New here from Toronto

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El Che

Full Member
Dec 25, 2012
Toronto Canada
Been reading the forum here for several weeks. I wanted to thank the community here for pushing me in the direction to finally stop smoking after about 25 years of being a slave to the butts. I decided to move to e cigs temporary while I stop smoking regular cigs because well the withdraw effects were pretty brutal. I have had several family members pass on due to smoking and currently my father has all the classic symptoms of smoking for 40 years - COPD, cancer all a dozen other things.

I finally got him to use the ecig and at 82 years of age he loves it and has not smoked for 2 months. I have noticed a huge difference in his health since the switch. Its just so unfortunate these were not around while my other family members had a chance.

Anyways I started using mine 3 days ago and actually the withdraw symptoms are still at a huge level at least not as bad if I did not have this device. I think i bought to light a version of the cartridges, but after 3 days I am not planning to get stronger - concerned about the toxic aspect and the light version will be good enough for a couple weeks while i try and quit these as well.

Anyways great place - such a good support system - I wish all a Merry Christmas!

El Che

Full Member
Dec 25, 2012
Toronto Canada
Welcome! I am close to 2 weeks without analog cigarettes and still have some withdrawal twinges. I just switch to a higher level of nicotine for a bit and then I go back to 0% nicotine, so far it has helped tremendously.

Oh thanks so much - appreciate the warm welcome! - Yeah for me its just one of those things where if I increase the level I will feel almost like I am moving backwards - but I think its probably a good idea as there is still risk in me going back to regular ones - since I cannot seem to get any relief. Just buying time and hoping this feeling passes. :)


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
Many others will be commenting and helping you, so hang tough =] One thing I read was the quote,

'Don't look at it as failing when you have to smoke an analog. Look at it as HOW MANY you have NOT SMOKED!'

I think the same with upping the nicotine, so I keep it low and only increase it when needed... plus many have mentioned that there are quite a few more additives in analogs that we don't even know about to keep us buying more. Hang in there and read the threads, post comments and ask questions. There are thousands of people here who have gone through what we are dealing with already and they REALLY HELP BY TALKING ABOUT IT and GIVING ADVICE!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2012
Estonia, Tallinn
It will pass - depens ofcourse how long you've smoked and how much.
I smoked 13 years and quited "cold turkey" 22 days ago. I tried to NOT smoke at all for 4 days but i felt very bad (headache , dizzines , blur view ,etc) so i bought e-cig starter kit. I feel better and better every day and now , after 3 weeks i can say that i dont miss analogs at all . i REALLY dont even think about them because vape'ng is so-so much better.

El Che

Full Member
Dec 25, 2012
Toronto Canada
Yeah i have 12 mg nicotine level ones. I smoked 1-2 packs a day for 25 years. Regular strong smokes. I guess 12 mg is to low. Plus each cartridge lasts 3 days - so i am getting about 4 mg per day rather then about 20-40. Oh well I think i am going to stick to these3 low ones and see what happens. Still waiting to feel something different - like what everyone else talks about. SO far feel nothing except withdraw.
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