My landlord is trying to not only ban e-cigs but even owning a mod!!!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
They attached a sheet where we have to sign for the new policy, and they expect us to turn it in at the meeting

Do no sign it. You are under no legal obligation to agree to their new lease update. You do not HAVE to sign it. They cannot force you to change the terms of your original lease UNLESS you agree to do so by signing that agreement. Which they are hoping most people do out of fear.

They cannot evict you for not signing their lease update. However, they can refuse to renew your lease... Maybe. That gets tricky from state to state with government subsidized housing. Since you are living in subsidized houseing you may also be elligable for free legal help.
Please look into that. There should be a lawyer service in your area to help low income people. If you cannot readily find that information then contact a social security lawyer in your area and they should be able to tell you who can help.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I currently live in Government Housing in Illinois and recently we got a notice stating that effective in June no tenant will be allowed to smoke any substance that creates smoke. Be that cigarettes, {other stuff}, or any smoking device. And it specifically called out e-cigs.

If they suspect vaping or see a box mod I will be first warned, then fined $100, and then a third strike is possible eviction.

And to top it all of they expect all tenants to show up to a mandatory meeting to discuss this BS policy.

Not really sure what to do here. Theses are my options.

1. Ignore the rules and hide my vaping
2. Voice my opinions on vaping at the meeting.

If I do 1; I got the possiblity of eviction.
I'm pretty sure if I choose 2, they are not going to give a .... about my information.

Do I have any rights here being that I am living in Gov't Housing(assisted living)? I do pay rent after all.

Total ignorance is running this country and I am a fed up citizen!!! :mad:

Isn't it just great how the current federal administration (last 6 years) has been attacking vaping since 2009 because they believe we are all just too ignorant to lead our own lives and make informed decisions. It's just too wonderful how this administration is making our health care and vaping decisions for us so we don't have to be burdened with these type of decisions. I believe the current administration learned these valuable insights from Illinois. We are just too lucky. :facepalm:


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2015
I wouldn't attend. If confronted I would say I didnt know of it (or that I was working if they knew everyone was well aware). If asked to sign the paperwork I'd say I'm not signing anything. If asked if I smoke or vape I'd say "no".

If you dont mind having to move than go ahead and try to argue with a brick wall, but, I'd imagine the meeting is less of an open discussion as it is a forced ammendment signing. IOW, I think you have zero chance of accomplishing anything but getting yourself singled out for further attacks.


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Sep 16, 2014
Nic`d Up in Oklahoma!
Isn't it just great how the current federal administration (last 6 years) has been attacking vaping since 2009 because they believe we are all just too ignorant to lead our own lives and make informed decisions. It's just too wonderful how this administration is making our health care and vaping decisions for us so we don't have to be burdened with these type of decisions. I believe the current administration learned these valuable insights from Illinois. We are just too lucky. :facepalm:

Yap, "When men no longer fear God, they worship each other."- unknown.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 2, 2015
Charlotte, NC, USA
I would go, listen to their crap, but not say anything. If you speak up, they will find reasons to harass you. Vape quietly. If you're not cloud chasing, or vaping something stinky, they'll never know even in the event of an "emergency" visit. They do have to knock at least in case you're not decent. If you're paranoid, fans and air freshener should be enough to back you up.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I currently live in Government Housing in Illinois and recently we got a notice stating that effective in June no tenant will be allowed to smoke any substance that creates smoke. Be that cigarettes, {other stuff}, or any smoking device. And it specifically called out e-cigs.

If they suspect vaping or see a box mod I will be first warned, then fined $100, and then a third strike is possible eviction.

And to top it all of they expect all tenants to show up to a mandatory meeting to discuss this BS policy.

Not really sure what to do here. Theses are my options.

1. Ignore the rules and hide my vaping
2. Voice my opinions on vaping at the meeting.

If I do 1; I got the possiblity of eviction.
I'm pretty sure if I choose 2, they are not going to give a .... about my information.

Do I have any rights here being that I am living in Gov't Housing(assisted living)? I do pay rent after all.

Total ignorance is running this country and I am a fed up citizen!!! :mad:

You have to exercise option 2.

If you choose to not voice your opinion, you are merely setting yourself up for the 'silence means consent' argument; when people are given the opportunity to object and they choose not to, it only makes the new rules look fair and democratic


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
We own a block of apartments that we rent to the Gov for seriously disabled people.
If you rent from an individual, they can set the rules, as long as it isnt racially, sexually, or belief based bais.
If they are accepting govt money, or if its a straight up govt owned property, they cannot restrict what you do in the appt, as ling as it isnt illegal or destructive.


Ok we need a ordained person to make vaping part of their religious practice Vaply ness is next to godlyness type thing and we are all good. Nobody can stop us!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2014
Upper East TN
If the landlord is accepting govt money, he has to conform to govt regs.
They cannot be more restrictive than the regs provided by the govt entity that they are receiving money from.
So, you have to get a copy of the housing regulations from the agency that assists you with rent.
If the agency has no regulations against vaping, then the landlord cannot restrict it.

The reality, however, is different. Landlords can, and will, put restrictive leases out there, and if you have signed the lease, you will have to hire a lawyer and go to civil court.
If you dont, you will have to abide by the contract that you signed, regardless of right or wrong.
You cannot smoke in public govt places. Apartments are not public.
Also, the argument that vaping is not a tobacco product doesnt usually hold up, if the nicotine is derived from tobacco.

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
The relevant part is : "includes any electrical smoking device"

It should be clarified that ecigs are not electrical smoking devices

Good point till they change the wording.
but unfortunately if its not yours you dont have much say so other than to not be there. I guess one could argue if you live in gooberment assisted housing you should be saving your penys and dimes to get the hell out of there. You cant afford to vape but then again if someone gives someone something its not theirs any more is it. I dont think the OP has much to stand on even though its a crappy deal.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2014
I have to wonder how this would go over, housing funded by the government denying residence to an otherwise qualifying individual based on medical treatment or medication needed?

Then again, I am not so sure that it isn't just the op that is receiving government assistance.

Either way, I would be in search of somebody using such medical assistance to apply for residence there and let them refuse them based on that.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 30, 2010
Face down in the gutter, USA
They attached a sheet where we have to sign for the new policy, and they expect us to turn it in at the meeting

Nearly positive this in not legal, at least not in the state i live in, would be such a slippery slope i honestly can't imagine its legal anywhere. See below.

Do no sign it. You are under no legal obligation to agree to their new lease update. You do not HAVE to sign it. They cannot force you to change the terms of your original lease UNLESS you agree to do so by signing that agreement. Which they are hoping most people do out of fear.

They cannot evict you for not signing their lease update. However, they can refuse to renew your lease... Maybe. That gets tricky from state to state with government subsidized housing. Since you are living in subsidized houseing you may also be elligable for free legal help.
Please look into that. There should be a lawyer service in your area to help low income people. If you cannot readily find that information then contact a social security lawyer in your area and they should be able to tell you who can help.

^This. You can't just involuntarily 'amend' a lease (contract) in the middle of it, can you imagine how predatory the renting world would be if that were legal?

Also unless Illinois is different than most of the US, lower courts tend to side with tenants on most issues.

I'm nearly positive there is no way this would hold up in court, especially the not carrying part.

We're dealing with multiple legal items, that as long as they are not consumed (cigs), can cause absolutely no damage to the property.
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