Nazamataz's LoonGTotem Review

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
that cart holds 8 mg of nicotine at most.. twenty cigs have 26 mg.. simple maths say it cant gonna deliver the twenty cig amount of nicotine..

No, that's hte one downside to hte device, and a pretty serious one at that- loong states they will come out with higher nic but so far haven't seen it yet- they can make special orders, but it's cost an arm and leg (gotta order 5000 I think)

But hten again, most cartridges start out with 24 mg for hteir high, but it's my belief that they quickly lose hteir nic content and don't go all day either- so we're back to havign to refill any device just for hte nic content & I'd rather refill these small ciggs that give off great vapor than refilling my SmartFixx penstyle and and getting a jaw ache tryign to get decent vapor from it- I just like hte form factor of the loong better that the penstyles, and you won't find any mini that produces vapor liek hte loong- at least not yet I don't believe. I just wish it had a soft Cartridge instead of rigid container- but I spose that's not really possible

About hte battery- I'mgetting 3+ hours of heavy smoking- perhaps not quite as long as my SmartFixx batteries but certainly not too bad, but that could change I spose as they get oldr.

And Nope- the Strawberry flavor didn't come out in my Philly Blunt juice :( But hte liquid does have a nice tobacco flavor & hopefully some good nic in it


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
No, that's hte one downside to hte device, and a pretty serious one at that- loong states they will come out with higher nic but so far haven't seen it yet- they can make special orders, but it's cost an arm and leg (gotta order 5000 I think)

But hten again, most cartridges start out with 24 mg for hteir high, but it's my belief that they quickly lose hteir nic content and don't go all day either- so we're back to havign to refill any device just for hte nic content & I'd rather refill these small ciggs that give off great vapor than refilling my SmartFixx penstyle and and getting a jaw ache tryign to get decent vapor from it- I just like hte form factor of the loong better that the penstyles, and you won't find any mini that produces vapor liek hte loong- at least not yet I don't believe. I just wish it had a soft Cartridge instead of rigid container- but I spose that's not really possible

About hte battery- I'mgetting 3+ hours of heavy smoking- perhaps not quite as long as my SmartFixx batteries but certainly not too bad, but that could change I spose as they get oldr.

And Nope- the Strawberry flavor didn't come out in my Philly Blunt juice :( But hte liquid does have a nice tobacco flavor & hopefully some good nic in it

only a 1ml cart has the rated level naz.. 24 mg is 24. mg per ml.. a 901 mini will only have 12mg.. a super mini 6mg.. with 16 mg liquid it would be 8 and 4..

a super mini would need at least six carts to equal twenty real cigs..

i recon loong totem quote what is in the cart else the stuff would be next to useless..

assuming the cart is .5 ml i recon its 16mg per ml stuff thats in there.. 16mg is the normal high.. 24 is super high..

its like this cos the classic did hold 1 ml..


ps.. e-cig quote 1 ml of the 24 mg liquid as being the same as 7 real cigs.. they say two to three ml per day to keep a twenty cigs a day man happy..
Last edited:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
OK just a bit of update/impressions

Taste- meh- nothign to write home about, but I don't mind the taste, or lack thereof

Refilling- Will work for a little bit, but as you'll see below, haven;'t had a lot of success with it yet really

Cart life- Not getting hte cart life that others state that they are getting- I get perhaps a whole day, and that seems to be about max for me for some reason- I think it's because of how I'm smoking hte device though- I'm taking double and even tripple draws to get good hits that I can feel a bit in the back of throat, and just a bit in lungs, and to produce stormclouds of vapor. I believe I'm drying out my cartridg or at least the small bit of wrapping that surrounds the coil (which is then wrapped by a larger piece of cotton- I forgot to take hte picture of hte smaller piece of cotton that is wrapped aroudn hte coil)- This smaller piece of cotton is the part that I've noticed several times now burns out, even htough the larger cotton wrap is still wet. I'm still not sure if htere is any 'fiber' inside hte coil itself, but so far, after taking three burnt atomizers apart, I've found no sign of any fiber inside hte coil itself, just hte burnt small wrapping around hte coil, and dependign on how severe hte burn progressed, holes in the larger cotton wrapping as well.

