My new Provari BLOWS GOATS!

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Jul 10, 2013
Van Buren, Arkansas
I received my new Provari Mini two days ago and after nearly assaulting the mailman to get my hands on it, I installed a fresh battery and started vaping.

The title of this thread is complete hogwash...I LOVE this Provari. It is absolutely amazing...without question, it is very well worth the investment!

Ann and I had to attend a workshop (Special Ed programming workshop) in Little Rock all day Monday. We traveled to LR on Sunday with the hopes of geocaching all day but were let down when the weather did not go our way. We relaxed all day at our hotel, went to bed early and had a good night's sleep.

I was awoken by my package tracking app on my phone and to my Provari was in Van Buren scheduled to be delivered later that day. Oh my gosh...noooooooooo! Our workshop was supposed to last until 4:00 pm. Our Post Office pick up window closes at 6:00 pm on the week days. There was not much hope in having this Provari in my hands at the end of the day.

Man...I could hardly concentrate during the workshop sessions. I kept trying to talk Ann into slipping out early so that we could get home before 6:00. She would not hear of that nonsense. I had surrendered to the fact that I was going to have to exhibit some patience. OMG!

The worm began to turn...our last workshop ended early. I hurdled the chairs and pushed by all the good teachers while throwing my workshop reflection & evaluation to the appropriate officials. I snatched my certificate from another workshop official and pulled Ann out the door.

We jumped in the car and I broke every traffic law known to man on the way home. We drove 165 miles in 1 hour and 50 minutes. I spotted a mailman close to our house...ran up to his truck and asked him if there was still hope in receiving my much anticipated Cadillac of APV's. He said there may be a slim chance left. I rounded the corner and noticed there was no pick up notice in my mailbox!!! OMG...I was going to get it today!

10 minutes later, I jumped my mailman...signed my signature and yep...I got my Provari!! I love it.

Now...back to the goats. When can I expect the Provarinati to show up in black robes to initiate me into the club? I wanna join!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Congratuations! Initiation rites will be forthcoming at an upcoming date yet to be determined by our honorable Provarinati Princess herself. Prepare yourself by fasting and meditation while chanting "lumen sees totus".

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Oh you kids and your new fangled slang! I saw the title and assumed "Blows Goats" was a bad thing. In my day, despite being oxymoronic, "Blow" and "Suck" meant the same thing - well, actually I guess they still do in some contexts, but in general we meant it was bad.

So, currently, if something "sucks" is it also a good thing? I still haven't gotten used to "sick" being positive. I don't want to sound like I'm passing judgement, but why don't people invent words or at least use archaic ones, rather than using a word that meant something else 1 year ago? Wouldn't this be more interesting?

"I just got my Zombie ProVari!"
"Zounds, it is pulchritudinous!"

Irrespective of my little rawr,




Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 10, 2013
Van Buren, Arkansas
Oh you kids and your new fangled slang! I saw the title and assumed "Blows Goats" was a bad thing. In my day, despite being oxymoronic, "Blow" and "Suck" meant the same thing - well, actually I guess they still do in some contexts, but in general we meant it was bad.

So, currently, if something "sucks" is it also a good thing? I still haven't gotten used to "sick" being positive. I don't want to sound like I'm passing judgement, but why don't people invent words or at least use archaic ones, rather than using a word that meant something else 1 year ago? Wouldn't this be more interesting?

"I just got my Zombie ProVari!"
"Zounds, it is pulchritudinous!"

Irrespective of my little rawr,



Well...I am surrounded by teenagers all day long...I guess you can say I am "tuned in" to our youth. :)

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Well...I am surrounded by teenagers all day long...I guess you can say I am "tuned in" to our youth. :)

While I appreciate what appears to be an effort to present yourself as a peer to your young charges, I'm disappointed that someone in your position wouldn't choose instead to set yourself as an example. I hope to God you're in the Athletics department.


