My mouth is wrecked HELP STOP THE PAIN

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May 5, 2013
Naperville, IL
I like to think I know my body pretty well. If I felt this required medical attention, I'd be at the Dr. ... yesterday.

There is no doubt in my mind this is 100% vaping related. All I wanted to know is if this could be a PG reaction... or maybe a less common VG reaction that I haven't read about. I wanted to know if there was maybe a mouthwash someone could recommend or perhaps a home remedy.

There is also no doubt that all would be fine if I could just put down the ecig for a day or two and allow things to heal. I know the mouth heals faster than any part of the body but I'M SCARED I'LL GO BACK TO SMOKING!

Thanks anyway


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
My mouth is wrecked. So much worse than vapers tongue.

The roof of my mouth feels like it's shredded. My tongue hurts 24/7 like it's burnt and it tingles. Sometimes it tastes like my gums are bleeding or as if I'm chewing on tin foil. To add to that mess, it has ulcers pop up every couple days.

I started vaping a couple months ago and was loving life. No issues whatsoever with exception of occasional dry mouth. I've upped my water consumption = problem solved. About a month ago I got a bottle of ECB Cucumber Melon 18mg 50/50. It had the most intense TH ever (which I thought was strange due to the mild flavor). I vaped it all day because the flavor was so yummy I suffered through the TH and tongue tingles. The next day, my mouth was trashed. It's been a month and I haven't been able to bounce back from it. My new ADV is Virgin Vapor Organic Black Cherry Marshmallow 100%VG. I haven't vaped anything with higher PG than 50/50 since that day. Does this sound like a PG reaction? Why didn't I have any reaction before that day? I'm so confused.

Some days are worse than others but I'm terrified of not being able to vape anymore. I know I'll end up going back to smoking if I can't vape. I seriously want to cry as I type this. I can't go back to smoking, I can't!

WTH was in that cucumber melon that did this? I can 100% pinpoint it to that day. I love ECB but will never shop there again because I've tried on 2 separate occasion to write a negative review and they won't post them. How many negative reviews from others aren't posted? I have no desire to do business with a company that fudges reviews. Goodbye Dragon's Blood :( *weep*

Go see a doctor.

I'm sorry to say this, but either you are allergic to VG, PG or flavorings that were in that juice, OR there may have been too much nicotine in there, burned your mouth? It could happen


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Take a look at this thread, it's really helpful to determine what might be vaping related, and what might be related to quitting smoking. Mostly to your point:

1. Mouth Ulcers
The Quit Ulcers are a common symptom of tobacco withdrawal, affecting many quitters. The ulcers can be very painful, but there are effective topical treatment gels. It has been suggested that high-dose vitamin therapy may also be effective.

The ulcers or gum inflammation may start a week or more after tobacco cessation. They generally clear up after a few days or weeks.

It may be possible that nicotine being absorbed through the mouth can also exacerbate this, as folks using nicotine gum have experienced these mouth sores although it would need to be shown that those using nic skin patches did not suffer so commonly.

It may be that after ecig use, at first, drinking something to rinse the mouth out may help. This will get the nic (or perhaps flavorings or other materials) out of your mouth and not give it a chance to sit there and irritate your mouth tissues and make any sore worse, if this is in fact an issue.

Admin note
Note that PG is a bactericide and virucide, and used medically for that purpose, so that it is more likely to improve this type of symptom than worsen it. It is unlikely that ecig vapor from an e-liquid with PG in will affect the Quit Ulcers in any way except beneficially.

However: Cinnamon flavoring in an ecig refill is known to cause or exacerbate this problem in some people.


Super Member
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Mar 5, 2013
Los Angeles
I like to think I know my body pretty well. If I felt this required medical attention, I'd be at the Dr. ... yesterday.

There is no doubt in my mind this is 100% vaping related. All I wanted to know is if this could be a PG reaction... or maybe a less common VG reaction that I haven't read about. I wanted to know if there was maybe a mouthwash someone could recommend or perhaps a home remedy.

There is also no doubt that all would be fine if I could just put down the ecig for a day or two and allow things to heal. I know the mouth heals faster than any part of the body but I'M SCARED I'LL GO BACK TO SMOKING!

Thanks anyway

No offense, but if i even needed to post a thread with the title 'my mouth is wrecked HELP STOP THE PAIN' I would go see a doctor. within a few days.. i would not wait not a month. How do you know its not shingles? or mouth ulcers associated with quitting smoking? and after dealing with this for a month and so sure it could be an allergic reaction why did you not try 100 percent PG for a few days.. see what happens.. then try 100 percent VG for a few days and see what happens? how are we supposed to know what is happening with you when you wont look into things medically or otherwise? and how are we supposed to stop your pain? that is a physicians job. and you should have been at the doctor.. yesterday, and the day before yesterday.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I react to vg, but not with mouth irritation. Anything over 40% vg and my lungs feel heavy - that's the best way I can describe it. I don't know what symptoms others may have.