I did try refilling one of my cartridges long before it started 'drying out' (I put that in quotes, because the larger cotton is always still wet, but hte innder small cotton wrap is what I believe is drying out), but this did not seem to prolong the life of hte cartridge one bit, and hte refilled liquid did not seem to produce as much vapor, and I had to 'work' the cigg more to get good vapor. It does not look like I'm goign to get anywhere near 3 days off a cartridge, unless I find a way to prevent the smaller cotton from dryign out prematurely. Perhaps refilling every couple of cigg's worth of vaping woudl accomplish this, but hten I'm spending an arm and leg on eliquid, so I'm defeatign hte purpose of savings there anyways.

I have discovered a smoking technique with these loongs that I find works very well. A VERY quick primer puff, and I mean VERY quick, less than 1/4 second puff, will get thigns sizzling inside, then quickly begin an inhale, and then inhale again after light goes out quickly for another 3 seconds- this gives a nice hit to back of throat, and lungs, and produces a lot of vapor, especially when battery is fresh, and cart is fresh, and works well when hte battery is going down too- single hits when battery is goign down don't work too well I've found, especially if you don't give it a very quick primer.

Battery life- Still getting 3+ hours of heavy use (as you'll note, I'm a heavy Esmoker to begin with, but I'm also doubling and even trippling the heavy use by double and tripple drawing, and I'm taking 20 and 30 double or tripple hits every 15 to 20 minutes or so- sometimes a bit logner, sometimes a bit less- might take a 1/2 hour break between vaping sessions), and hte battery is still lasting 3+ hours to where I can't get good vapor anymore. The battery will produce fairly good vapor almost ot point of being totally drained to where hte battery starts flashing when I draw on it and can't get any vapor.

While hte bttery life isn't great, it's not too bad, and my second battery will be ready to go when the one I'm using drains usually- I haven't had to wait for one to finish charging while the one I was using was totally drained yet- but I woudl imagine as the battery gets older, and hte performance drops, I'll be stuck while waiting, unless I get another charger and batteries.

The one htign about hte batteries though is that while fresh off hte charger, they work really well, but it quickly starts workign less well, and wil lreamin that way until drained. I would say I get probably 6-7 ciggs worth of vaping where it's workign like it's real fresh battery, then the performance drops off slightly until it drains a couple of hours later- but it's not too bad- the draw is still easy, and still gives great vapor, just not as 'great' as when fresh off hte charger- but htne again, all batteries are liek that- would just be nice ot have them last logner with htat fresh off charger performace to them I guess.

ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
naz.. swap then over more quickly.. if the battery is only half flat the charge time is only half.. the flatter the battery the longer the charge time..

the batter will also live longer.. they prefer shallow charge/discharge cycles to deep ones..

jeesh i should f-cking charge for all this information i dole out.. he he he


I've tried both of these ways on various items and doesn't really make any difference in fact it's done the opposite and shorten battery life in some cases.
But I will say it is only from personal experience and I don't need to know or want to know physics and science on batteries thank you.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008

I've tried both of these ways on various items and doesn't really make any difference in fact it's done the opposite and shorten battery life in some cases.
But I will say it is only from personal experience and I don't need to know or want to know physics and science on batteries thank you.

so why comment.. u dont know and dont want to know.. lithium batteries prefer shallow charge/discharge cycles.. there is no need to run thru the full cycle every time.. u can keep your silly head in the sand if u like.. i was talking to naz.. u are simply a lost cause..



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Well it appears I spoke too soon- the current Cartridge I'm using has been smoking away quite nicely for about 27 hours now (although 6 of those I was sleeping) with frequent refilling- it hasn't htreatened to 'burn out' with little hints of burnt flavor liek hte others did, and it's still producing vapor like a steam locomotive- but with refilling, I do find I have to smoke it the way I described last night- a very quick puff, sizzling starts, then a few quick puffs, and hten longer inhale- refilling for some reason just smokes a bit different than a prefilled Cart- I can just take a steady long drag without the quick prime/sizzle, but it doesn't produce quite as much vapor that way when I refill- the prfilled Carts I can just take a logn drag or double drag, and it will give great vapor.