ETA: I apologize for my harsh words. I am frustrated with society in general and regret taking it out on you personally.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 10, 2013
Van Buren, Arkansas
While I appreciate what appears to be an effort to present yourself as a peer to your young charges, I'm disappointed that someone in your position wouldn't choose instead to set yourself as an example. I hope to God you're in the Athletics department.


I didn't want to point this out earlier...but I am afraid you missed the fact that the title was a hook. Apparently it got your attention and therefore was successful. You were correct...blows was used in a negative way. :p

Nope...not a coach. I teach Science and Social Studies. Are you a teacher? If so, I certainly hope you don't teach reading comprehension! LOL

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I didn't want to point this out earlier...but I am afraid you missed the fact that the title was a hook. Apparently it got your attention and therefore was successful. You were correct...blows was used in a negative way. :p

Nope...not a coach. I teach Science and Social Studies. Are you a teacher? If so, I certainly hope you don't teach reading comprehension! LOL

I love it! Do you have a class in Social Darwinism! :)


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2013
Van Buren, Arkansas
I love it! Do you have a class in Social Darwinism! :)

Well...I have survived being surrounded all day long by teenagers in the public school system for almost a decade. Does that count as survival of the fittest? If so, maybe I could qualify to teach that class!

Don't worry ma'am...I am a really good boy all day long. Our future is in good hands within my classroom walls!


Ultra Member
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Apr 4, 2013
in the cat toy aisle
That is one friggin hilarious post!!! Congrats!!! I also chased down my mailman, but my description of said event was sorely lacking compared to yours!! WELCOME!! :D

I received my new Provari Mini two days ago and after nearly assaulting the mailman to get my hands on it, I installed a fresh battery and started vaping.

The title of this thread is complete hogwash...I LOVE this Provari. It is absolutely amazing...without question, it is very well worth the investment!

Ann and I had to attend a workshop (Special Ed programming workshop) in Little Rock all day Monday. We traveled to LR on Sunday with the hopes of geocaching all day but were let down when the weather did not go our way. We relaxed all day at our hotel, went to bed early and had a good night's sleep.

I was awoken by my package tracking app on my phone and to my Provari was in Van Buren scheduled to be delivered later that day. Oh my gosh...noooooooooo! Our workshop was supposed to last until 4:00 pm. Our Post Office pick up window closes at 6:00 pm on the week days. There was not much hope in having this Provari in my hands at the end of the day.

Man...I could hardly concentrate during the workshop sessions. I kept trying to talk Ann into slipping out early so that we could get home before 6:00. She would not hear of that nonsense. I had surrendered to the fact that I was going to have to exhibit some patience. OMG!

The worm began to turn...our last workshop ended early. I hurdled the chairs and pushed by all the good teachers while throwing my workshop reflection & evaluation to the appropriate officials. I snatched my certificate from another workshop official and pulled Ann out the door.

We jumped in the car and I broke every traffic law known to man on the way home. We drove 165 miles in 1 hour and 50 minutes. I spotted a mailman close to our house...ran up to his truck and asked him if there was still hope in receiving my much anticipated Cadillac of APV's. He said there may be a slim chance left. I rounded the corner and noticed there was no pick up notice in my mailbox!!! OMG...I was going to get it today!

10 minutes later, I jumped my mailman...signed my signature and yep...I got my Provari!! I love it.

Now...back to the goats. When can I expect the Provarinati to show up in black robes to initiate me into the club? I wanna join!



Information Tragedy dOOd
ECF Veteran
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May 4, 2009
The State of Confusion
I am glad you were able to catch the mailman...

If you read though the posts I had an equally exciting experience, only my mailman alas no longer works for the USPS...:evil:

You see he was one with the dark side and coveted my Provari; alas he was unaware that he was pilfering from Provapeus Maximus! :vapor:

Needless to say I had to contact the gods at Provape who reshipped my order via UPS, someone who can actually deliver a package!

It was worth the toil!
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