Since you know your body and you feel it's vaping related, what do you think will help? When my lungs felt heavy, I thought about what might be causing it and experimented with the vg ratio. I didn't ask anyone in the forum about it because I couldn't exactly describe what I was feeling and I didn't want someone to tell me it was my inhalation technique (or I needed to get a Vamo ;) ).

I use Biotene rinse when my mouth gets dry, but I don't know if that would be helpful with ulcers. Rinsing with warm salt water might make it feel better, but, again, a forum isn't the appropriate place for advice if you've been in pain for a month.
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Super Member
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Mar 31, 2013
Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
I like to think I know my body pretty well. If I felt this required medical attention, I'd be at the Dr. ... yesterday.

There is no doubt in my mind this is 100% vaping related. All I wanted to know is if this could be a PG reaction... or maybe a less common VG reaction that I haven't read about. I wanted to know if there was maybe a mouthwash someone could recommend or perhaps a home remedy.

There is also no doubt that all would be fine if I could just put down the ecig for a day or two and allow things to heal. I know the mouth heals faster than any part of the body but I'M SCARED I'LL GO BACK TO SMOKING!

Thanks anyway

I am sorry you are having this problem and yes it COULD be a PG or VG reaction as well as many many other things, have you been on antibiotics lately it could be a simple thrush or yeast infection easily treated with the right prescription medication this often happens after a treatment with antibiotics or can happen spontaneously . I understand that you don't want to go back to smoking but if you can go to the Dr and find out what it is, then you can make your decision on if you want to put up with it or not as well as perhaps trying allergy treatments that are available. The point is knowledge is power, find out what it is and then form your plan to deal with it, if it is the vaping then you will know and be able to make choices, if it isn't the vaping then you can deal with that and move on. No one can make you stop vaping, you are in charge......... but please go to the Doctor and find out what it is.


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Aug 5, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
Personally, I think you're just having less tolerance to PG. If you want to try self-diagnose, go purchase a bottle of VG from local pharmacy and add it to the mix you're having issue with. Use the EjuiceMeUp software and mix small batches (2-3mL) of 40P/60V and 30P/70V mixes (or even lower PG%) and see if they trigger any of the mentioned symptoms.

For me, 60P/40V is my cap for PG% (rarely you'll see someone vape 100% PG), if I vape 70P/30V, I get more of a scratchy/dry/harsh throat sensation instead of a TH, severe dry mouth, and even numbing/burning sensation on the tongue. In addition, mouth sores (treated with Orajel or watermelon frost) and pimple outbursts tend to occur in the following days. However, these symptoms are less pronounced as I lower the PG%.

Not a MD, just sharing my vaping experience. Definitely seek professional medical attention if the symptoms persist. Good luck.
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Apr 13, 2013
Phoenix, AZ. USA
Is this still going on?
Over a month? Good lord. We are not MD's, DDS or anything in the field (at least I am not).

Don't mess around with this. Go see a Doctor! If you keep putting it off it can turn into something worse (I know. Unrelated to e-cigs).

Go see a Doctor!

Maybe it is something to do with being allergic to something. We can't tell you. A Doctor can.

Go see a Doctor!

Did I mention that I think you should go see a Doctor? :)

Please do.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
Personally, I don't think the problem is coming from vaping at all. Here's my logic: You answered my post saying you have no irritation anywhere but in your mouth. If you were allergic, the irritation wouldn't just be in your mouth. It would be at the back of your throat, your throat would be sore or ulcerated and in your bronchial tubes irritated to one degree or another. Phlegm and mucous are the body's way of dealing with irritation to protect and soothe. You said you have none. This is not to say that nicotine itself which is an irritant evidenced by TH is not adding to an already existing condition in your mouth no different than something highly acidic or spicy would. That would make you think its coming from vaping since it irritates it when you do. Still, as I and pretty much everyone else has said, you need to have a doctor look at it. That's his business. He's seen it before and will know what it is. I've seen really bad mouth ulcers in a relative who gets them from stress and they didn't have it most of their life. It just appeared one day and recurred every time he got stressed. Good luck.
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Senior Member
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Jul 16, 2012
Torrance, CA
This happened to me after a few months of vaping. One day I pretty much vaped nonstop all day and noticed that my tongue was very tingly. By the end of the day, vaping caused my tongue to be extremely sensitive and felt like needles stuck in it. The next morning I woke up with a sore tongue and when I tried to vape again, it was extremely painful. I developed a sore on the side of my tongue.
I could only vape 100% No nic,unflavored VG in very small amounts only a few times a day, and had to rinse frequently with Biotine.
After a week it finally went away. If I didnt vape at all during that time, it probably would have healed faster.
I think I was just over doing it and the combination of flavoring, PG and nic constantly coating my mouth was just too much. It has never happened to me again, but I stay with at least 60/40 PG to VG and no higher than 12% nic.
By continuing to vape, you might be aggravating the problem.