I think I might just have smoked my previous Carts too dry before refilling, and it caused the tiny wrap around hte coil to burn- We'll see how long my present cart will last- maybe I'll get a few days refillign if I'm carefull (yeah right lol- I smoke em like a vapor fiend lol)

I'm goign to trust you Trog, and plop the batteries in before I completely drain them- I've heard peopel claim both ways are the proper way, fully drain, not fully drain, but I just don't know which is correct, but will trust your advice on this and see what happens. I do leave hte batteries in the charger overnight- is htere a big risk of fire doing htis?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
onoua- Sorry- I didn't see your question yesterday- Would i recommend? that's a tough call- I liek the cigg quite a lot, and don't mind hte taste at all UNTIL it starts to burn out, then it's a different story- it tastes awful (but mind you, traditional penstyles taste awful too when they go through hteir automatice cleaning cycles). I'm still early in using this, so I'll know better as the days go by whether I would recommend htis- IF I can make hte carts last a day or more longer with refilling, then yes, I'd gladly recommend hte product, with a note though about short battery life (but with another note that most mini ciggs have terrible battery life as well).

My recommendation right now, early on, is that if you'd liek to try the loong, then order two extra batteries and another charger- spend the money now, and you'll be happier and savem oney in hte long run I believe.

The vapor is quite light if you only do a single draw, but you can get a better throat hit and lung hit if you double and tripple draw, but you also dry out hte cartridge faster doign htis I believe. But be aware, single drawing is a quite light hit- much lighter than other minis- but you have hte added advantage of having hte cartridges last alot longer than traditional minis.

Refilling the cartridges is a much easier, cleaner job than refilling penstyle as you're not havign to handle the cartridge aat all- just pop out hte white foam end plug, drip and opop plug back in.

If you are looking for a mini cigg, then the loong gives the absolute best vapor clouds in any mini cigg out htere to the best of my knowledge. You won't be dissappointed if vapor clouds are your goal- if you're looking for taste htough, I can't recommend the tobacco cartridges, but I have no idea what hte other flavor cartridges tasdte like- hopefully better than hte tobacco ones (although I don't mind the taste- but it's very light)

Buying replacement parts is goign to be quite expensive, and I'm taking a risk- if I buy two batteries, and htey are bad, I'll be stuck paying another $50 shipping just to return them and get working ones

If you're not comfotable spending around $300 for basic kit, extra batteries and charger, then htere are much cheaper minis on the market- the 901 being probably the best, but be aware, you'l be refillign hte cartridges quite often htroughout hte day- somethign I didn't want to do- I wanted a cartridge I just pop in and forget abotu for a day or more- perhaps refilling only twice a day at the most.

I also wanted atomizers that I could just htrow away when htey go bad- that was perhaps my main goal with buying hte loong.

I put a cartridge in last night at 11:30, and it is still going very strong nearly 24 hours later- I've refilled it only 3 times in htat 24 hours too- with other minis there is no way you are goign to get that kind of performance or clouds of vapor.

And it really is just like smoking a real cigg- minus the nicotine hit you woudl get from real cigg- but if this is what you want fro man ecigg- you can refill much more often- I just don't care to and am content seeing clouds of vapor, as I do suppliment my esmoking with smoking real ciggs to get hte nic.

Sorry forl ong reply, but I think these are the key important points when deciding what to buy- hope they helped answer your question a bit better.

