Madvapes Weekly Contest - August 1 through August 5

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We All Shine On
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Feb 16, 2013
Stuart, Florida
I echo all thats been said already, the deeming regulations are far too over reaching. I won't go further into it here, thats just preaching to the choir. But PLEASE everyone do all You can to make our voices heard and try to bring about sensible regulations.

And also thanks so much to Crowedude & and all of madvapes not only for these weekly contests, but everything that have done and will do for all vapers current & future.

I have been fortunate enough to have won two madvapes contests THANKS SO MUCH for the generous prize packages.

If this is the lucky post that is chosen as the winner I would like to PIF it to the next eligible post.

once again Thanks So Much for everything


Vaping Master
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Feb 10, 2015
I wanted to also thank you for the great contests and are saddened to see them come to an end, i, like many others, have never won but 5th put that bit of excitement in my week. I am from PA and we are getting hit no matter which way we turn.. thanks again Mad apes for your great contributions!!!!!!


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  • Feb 16, 2016
    Los Angeles, CA
    What a shame, our government attempts to regulate an industry that was doing just fine, a total debacle. But that's what lobbyist do, mess things up! I wrote letters, joined advocacy groups and made donations just like many of you did but when we're up against tobacco and pharma money it's a tough mountain to climb.

    Thank you Madvapes for your generosity and support. We won't stop here, this will be continued as they can't stop a good thing. I never in a million years thought that that other stuff would be almost legal and we'd be stymied at something that helped me quit cigarettes???
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    Senior Member
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    Dec 2, 2014
    Seriously disappointing, the new laws are affecting every aspect of vaping.

    The way the latest local B&M owner broke it down for me is that, in Oregon, the law now considers e-liquid a tobacco product. So there is no vaping in the shops, that means no more sampling juice, and no more people hanging out at the shop. His sales decreased 25%. That's give for a business.

    Good luck to you all!
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    Vaping Master
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    Dec 13, 2013
    San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
    My sentiments have been pretty well expressed in the posts.
    Just want to give a big shout out and thank to Madvapes for all their support and encouragement to the vaping community.

    Foggy Road

    Vaping Master
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    Jun 22, 2015
    This will be such a loss to the community. These contests have always been a joy to participate in.
    I am fortunate to have been a winner of the e-Huge mod/Squape RTA here barely a month after I first started vaping. The Squape was my intro to building. While the e-Huge is pretty much rediculously oversize it is my most treasured Mod. It's such a perfect performer that it set my vape/Mod style to this day. I've collected any 5-15 watt device I could get my hands on and still looking.
    I hope all this terrible mess we've had dumped on us gets worked out so you can resurrect the contests one day.

    Thank you so much @Crowedude654 and MadVapes for everything you've done and continue to do for the Vape community.


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 9, 2014
    So. MD
    I'm afraid these new "regulations" (ie, assassination) are just the tip of the iceberg. In my gut, I'm scared that vaping is the Titanic and we're Rose, "I'll never let go Jack!".

    Contests like these (thanks in large part to madvapes and crowedude) have been a source of entertainment, exploration and all around good times. I don't always enter every week, but I love checking out what's going on. The fact that my Mondays will no longer be filled with excitement and shinyitis is saddening.

    I'm still holding out hope for 2058 or some other hail Mary, and still firmly hold the belief that vaping is WAY better than my pack a day habit I had for almost 15 years.

    Through this forum and its members, I've learned how to build and how to use a mechanical. I now know how to rebuild my disposable coils, make my own juice and do basic repairs. I will continue to fight for our right to be free of combustible tobacco and will keep doing so until they drag me down kicking and screaming.


    To quote my Vulcan friend, live long and prosper. I sincerely hope this is not the end and we all meet again someday.


    Vaping Master
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    Feb 9, 2014
    MadVapes has been a generous, customer oriented business all along and I believe that the contests are only on hold until the exact scope of the new regs are understood. I see a new form of prize in the future such as "Choose any mod for $5.00" or maybe "95% off coupon codes". I sure hope I am right and the future of the vaping community continues to be a growing one.

    Thank you ManVapes for offering such fine prize for the last FREE giveaway.


    ECF Guru
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    Contest Winner!
  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Thank you very much for the contests. It is sad that it has to come to an end. I am hopeful that legal action against the FDA will help us as a community. Just in case, I have stockpiled enough for several years to come. Good luck to everyone.


    ECF Guru
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    May 18, 2012
    Texas, near Fort Hood
    I'm afraid these new "regulations" (ie, assassination) are just the tip of the iceberg. In my gut, I'm scared that vaping is the Titanic and we're Rose, "I'll never let go Jack!".

    Contests like these (thanks in large part to madvapes and crowedude) have been a source of entertainment, exploration and all around good times. I don't always enter every week, but I love checking out what's going on. The fact that my Mondays will no longer be filled with excitement and shinyitis is saddening.

    I'm still holding out hope for 2058 or some other hail Mary, and still firmly hold the belief that vaping is WAY better than my pack a day habit I had for almost 15 years.

