NaturalNews eCig article

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
Phillipsburg, New Jersey
yea i read that and stopped following the page as a result. if i wanted to read crap i'd follow alex jones.

how hypocritical considering that site pretty much advocates the smoking of "green stuff" (which could be laced with anything) and eating honey instead of going for chemotherapy yet e-cigs are a bad idea?

and just yesterday they posted-

New study: nicotine dramatically improves and normalizes failing memory in elders

Learn more: New study: nicotine dramatically improves and normalizes failing memory in elders

its garbage and every p.o.s. piece of fear propaganda we've all heard from day 1 rolled into one article.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2011
Ahhhh , no 'likes' for our friend Electricman :(
The NaturalNews Network is not for sale, and does not accept money to cover any story (or to spike it). We are what the news industry used to be, before it sold out to big business.
From the 'about us'.
What? was news made up on the spot before it sold out, because this piece looks like that.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2010
Well, guess who just commented on this article? Indeed, "copy and paste" Electricman.

Great article. Yes these addicts are trading one terrible addiction for another one that could be worse then smoking itself.The only people claiming this drug addiction is safe are the ecigger addicts who like any other addictions ...., coke, ......, nicotine look for any little meaningless bits of information on why their drug addiction is safe.

The only acceptable safety standard for a non-essential recreational drug with potential to harm bystanders is conclusive proof by independent research that passive exposure to e-cigarette vapour is “as safe as or safer than not being exposed to it at all.” NOT some junk posted by casa(Consumer Addicts Should Advocate Addiction) who profit from your addiction and would like to addict your family and children to this dangerous addiction.

And e-cigarette proponents alone bear the entire burden of proving their product safe for use around others by this standard. The public does not owe it to them.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
It is a hit piece that is advocating extreme government control by way of a sensational headline. Old tactic used over and over to sway public opinion. While people have wised up, unless someone does something to counter these, they will work given enough time and enough exposure.

We should have had youtube videos debunking this junk. Those videos should have had 100 million views by now.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2011
Louisville, KY
Not sure if anyone else reads Natural News articles ...

This article just blew any credibility for me. :facepalm:

Liquid Web | Dedicated Server, Managed Dedicated Servers, Web Hosting[/url]. naturalnews. com/034619_e-cigarettes_nicotine_ingredients.html

It has always been a crackpot website. A lot of doomsday scenarios, a lot of contempt for science, and a lot of paranoia.

Many of these are their "most popular" stories right now:

"America's farmlands to be carpet-bombed with Vietnam-era Agent Orange chemical if Dow petition approved"

"Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water"

"14 signs that the collapse of our modern world has already begun"

"Swimming in the Ocean? Beaches Could Harbor MRSA Superbugs"

"Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities"

"Michigan seeks to impose financial martial law"

"Juicing medical ......... the latest trend in amazing cures"

"No longer just theories: The top 10 conspiracy facts of 2011"

"Pixels don't lie: Proof that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery"
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