Mech mod disfigures a e-cig user, sad.

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ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
It's ironic that a guy in Arkansas got hurt by an ecig though. They have some of the toughest laws in the US. Goes to show that legislation is ineffective.


The new AR laws have nothing whatsoever to do with hardware. Hardware is not restricted or regulated in any way.

The laws only pertain to purchasing eliquid online.

I see. Are they taxing you to death?

Taxes on eliquids will go to a vote 2 years from now.
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Hans Wermhat

Vaping Master
Jun 9, 2015
it's a rarity to see a new vaper being taught anything or given any type of knowledge.
That's why I included ignorance (not stupidity) in the equation. I was trying to avoid going off on another rant about vape shop employees. But I'd bet dollars to donuts the guy has heard stories about a mod exploding before. If he didn't do some research on safety, a good portion of the fault is his.


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Jun 4, 2013
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Sep 16, 2014
Nic`d Up in Oklahoma!
In other news, ha, ha. The human conditions shortsightedness and complacency know no bounds.
Model rocket hits, kills man at Southern California Boy Scouts event

Ban ALL model rockets NOW!! Don`t be a pin cushion for a model rocket, just say no to the model rocket. And whatever you do, don`t look up you Id*&t!

I am so sick of this, story should read: "inexperienced ecig user attempts to use an advanced device and pays for his complacency with a missing tooth."

LOL, I used to drink, and I have a few missing teeth. Ban all Alcohol NOW!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 30, 2015
ON. Canada
With all due respect I highly disagree. As an experienced vaper, I've been inside more vape shops than I can count & it's a rarity to see a new vaper being taught anything or given any type of knowledge. I usually end up being the one walking up to the counter while the transaction is under way & become the one sharing the knowledge.

Yeap, A couple months ago I went to a B&M and the girl was outside having a smoke when I pulled up.... That's pretty much all I need to say...

I'd hate to be someone just starting out and testing what she would suggest...

Hans Wermhat

Vaping Master
Jun 9, 2015
You have to be trained, pass a test and possess a licence for any of those items.
You don't live near a "sanctuary city" do you. o_O If you walk into the DMV in my town with a Mexican passport, you don't even have to fill out the application for a driver's license. They will do it for you, and you get to skip the tests. I had heard stories, but didn't believe it until I saw it with my own 2 eyeballs.


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Jun 4, 2013
United States
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Vaping Master
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May 27, 2012
so ...what has changed so drastically in the last year in the vaping world that this is starting to become a common place occurrence? I mean people were using mech mods back in 2011 when I first started vaping and in 2012 mech mods were really starting to become popular, yet, this was almost unheard of. The big deal back then was mostly ego type batteries catching fire/exploding while being charged.


ECF Guru
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so ...what has changed so drastically in the last year in the vaping world that this is starting to become a common place occurrence? I mean people were using mech mods back in 2011 when I first started vaping and in 2012 mech mods were really starting to become popular, yet, this was almost unheard of. The big deal back then was mostly ego type batteries catching fire/exploding while being charged.
super low ohm's perhaps?

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
so ...what has changed so drastically in the last year in the vaping world that this is starting to become a common place occurrence? I mean people were using mech mods back in 2011 when I first started vaping and in 2012 mech mods were really starting to become popular, yet, this was almost unheard of. The big deal back then was mostly ego type batteries catching fire/exploding while being charged.

The "YouTube educated" crowd discovered vaping.

2 min video = expert training.

It's just nature taking it's course, trying to cull the dumb, for the sake of our species.


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Aug 15, 2013
East Midlands, United Kingdom
Reason why Instances are becoming more common is simple some idiot or group of idiots decided to make vaping cool uploaded a few vids to YouTube and totally refused to advise anyone watching to do some research as that would affect how cool they were. Add in bad b&m's of which there are many more then good and I'm surprised we don't see more to be honest some of the stuff just my friends were sold at shops is damn scary and annoying as I've always made it clear to every smoker I know if they ever want to switch to vaping come round and I'll go through it all with them.

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
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Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Top and bottom vents.


