on it looked great, but from the side it was very obvious that it was growing at a right angle. So it's gone now and we bought a rhododendron to replace it. Mike started to dig the hole and oops, there's a 5" plastic drain leading down from the porch gutter. Yep, chopped it right in half. So, off to the hardware store for a patch. So much for popping in the new bush and being done for the day.

    So, it was a busy day. We'll see how the weekend goes. If we end up moving that soil by ourselves we'll be thrilled that the garden is done, but we'll be basking in our glory from the couch and recliner on Monday.


    ECF Guru
    Supporting Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Morning, lizards.

    Cool weather continues, as do the scattered showers that so far have been scattered elsewhere.

    Mike started to dig the hole and oops, there's a 5" plastic drain leading down from the porch gutter.

    Good it wasn't the power line!


    Janet H

    Ultra Member
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    Sep 3, 2011
    Whew. Our cat Maggie had Mike awake at 5:30 so he figured he should just get up and be a farmer. 18 wheelbarrow loads of soil and 2 bags of peat moss later we finally came in for the day. Now the raised bed is looking fantastic, but it's not quite done yet. It's raining lightly which is a good thing as it kept us cool while working. Harder rain is coming so we'll finish up tomorrow.

    I think we'll have some soil left over so I can fill my potato grow bags and try to plant some spuds. It's late for them, but I'm anxious to try it.

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