Basically, if you're more concerned with vapor and how long a cartridge lasts, and like hte idea of throwaway cartridges/atomizers, and l;ike the cosmetics of a mini cigg better than the penstyles, as I do, then yes, I'd highly recommend the loong

IF however, you're after a strong htroat hit, strong feeling in the lungs, and long battery life, then no, I'd probably recommend somethign else, or suggest buying the loong and refillign much more often with high nicotine content smoking juice


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
SmartFixx Penstyle (or most penstyles) Vs. LoongTotem V-9

Hands down this goes to the LoongTotem- but there are times where I can triple draw on the penstyle and get a cloud pretty close to the loong- however, it is not nearly as copnsistent as the loong. The loong just keeps going and going with good strong cloud vapors- provided you keep the battery pretty fresh

Vapor hit
This category has to go to the Penstyle. The loong is just too light a hit, unless I go to the triple draw, deep inhale, which I don't particularly like having to do- I don't really care to work so hard for a good hit- however, the Penstyle quickly loses it's throat/lung hit capabilities after a few ciggs worth of dragging. So it's really a toss up in this category- both are quite weak the loong just starts off weak with a fresh cart, while the penstyle gets weak fairly quickly. The only difference is that you can refill the Penstyle & bring hte hit back up a bit, while refilling the loong doesn't seem to improve the throat/lung hit much- perhaps a little, but certainly not as noticeable as with the pan

Cartridge Life
Hands down the loong beats out the penstyle for prefilled cartridge vapor producing length. I've had some penstyle cartridges last all day before, but never longer than 14 or so hours of vaping. The loong will easily surpase this by double, and with hte penstyle, the length of vapor production from cart to cart varies widely- the loong carts have been consistent long vapor prducing times.

Battery Time/Charge Time
Well- We're talking two different animals here- the Penstyle batteries certainly outlast the mini batteries, but again, the loong is a mini- and most minis from what I can tell don't fare well in battery length time. This one has to go to the penstyle- outlasting the mini by a couple of hours. With a good penstyle battery, I can vape for about 4-6 hours, whereas the mini I'm only gettign 2-3 (Note, I'm already gettign less than 3 hours now, and it's only been a couple of days use on my batteries). I am looking into making an adapter to fit a penstyle battery onto the loong cartridge, but this will cut down on the form factor, which I won't be too thrilled about. (Another note- the penstyle batteries only last 4-6 hours for abotu 2 weeks, then they too start dropping off to about 3-4 hours tops). The chargetime takes longer on the penstyle- abotu an hour longer- I can switch out my loong batteries right about the time one runs out the other will be ready to go. I can do the same with the penstyle, but that's because the batteries last logner too.

This one goes to the penstyle. I only have the tobacco 'flavor' cartridges for the loong, and I am not impressed with the taste- or should I say 'lack thereof'. There's just no real taste- and if anything, a plastic like taste. When I refill the cartridge with a couple of drops of Johnson Creek tobacco flavor juice, the plastic like taste dissappears, but there is no real flavor that comes htrough, and the plastic like taste does come back when hte J.C juice wears off. I don't really mind the loong taste, as it's not overpowering, but it could really really stand an improvement. Soem have said the flavored cartridges from loong do taste better- will order some coffee flavor carts next I think to give a better evaluation later on- but so far, the penstyle beats the loong when the penstyle carts are fresh- when they get down a bit htough, they too become flavorless.

This one has to go to the Loong. With a few exceptions like hte Janty Kissbox perhaps, and some other penstyle brands, most penstyles I think have a draw that just isn't as easy as the loong. I could be wrong, as I haven't tried anyrthing but the SmartFixx and one of Cashme's atomizers, but I'm just going by how easy the loong is to draw, and guessing that most penstyles just won't compare- I'm also goign by videos I've seen showign peopel demonstrating various penstyles, and how they have to go fish-faced to varying degrees to get a good vapor draw- With hte loong, I've never had to go fish-faced- The loong really is just as easy as takign a drag off a real cigg- it's just a nice smooth easy draw.