    Through this forum and its members, I've learned how to build and how to use a mechanical. I now know how to rebuild my disposable coils, make my own juice and do basic repairs. I will continue to fight for our right to be free of combustible tobacco and will keep doing so until they drag me down kicking and screaming.


    To quote my Vulcan friend, live long and prosper. I sincerely hope this is not the end and we all meet again someday.
    Amen!!! and hope you don't mind.........I swiped your pic!! Love it!!!


    ECF Guru
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    Feb 4, 2014
    Thank you CroweDude/MadVapes for the weekly fun. I have never really won, won a PIF contest and had you send directly to the other person. I only entered on the weeks I was interested in the prize but always visited and read all the entries... that will be missed.

    We all knew regulations were coming but really don't think any thought they would be so oppressive. Then again, the government really doesn't want people to stop smoking. They really want a mandatory single government run insurance plan so they can tax at a higher rate because of how lucrative the health industry is and more completely control our lives. Healthy people tend to live longer and require less from the medical industry... that is fewer $$$ for them.

    Just makes no sense though... all the new labels on foods and calorie counts on menus because of obesity but something that could possibly help at least 25% of the population gets crucified. They did manage to put a sugar tax on many drinks in several states but the tax seems to be on the diet sodas and drinks also... still no potato chip tax though. Last I heard, almost 50% of the nation gets gov't assistance for food. Why not limit what can be bought and only healthy foods, no pop or chips or high sugar or sodium items??? Reason... they like and want as many dependent on the government. So many look at it as free stuff, not the loss of their independence...


    ECF Veteran
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    Jul 22, 2014
    South Carolina
    There are no words I can say that have not already been said. Its a Tragedy our community and freedom is being taken away by our own greedy government. But I won't even go down that route.:-x
    I just pray we will figure something out and get things done. I hope we get as many people possible to start advocating to help!

    Thank you MadVapes and @Crowedude654 for all the Great Contests!!! A very good service you have provided for us!! :thumbs:


    Vaping Master
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    Nov 30, 2013
    Flint, Michigan, United States
    The language regarding "free samples" in the FDA deeming is ambiguous and contradictory. We can only hope this fact will play an important part in litigation resulting in an injunction soon. Thank you for the contest hoping it will not be the last.


    ECF Guru
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    Aug 19, 2015
    My Mountain
    Thank you so much for the contest. It's been so cool how many giveaways we have seen in the vaping industry. Very open and generous of all the manufacturers and business owners to do these for us. Sorry to see them go.

    Today I signed a petition, and since it had a place for me to give a few words concerning why I signed, I gave a few words. I cannot remember all I said, I did mention that it is government's job to make sure trade is possible, not stomp all over our ability for commerce, and that I don't plan on living in a communist nation and something to the effect that they aren't my mother to tell me what I can and cannot do when I'm an adult and vaping is a perfectly viable option to smoking, and is the only reason I was able to quit.

    I think I will sit at some point, and write out something worded a bit better for these upcoming petitions to sign, I think giving my opinion while upset is not the best course of action, but upset I am. Just beyond shocked that they want to make trade, and jobs, and everything they are supposed to support, disappear in the name of being a nanny state. They want to regulate me more than I want to regulate my own adult children. It's beyond ridiculous anymore.

    Good luck to everyone, in this one last contest! And thanks again for the chance, and your dedication to the community! We all appreciate you!
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    Ultra Member
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    Aug 3, 2010
    That an arm of the federal government would so blatantly present ‘facts’ intended to negatively sway opinion is disheartening at best. How the FDA’s representation continues to class E-cigs as no-better-than or worse-than tobacco products is ludicrous. I can only hope that someday we will awake to a wiki-leaks exposẻ delineating internal correspondence and/or monetary links to show false manipulations of the facts.

    MadVapes has been a favorite provider over the years… got me started on variable with the old VV Box Mod, provided me with a box full of parts, and has always had top rate customer service. Thank you! May you weather the storm and find calm seas in your future.

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    ECF Guru
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    I still have and occasionally use the very first box mod I ever used. My hubby built it for me from parts bought from MadVapes. It opened my eyes to the possibilities. I am heartbroken that there are still so many smokers out there that won't have the chance we had to put the smokes behind us in such an enjoyable easy way.

    I am heartbroken because a great company like MadVapes is having to jump through almost insurmountable hoops just to continue providing the things that help to save smokers from the dangers of continuing to smoke. I wanted to take a moment to say "Thank you" to everyone at MadVapes for all you have done and are still doing to stop the madness the alphabets are throwing at us. I have seen this coming so except for being mad as he** I won't be affected but I will continue to do what little I can to fight back.

    Thank you for offering these weekly contest. I have enjoyed them immensely and will be very sad to see them end. Hopefully saner heads will prevail and these regulations will be dialed back to something sensible.

    For those that can't see my signature....Sign me Confused, Angry and Upset!!!
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