mod question

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Jan 27, 2013
well im thinkin with my tax chack im gonna update to a mod of some sort...i am a 1 year vapor and have been rockin the twist kanger combo for most of the time..... i am curious what mod should i get? is provari worth the $$$$ what is best cheaper closest next best thing???? i noticed by pictures most of these are vivi threaded ie you screw the tank into 510 what is best ego threaded mod??? and can i get attachment for ego threading on other mods?

any advice would be greatly appreciated i want this to be a good purchase


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Sep 7, 2012
Dallas, Texas
While I do not regret getting a Provari at the time. Now ther a bunch of APV's out there now with more options. For about 1/3-1/2 the cost you can get a Tube type VW APV. Then if you sock away some money for that day it fails then your ahead of the game. What ever you do make sure you have a backup of some kind. The provari has the advantage of being tough and a 2 year warranty if you buy the extension. But if you sock away the cost of 1 and buy one then you will likely come out ahead. I have the Provari, an aging ego twist and a new Vision VW which I like but am not sure how accurate it is with the wattage adj.. The provari had to be returned early on and was replaced in 5 days with only a one way shipping fee + insurance. I have had a twist failure also. I have only had the Vision VW for about a month now and the only problem is that it does not like the Trustfire Batteries with the PCB/safety protection. That is what I know so far. Hope this is of some help. IMO with what is out now I would not buy a Provari. You can get 3 other brands for the price of one of the big SS Provari's like I got.


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Jan 22, 2013
oceanside ca
as for threading there are adapters for that, they run about 2bucks. When it comes to mod, depends on what you want. Do you care what watts your running? How many buttons do you feel ok with? Do you wanna hook it up to computer and see your habits? etc.... Also there is ascetics. What do you want it to look like? How big or little? Colors? wood? etc.. once you have an idea what you want then we can narrow down. :)


Senior Member
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Jan 27, 2013
i have 3 twist batteries and 3 ego T batteries for backup/ and i want a tube style not far as wattage/ i have no clue i havent experimented at all, i know i vape around 4.1 volts pretty much all day on twists as far as buttons, no prob i am a gadget nerd anyways i like chrome color......

i think i should just get the provari i guess???? its what everybody is either bragging or hating on so it must be top dog? i have a week or so to keep browsing while waiting for refund from uncle sam


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Aug 10, 2012
Ptown, VA
I wouldn't say the ProVari is top dog. It is popular and I do own one. I did tons of research before buying and decided that, at my current experience level, it was the right mod for me. I am not quite ready to move to a mechanical mod.

There are other mods out there for less that offer basically the same functions. You should do some research on the Zmax, for example. Also check out some of the mechanical mods. If you want to wrap your own coils on an RBA then a mechanical is a good choice. I have avoided them so far because there is a bit of a learning curve and I am personally not ready to jump into it yet.

I have also seen that the eVic is pretty popular. Check that out as well. If you are a gadget nerd then it just may be the one for you. :)


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    All depends on what you're after, what your goals are. If you are after a more satisfing vape you need to look beyond the mod, and think about what you are using on it. If you are looking for more battery life then you need to think about size. If you are looking for more consistancy then you need to look at how well the mod is regulated. The list just goes on and on, and only you can decide what you don't like with what you are using now.

    Tell us what you are trying to correct, and then we can probably say how (or what) will correct it.
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    Ultra Member
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    Jun 2, 2011
    SW. Indiana
    The Provari is nice, it's best feature is its durability. If that is very important to you then get one. It's voltage regulation used to lead the pack but they've caught up. You can get just as good voltage regulation much cheaper. If that's most important to you the Vamo is a much better value and it will do VW also. It has native eGo threads but a Kanger won't fit it's diameter is too big. You can use an adaptor for either mod. The SS Vamo introduced some problems when it arrived they had to do with threads and springs, I think both issues have been addressed and you don't need to worry about them. The Zmax and Vamo have the same insides, it's a matter of cosmetics which you prefer but the Vamo is quite a bit cheaper. Whatever you buy I'd suggest getting the tube only and good batts and charger seperately. The batts and chargers that come in kits are usually pretty low quality.


    Senior Member
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    Jan 27, 2013
    All depends on what you're after, what your goals are. If you are after a more satisfing vape you need to look beyond the mod, and think about what you are using on it. If you are looking for more battery life then you need to think about size. If you are looking for more consistancy then you need to look at how well the mod is regulated. The list just goes on and on, and only you can decide what you don't like with what you are using now.

    Tell us what you are trying to correct, and then we can probably say how (or what) will correct it.

    the post above was meant for this quote


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 10, 2012
    Ptown, VA
    If you are just looking to try a mod and you are happy with your current setup then I would suggest starting out with one of the less expensive mods, like a Zmax. It will allow you to test the waters without breaking the bank if you don't like it. It will allow you to vary your voltage and wattage. It uses the bigger batteries for more use per charge and will allow you to test drive mods in general.

    **Disclaimer - I am simply using the Zmax for reference. There are other comparable mods out there for about the same money. Do not limit yourself to the Zmax just because that is the example I use. Take a look around the APV section to get some ideas.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 2, 2011
    SW. Indiana
    Well my main mod is my mini Provari. I got it for a number of reasons, in order of importance to me: durability, size, voltage regulation. I use mine everyday at work and it has a pretty hard life. I have to carry it in my shirt pocket so it's taken quite a few falls while bending over, crawling over and under machinery, climbing on equipment etc. it's dropped over ten feet to concrete and keeps on going. The atty wasn't so lucky. I use Pheonix clones on it and drip. I do a few minor tweaks to the atty and is awesome. I can drip 8-10 drops in it for a good long vape break or enough to last for the drive to work. I use the 18350 batts and have extras in my toolbox. I usually put a new one in at lunch break and never have any troubles. I make my coils 1.8 ohm and run them at 4v. It's almost perfect for me. I have lots of other mods some more expensive and some less but the Provari gets the bulk of the work. I take it hunting and fishing with me too. I also like the weight of it, it doesn't get top heavy when I put larger attys on it and it rides in the pocket very well.


    Senior Member
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    May 16, 2012
    i would recommend a Vamo or if you get a good sale a Zmax... that will run you less than half of the provari. i personally own a Zmax and have had no issues with it. its pretty durable and i really like it when its in VW mode.

    the Vamo seems to be a great introductory level mod as far as the price. i believe it has the same chip as the Zmax but in a less expensive shell.

    if you dont mind dropping the cash for a provari go for it... but my best advice would be to do your own research and make the choice based on features not just on reviews... provari has lots of loud fans and haters and i would hate for anyone to get something just because "its the most popular".

    good luck on your search!


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 2, 2011
    SW. Indiana
    The Vamo is a very good mod, specially when you factor in the price. It will vape just as good as the Provari. I doubt it would survive all the falls mine has taken but mine doesn't lead a typical mod's life. The Vamo is taller in all modes and lighter so it gets top heavy pretty easily. The VW is nice and works great, if you switch attys, tanks or cartos frequently it comes in really handy. The menu setup is actually better on the Vamo too. I've loaned mine out to a few people who were interested in trying vaping. Some bought their own, some bought smaller setups and some continued smoking but I planted the seed.
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