Draw time
This one definately goes to hte penstyles. The loong can only draw for about 3 seconds, whereas the penstyle I have can draw for several seconds, but, unlike hte penstyle, the loong isn't hindered by any wait time- light goes out, you can immediately take another inhale, and it works well with double and even triple drawing without havign to wait for light to stop blinking like on the penstyles

Hands down- the loong beats the penstyle- one goes bad- meh, big deal- chuck it, pop another one in. One gets tasting bad? Don't even mess with it- just pop new one in. This is perhaps the best feature of hte loong. With hte penstyle, you're forced to try to baby along atomizers, either that or buy a bunch of innexpensive ones from Cashme at and just smoke htem until they get weak. You can buy 5 for less than $50 from Cashme, and 100 carts for about $50, which would be = to paying $100 for 50 carts (that would last the = of 100 penstyle carts or more) plus $55 for shipping from loong. This brings me to my next category- Cost

So cost wise, we're talking about $50 less for hte penstyle (at htree carts per day) for one month (or two- depending on your smoking style and how many carts you use per day) whereas the loong 50 carts could conceivably take you through 4-5 months dependign on how long you can keep one goign with refilling. If you use a full cart every day, it's almost 2 months of vaping for abotu $150 (provided you don't need to replace batteries) The penstyle for about 2 months will cost you anywhere from $200 to $350 depending on how many atomizers and cartridges you go through (Figuring 5-7 atomizers and 200 cartridges and smoking 3 cartridges per day). I'm just judging by how often my SmartFixx atomizers crapped out on me and how many I've had to get to replace them- Cashme's atomizers might just last longer- so you may not need quite as many as in my figures.

Form Factor
No question- The loong is king here. For htose like me that wanted a real cig sized device, the loong delivers very nicely indeed. I really feel like I'm holding a real cigg in both my hands and when I keep the cigg in mouth like now while typing- it just feels natural, and certainly satisfies the need for a device that feels liek a real cigg. I also feel like I'm carrying a real cigg when walking in public, and not some gommy long pen-like device like hte penstyle. People are more apt to glance and think you're smoking a real cigg than to look and think you're wierd for smoking a pen. It just feels more natural in all situations. The only improvement I think could be made is a softer filter like cartridge- the hard plastic mouthpiece is just the only downside- I take that back- the other two minor downsides are hte fact that it doesn't 'burn down' liek a real cigg, and it doesn't produce rsidual smoke like a burnign cigg- but htose are the price we pay for switchign to esmoking lol

It might sound liek I'm being a loong fan, but trust me, I'm not- I still think the penstyles have some important stengths over hte loong, and to be honest, I'm not sure which I want to do- buy more carts and batteries from loong, or buy a couple of atomizers from Cahsme and some more carts and batteries for my penstyle. I'm honestly torn between what to do at htis point. I love hte easy draw, the form factor, and the copious clouds of vapor of hte loong, but I also don't want to spend a fortune just gettign hte loong set up and ready to go for awhile either. I'm not sure how long my current 2 batteries will last, and if I'll need 2 more, 4 more, or what. If they can last a month, I'll be happy, but if htey crap out in a week, or week 1/2, then it certainly won't be worth it to continue with hte loong in my opinion simply because of hte price of htem and hte price of shipping.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Very nice comparison, Naz. An important point for me -- with many things -- is that it doesn't have to be all this or that, black or white, true or false. Why not "all of the above"? Why not a pen style and a disposable?

I've come to enjoy my Janty pen style a great deal and have no intention of ever giving it up. But I'm a believer that disposables are an important part of e-smoking's future. So I'd opt for a pen style AND a disposable, alternating use as I desired. In fact, I think it's all wrong to rely on a single device. A failure of that device might send a user back to real tobacco.

Many e-smokers with a little experience end up buying more than one e-cig. Your comparison shows us the merits of different styles. Want my perfect world? A pack like the new Health model I'm testing with disposable carts; a pen style I can drip with heavy flavor liquid; a disposable full-size, heavy flavored cigar; a decent, refillable e-pipe.

Why choose one when you can have 'em all?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Hi TB- good point, and that would be my recommendation to those hwo can afford both, but I wanted to compare the both for those who are thinking abotu which one to start with, and concidering hte high cost of hte loong, I wanted folks to be aware of hte strengths and weaknesses of both designs to better be able to make a descision on which E-Cigg to start with. In my honest opinion, I think the loong is lamost there as far as disposable, but I think it's just too expensive at htis point conciderign both the battery price, (and hte fact that I suspect they won't last too long) and the shipping charge.