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Aug 4, 2010
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa
so ...what has changed so drastically in the last year in the vaping world that this is starting to become a common place occurrence? I mean people were using mech mods back in 2011 when I first started vaping and in 2012 mech mods were really starting to become popular, yet, this was almost unheard of. The big deal back then was mostly ego type batteries catching fire/exploding while being charged.
Mainly, from what I understand, it's the ohms. You can vape with a 1.5 - 3.0 ohm cartomizer more safely than a 0.2 - 0.5 ohm coil. The lower your ohms go, the battery needs to be that much better. You have to understand the limitations of the batteries and how your builds are affecting them. Plus, certain mods should not be used with certain tanks/atomizers. (ie: tanks with a non adjustable center pin should not be used on a hybrid mod because the positive battery post may come into contact with the negative sides of the tank and cause a short. Learned this from the forum AFTER I did it. Fortunately, it did not result in me blowing my face off.) With the variety of options in mods, tanks, atomizers and coil builds, there is a lot more to learn than in 2011 when we just slapped on a cartomizer or a clearomizer and vaped.

Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Mainly, from what I understand, it's the ohms. You can vape with a 1.5 - 3.0 ohm cartomizer more safely than a 0.2 - 0.5 ohm coil. The lower your ohms go, the battery needs to be that much better. You have to understand the limitations of the batteries and how your builds are affecting them. Plus, certain mods should not be used with certain tanks/atomizers. (ie: tanks with a non adjustable center pin should not be used on a hybrid mod because the positive battery post may come into contact with the negative sides of the tank and cause a short. Learned this from the forum AFTER I did it. Fortunately, it did not result in me blowing my face off.) With the variety of options in mods, tanks, atomizers and coil builds, there is a lot more to learn than in 2011 when we just slapped on a cartomizer or a clearomizer and vaped.

You mean "resistance".

And the problem is education, not resistance.

Using the wrong atty on a mech will cause a short at any resistance.



Vaping Master
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May 27, 2012
I'm not going to lie, (well about this anyways;)) I took an almost 2 year break from the online vaping community world and when I returned not long ago I was really surprised at the turn vaping in general had taken. While I love the advancement in equipment (yes I do!) I was shocked to learn it had also become (for some users) a competition sport, was being done (by some users) at super high power levels and super low ohms, in short, I hardly recognized vaping anymore.

Honestly, if I were to just discover vaping today I probably would not have taken it up, the whole culture of it has changed that much to me. While I realize the majority of vapers still use "tootle puffer" levels of gear and are not involved in the online communities it felt to me like vaping in general had really taken a turn away from simply a way to quit smoking and harm reduction in general.

I get that a lot of active community onliners are hobbiest, but, it's it really the hobbyist that have push forward these advancements that have spilled over into the general population now for the better ...and worse? Like I said back in 2011-12 people were using mech mods and they were a new advancement in gear being used by inexperienced users, because it was a new advancement in gear, yet, exploding mech mods were a rarity, why?

I feel like vaping has taken a wrong turn somewhere here and it bothers me that whenever one of these exploding events happen and someone gets hurt the online communities are quick to speculate and pick it apart jumping all over the injured party as being an ignorant newbie that got basically what they deserved for being so stupid even if those might not be the facts at all.


Ultra Member
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Aug 4, 2010
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa
You mean "resistance".

And the problem is education, not resistance.

Using the wrong atty on a mech will cause a short at any resistance.


Unfortunately, how many people realize they need education before going out and buying a mod? Little to no education comes from the people selling them either in a B&M or from a website. They might watch a couple of "reviews" on YouTube but those generally focus on the quality/performance of the gear and little to do with safe handling.

They just think, "that looks cool," and they buy it without doing any sort of research. As in the case with my Apollo clone.... Didn't realize what I was getting into until I was already there. And that was my own stupidity. If I had taken the time to look before I just grabbed at the cool shiny thing, I never would have messed with a hybrid. And if I had never stumbled onto this forum, I might have never known what I was doing was wrong/dangerous until it was too late. (Putting the Kanger Subtank Mini on the Apollo.)

Until people learn to look before they leap, there will continue to be problems like this.

And while the problem may be lack of education, the REASON for that problem is the resistance. If we wre all still using cartos and eGos, this wouldn't be an issue. Vaping has advanced. People just aren't advancing their education with it.


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Cool. I was misinformed. The laws aren't as bad as I had heard. :thumb:

Well it is kinda "bad" to not be able to use online vendors who can ship or sell to you. It certainly cuts down one's choices in the larger marketplace.

I was just saying that the new laws would not have affected this Bentonville vaper's purchase of hardware, regardless of whether he got it at a B&M or thru the mail.
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