Men with their girly fruity fake cigarettes.

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Feb 14, 2013
Pasadena, MD
Whatever works to get him off cigarettes. I have yet to run into a person that has looked down upon my decision to switch to e-cigs, but if someone had something to say I would just let it roll off my shoulders. If he really wants to do it, peer pressure shouldn't be an excuse to not do it.

But to reiterate, no one has given me a hard time and, in actuality, everyone has applauded it and asked info on the e-cig so they could get started themselves.

Best of luck.


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Feb 11, 2013
It seems as though he might be a bit doubtful of his manly hood. If ecigs made a person a sissy, im guessing dying is the most manliest thing of all? I would guess the male death rate is really high over there since males think that way?

Yeah, they die a lot. I'm guessing it also has to do with the fact that any doctor's answer to any complaint is "here, paracetamol". They also don't believe in pain killers for childbirth though, so women are equally "manly" there ^^
i'd like to point out that my OP wasn't a dark and sumber question, it was quite light-hearted :)


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Nov 4, 2012
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Diesel mechanic here. Once I got past the comments from mates about crack pipe there was a good bit of interest when they saw clouds equaling the analogs they were smoking. I also use fruit juice, a mix of blackberry and tobacco that every one says smells like the most delicious pipe they have ever smelled. My boss is now a vaper once he saw that all e-cigs are not created equal.


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Jan 7, 2013
I'm a Marine, here is my take on it:

Manliest thing a guy can do is to do what they want to whether someone else thinks it's silly or girlie or not. Don't placate them. Don't solicit their approval. Do what you want and if they don't like it, too damn bad. Very few objections can be raised that can't be effectively countered with "Yep", "I don't care" and "So?".

Examples follow.

"Quit like a man."

"I am."
"I smell peach."


"That thing taste like peach?"

"That thing looks like a sex toy."

"I don't care what it looks like."
"I think you're a wimp for smoking that thing."


Making excuses, giving reasons, that only plays into their hands. Being tough enough, manly enough, to do what you want regardless of what other people think is far more rugged...and manly than letting the opinions of others dictate what you do.


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May 4, 2010
Georgia, USA
my fellow devil dog above brings a good point....if i could introduce vaping into my battalion while i was active in the corps a few years ago and get others to pick it up. mystery makes people one really messed with me about it b/c they knew they couldn't get under my skin

now if i wanted to i'd sport a pink eGo or a big flashy vibrator...i don't's all in how he handles it


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Jan 30, 2013
Auburn, OH
I'm a Marine, here is my take on it:

Manliest thing a guy can do is to do what they want to whether someone else thinks it's silly or girlie or not. Don't placate them. Don't solicit their approval. Do what you want and if they don't like it, too damn bad. Very few objections can be raised that can't be effectively countered with "Yep", "I don't care" and "So?".

Examples follow.

"Quit like a man."

"I am."
"I smell peach."


"That thing taste like peach?"

"That thing looks like a sex toy."

"I don't care what it looks like."
"I think you're a wimp for smoking that thing."


Making excuses, giving reasons, that only plays into their hands. Being tough enough, manly enough, to do what you want regardless of what other people think is far more rugged...and manly than letting the opinions of others dictate what you do.

A man doesn't have to prove he's a man to anybody but himself.


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Dec 23, 2012
hey Peggy, if a cigalike is what he prefers just pick one up with a manual battery/button and a camo type wrap for it. No one needs to know what type of girly juice (lol) he's vaping. When the boys ask him what's with that he can just tell them he's trying to quit cigarettes and when he feels the urge to smoke he put that in his mouth and pushes the button sending an electric shock to his tongue. The fellas will be in for the vape exhaust, it's really just steam from the voltage hit in the mouth.

Dj tank

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Feb 13, 2013
Ann Arbor michigan
Manly men don't care what others think just like cool guys don't look at explosions.

Tend to agree. If he's all "manly" ... why the heck does he care what other people think. I vape a Provari...which looks like a metallic dildo to most. When my smoking friends laugh...I laugh right back and note, "I don't smell like ... anymore, and I save $300 a month in cigarette costs not to mention I can run farther and faster than you."

Is you manly man comfy with his sexuality? Sounds like he might not be. Tell him to get over it and try it out.


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    SerenityGear Leather


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    Oct 15, 2009
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    Tell him he should be more worried about his family and health than what his work buddies think. That's what ecigs are about first and foremost. Worrying about your masculinity is always due to underlying issues, I'm not pointing fingers, all of us men are built with some sort of insecurity, but putting yourself in the alpha-male category involves getting your priorities straight for yourself and those/that which matters most, and doing the right thing. If he wants to follow the herd at work, he will remain at the back of the line.
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