I also wanted to give hte strengths and weaknesses for htose that really want a small form Ecigg instead of penstyle, and aren't sure which small form mini to go with. I'd highly recommend this one over other minis for hte reasons I state, but again point out hte high cost to get started.

If we could find an alternative battery that would fit, be much less expensive, and not have high hipping charge, I would heartily recommend the loong as either a secondary esmoking device, even concidering hte high price of hte kit to get started, or as a primary smoking device. My bro and I are tryign to design a step down adapter so I can use my penstyle batteries, and if I can manage one, I'll be quite happy with hte loong, although I still can't get them to refill past 30 hours maximum- for some reason it works real well refilling for quite an umber of hours, but hten all of a sudden, it just starts not producing good vapor anymore- I'm not sure what's goign on inside to make it just give up liek that- the atomizer is still cooking well, but it's like it just gets gummed up or something- not sure if I'm over-saturating the cartridge or what.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Want my perfect world? A pack like the new Health model I'm testing with disposable carts; a pen style I can drip with heavy flavor liquid; a disposable full-size, heavy flavored cigar; a decent, refillable e-pipe.

yup- I'd love a great pipe for when I'm on the computer- but it would have to be lighter than current pipes so I could hold it in mouth while typing, and I'd love a great cigar with a squishy mouthpiece, and great vapor and nic hit that could last approx. 3 days and cost $5 apiece :) I'd be one happy camper then :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
OK- After using htis for awhile now, My recomendations on the product have changed a bit.

First, I can only recommend this product IF you are a light smoker, IF you want a cartridge to last more than a day. I have not been able ot get a cartridge to last more than 30 hours (-8 hours for sleeping). I've tried everythign I can think of to get more out of a cartridge, and just can't do it.

Secondly, I'd only recommend this IF you're not worried abotu the paper/cotton or whatever it is, burning! Almost every cartridge I've had has burned out on me, and the flavor and shorching heat are terrible when it happens. you can avoid htis burn-out process if you simply change hte cartridges as soon, or soon after first noticing the taste gettign just a little burnt tasting- refilling can extend the actual burn-out for awhile, but all mine have burned out comopletey around 30 hours or so, and hwen it finally goes, it's not a pleasant experience- but hten again, neither is smoking a penstyle after it goes htrough a 'self-cleaning'

I also have to note the subpar battery performance, although I have to state that light smokers will be able ot get more itme out of hteir batteries. I am a heavy esmoker, and really work the products quite hard, puttign a drain on the batteries that is I'd say above normal.

I still very much like the vapor, liek hte fact that it most definately does last for 24 hours of smoking with refilling, which is very easy and clean to do, and the fact that this is a small form factor very much like a cigarette. I like hte fact that it is a powerhouse vapor-maker for such a small form factor Ecigg. I still also very much like the very light draw, as I had becoem quite frustrated with penstyle and other mini style drawing very hard especially when the atomizer got gunked up and was close to dying- I foudn myself workign hte devices way too much and ended up with aching jaw- this has not happened at all with the loongtotem.

While hte taste isn't hte greatest, it actually starts off with a taste that I've found it quite enjoyable actually- but htis goes away after an hour or more, and becoems quite bland, and refillign with flavored liquids doesn't seem able to overcome the bland the taste for soem reason, at least not substantiaslly

The kick to throat, and lungs, isn't very good unless you double and tripple draw- but there again- you're wearign down your batteries and stressign the atomizer doign so, and even hten, it's just not strong enough for me- but hten again, neither are penstyles after vapign htem for an hour.

I basically wrote this post here to warn abotu hte burning- it does happen, and it's not pleasant. If anyone is thinkign abotu gettign hte loong- I would recommend doing so only if you just want a cartridge atomizer that lasts for a 16-20 hour day with refilling, and if you don't mind using a cartridge per day- I'd say you can safely smoek htese without hte burnign happen if you just use it for one day, and make sure you refill , and htrow it away at hte end of the day- The cost of doing htis isn't bad, abotu $2.00 per day, plus whatever it costs for refilling- maybe another 50 cents? I',m guessing- I persdonally had hoped to make htem last 3 days, but found out htat I can't.