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Admin note
Note that PG is a bactericide and virucide, and used medically for that purpose, so that it is more likely to improve this type of symptom than worsen it. It is unlikely that ecig vapor from an e-liquid with PG in will affect the Quit Ulcers in any way except beneficially.

As one who gets mouth ulcers from PG, I don't think PG affects anything in my body beneficially. That is becasue I have a sensitivity to it.

Again, people need to see a doctor or dentist for symptoms such as oral ulcers, tongue soreness, strange metallic tastes, etc. in the mouth, as it could be an indication of a more serious underlying medical condition.

Unless somebody here can diagnose somebody by words. :)


Senior Member
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Oct 28, 2012
Akron, Ohio
You have ulcers in your mouth causing you pain for at least month. You know your body well and it has never done this before and you don't feel this requires medical attention? I must be missing something here. Why do you feel that it doesn't need medical treatment? At this point I don't really think whether pg or vg or flavors are relevant as to cause you need to be seen by a doctor cause this could be something you cane in contact with before vapping the suspect juice and can't I'd won't know for sure unless you go get checked out.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Originally Posted by alisa1970
Admin note
Note that PG is a bactericide and virucide, and used medically for that purpose, so that it is more likely to improve this type of symptom than worsen it. It is unlikely that ecig vapor from an e-liquid with PG in will affect the Quit Ulcers in any way except beneficially.

As one who gets mouth ulcers from PG, I don't think PG affects anything in my body beneficially. That is becasue I have a sensitivity to it.

Again, people need to see a doctor or dentist for symptoms such as oral ulcers, tongue soreness, strange metallic tastes, etc. in the mouth, as it could be an indication of a more serious underlying medical condition.

Unless somebody here can diagnose somebody by words. :)

Note that this clip was not written by me. It was posted in THIS forum, in the health section, and is referenced by many others. Perhaps you should speak to the admins of the forum about it--I 'm not claiming to diagnose anyone.


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Apr 8, 2010
Independence, Missouri
I have an allergy to PG. I experience more of a swollen/sore throat like stabbing pain, and one or both my lymph nodes will swell. Every vape I take with anything higher then a 40% ratio of PG will feel like someone is jabbing a needle into my throat.

The mouth pain and ulcers you are describing are what I just went through when I quit smoking 2 weeks ago. 2 days after stopping my tongue felt like it had been burnt in several places along with the insides of my cheeks and under my tongue. Then came the sore throat because I was left with only 50/50 juice combos for a bit.

I used a non alcohol based mouthwash to help ease the pain for a little bit in my mouth while my mouth started to heal basically from quitting smoking. Basically the alkalines in my mouth were unbalanced.

Normally though these symptoms only hit people after they quit smoking literally in the first couple weeks and only affects about 30% of people who have quit.

After upping the intake of water, using the mouthwash twice a day and not chain vaping, my mouth has finally started to heal. And switching to a higher VG ratio juice pretty much cleared up the swollen throat issue in 2 days.

What you have, DOESN'T really sound like any vaping issue! A MONTH OF YOUR SYMPTOMS is NOT normal! If you stopped using the juice you think that caused these issues, your mouth should of healed up after a few days, week at tops. The fact that it keeps causing you issues, I would think this is another medical problem and I'm going to echo everyone else. GO TO THE DOCTOR OR MINUTE CLINIC!

Just my 2cents


Senior Member
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Feb 5, 2013
I'm a dentist and a surgeon - YOU NEED A DIAGNOSIS - THIS COULD BE SIMPLE OR COMPLEX -- I'm hoping its simple - THE INTERNET NOR ECF can DIAGNOSE PATHOLOGY - though there is tons of useful stuff out there in the forums to help you manage your symptoms (I'm not trying to scare u) - your symptoms could be related to serious or not so serious stuff - THE ONLY WAY TO PROPERLY TREAT YOUR SYMPTOMS IS WITHA PROPER DIAGNOSIS


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
I honestly don't understand the thought process of going online and asking for help on a medical issue :confused: I personally HATE going to the doctor but if something like, what is being described, were happening to me? You bet I would be going to get it checked!

Step 1) pick up the phone
Step 2) dial the number
Step 3) ask for an appointment
Step 4) go to the appointment
Step 5) get a diagnosis
Step 6) have the issue resolved

If it is vape related, it might be a simple thing as the base from the vendor. Change to a vendor that doesn't use the same base. Ask the vendor questions. If they don't want to divulge any info, find another one!

How much clearer do the directions need to be to the OP?
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