I wouldn;t at this point recommend htis product IF you're looking for a strong hitting vapor and nic. This might chage as I'm experimenting with, and tryign different brand esmoking liquids, but for now, what I've tried hasn't significantly improved the vapor hit or nic rush. It's just too light a hit really, but hten again, so aren't most devices that I've tried so far.

I would recoomend htis device if you want somethign that has a somewhat light vapor hit, and want a small form factor ecigg that produces a ton of vapor, and lasts a day or more easily. I've really enjoyed sittign aroudn with soemthign that very closely feels liek a real cigg, and just bellowing out vapor, and I am not over exxagerating here- these htigns produce a ton of vapor. I like hte fact that it is small enough to be discrete when needed, and looks liek a real cigg so peopel aren't giving you wierd looks thinking you're smoking a pen.

Scale of 1-10

Vapor: 10+
Taste: 4 (I'm giving it a 4, because it does get bland after an hour or so, but I do liek hte taste when carts are new- am using hte tobacco flavor that coems with hte kit)
Batteries: 3 (Last abotu 3+ hours of heavy smoking)
Cartridge life: 7
Form Factor: 9 1/2 (could use a squishy mouthpiece liek real cigg)
Price: 3-5 (Expensive to start, cheaper once you're set up with hte essentials- shipping price is rediculous, battery prices are rediculous, cart prices are a bit high)
Draw: 9[/b]
Throat Kick: 2
Lung kick: 2 (note: both throat and lung can be ramped up to 4-5 by tripple drawing)
Nic hit: 2-3


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
thanks for the update naz. as you know im considering one of these. could you answer some questions for me? perhaps you have answered them but the posts in this thread are too massive to go through, sorry.

did you get the high or extra-high carts?
Loong reckon they can supply me the extra-high but perhaps he will eventually tell me it is only for large orders.

did you try the flue cured or cherry?

did you get the long battery or the short one?
the long is 330 Mah while the short is 280 Mah. he reckons there is a significant difference and advises the longer. both batteries are 4.7 volts, while most e-cig batteries are 3.9v. i think this is why they fade easily while also producing mad amounts of vapour and also suggests their price.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
They have fluecured now?- When I ordered they only had like 4 or 5 flavors- 1 tobacco, and the rest I didn't care for- so I just ordered tobacco in their highest cart strength 8 mg. Didn't know I could have got higher-

GaH- I was told none of this when I ordered- looking at their site, it said the two battery lengths were the same in performance- so I got the shorter one- who are you talkign to at loong? I've been talkign with Rita who is all but helpless when askign htem questions-


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Hi Naz,
Thanks for the update and for sharing your experience with us. It really helps to educate all of us to the pros and cons of various e-smoking devices. I've had my Loong for about a week now but plan to wait about another week or so before sharing my experience with it as I still have a few things to try.


OK- After using htis for awhile now, My recomendations on the product have changed a bit.

First, I can only recommend this product IF you are a light smoker, IF you want a cartridge to last more than a day. I have not been able ot get a cartridge to last more than 30 hours (-8 hours for sleeping). I've tried everythign I can think of to get more out of a cartridge, and just can't do it.

Secondly, I'd only recommend this IF you're not worried abotu the paper/cotton or whatever it is, burning! Almost every cartridge I've had has burned out on me, and the flavor and shorching heat are terrible when it happens. you can avoid htis burn-out process if you simply change hte cartridges as soon, or soon after first noticing the taste gettign just a little burnt tasting- refilling can extend the actual burn-out for awhile, but all mine have burned out comopletey around 30 hours or so, and hwen it finally goes, it's not a pleasant experience- but hten again, neither is smoking a penstyle after it goes htrough a 'self-cleaning'

I also have to note the subpar battery performance, although I have to state that light smokers will be able ot get more itme out of hteir batteries. I am a heavy esmoker, and really work the products quite hard, puttign a drain on the batteries that is I'd say above normal.

I still very much like the vapor, liek hte fact that it most definately does last for 24 hours of smoking with refilling, which is very easy and clean to do, and the fact that this is a small form factor very much like a cigarette. I like hte fact that it is a powerhouse vapor-maker for such a small form factor Ecigg. I still also very much like the very light draw, as I had becoem quite frustrated with penstyle and other mini style drawing very hard especially when the atomizer got gunked up and was close to dying- I foudn myself workign hte devices way too much and ended up with aching jaw- this has not happened at all with the loongtotem.

While hte taste isn't hte greatest, it actually starts off with a taste that I've found it quite enjoyable actually- but htis goes away after an hour or more, and becoems quite bland, and refillign with flavored liquids doesn't seem able to overcome the bland the taste for soem reason, at least not substantiaslly

The kick to throat, and lungs, isn't very good unless you double and tripple draw- but there again- you're wearign down your batteries and stressign the atomizer doign so, and even hten, it's just not strong enough for me- but hten again, neither are penstyles after vapign htem for an hour.

I basically wrote this post here to warn abotu hte burning- it does happen, and it's not pleasant. If anyone is thinkign abotu gettign hte loong- I would recommend doing so only if you just want a cartridge atomizer that lasts for a 16-20 hour day with refilling, and if you don't mind using a cartridge per day- I'd say you can safely smoek htese without hte burnign happen if you just use it for one day, and make sure you refill , and htrow it away at hte end of the day- The cost of doing htis isn't bad, abotu $2.00 per day, plus whatever it costs for refilling- maybe another 50 cents? I',m guessing- I persdonally had hoped to make htem last 3 days, but found out htat I can't.

I wouldn;t at this point recommend htis product IF you're looking for a strong hitting vapor and nic. This might chage as I'm experimenting with, and tryign different brand esmoking liquids, but for now, what I've tried hasn't significantly improved the vapor hit or nic rush. It's just too light a hit really, but hten again, so aren't most devices that I've tried so far.

I would recoomend htis device if you want somethign that has a somewhat light vapor hit, and want a small form factor ecigg that produces a ton of vapor, and lasts a day or more easily. I've really enjoyed sittign aroudn with soemthign that very closely feels liek a real cigg, and just bellowing out vapor, and I am not over exxagerating here- these htigns produce a ton of vapor. I like hte fact that it is small enough to be discrete when needed, and looks liek a real cigg so peopel aren't giving you wierd looks thinking you're smoking a pen.

Scale of 1-10

Vapor: 10+
Taste: 4 (I'm giving it a 4, because it does get bland after an hour or so, but I do liek hte taste when carts are new- am using hte tobacco flavor that coems with hte kit)
Batteries: 3 (Last abotu 3+ hours of heavy smoking)
Cartridge life: 7
Form Factor: 9 1/2 (could use a squishy mouthpiece liek real cigg)
Price: 3-5 (Expensive to start, cheaper once you're set up with hte essentials- shipping price is rediculous, battery prices are rediculous, cart prices are a bit high)
Draw: 9[/b]
Throat Kick: 2
Lung kick: 2 (note: both throat and lung can be ramped up to 4-5 by tripple drawing)
Nic hit: 2-3


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2008
I've been talking to someone who calls himself jack (the 'CEO') via his msn listed on the site. though he is just as slippery probably. you know, they still only have five flavours listed. one of the is flue-cured tobacco and there is no 'tobacco'. perhaps they are the same but it has been renamed. I just fired off a mail asking him about the possibilty of getting extra-high flue cured for only 50 carts. i'll let you know his response. havent seen him on msn in a while. he also once gave me a large list of flavours but i dont have them of them was cherry, which i like.

I've had my Loong for about a week now but plan to wait about another week or so before sharing my experience with it as I still have a few things to try

please let me know before the olympics are over the prices go mental again. I'ld love a preview!!
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