new to ECF + dear newbies: do not buy from V2

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
I agree with this sentiment kinda. If the v2 gets you off cigarettes, then it was a good choice. If the v2 gets to you to cut down on cigarettes, and then the model you upgrade to after it gets you to finally quit them I'm not so sure. My kr808d got me to believe in vaping, but I can't help but feel like it was kind of a waste of money fueled by my desire for a smaller device, since it was the ego style GoGo that I bought after it that really got me to quit. I discourage buying anything smaller than an ego as a first device, but that's not because I think everyone will follow that advice. I think it's good to say because maybe for the ones who ignore me and others and buy a mini device, just maybe, it will stick in their head and when they get that device, if they experience the same thing I did, they'll decide to try another, better PV instead of going back to smoking. Just my 2¢.

And a very good $0.02 it is. The failure rate for e-cigs alone, without the person upgrading, must be far higher than the failure rate for someone who starts with an eGo sized PV. If everyone upgraded, it wouldn't be a big deal. But there is no way that happens. Some percentage of people who fail with a mini-cig just give up and never upgrade. I cannot believe that anyone will just continue to use a mini-cig to replace half of a 2 PAD habit and do it year after year. At some point, they'll either upgrade and quit smoking, or they'll quit the mini-cig and go back to their 2 PAD habit. If they aren't aware of how much better the larger PV is, they won't know that there is a lifering to grab at when they can't quit completely. They may even be content with cutting their cig consumption in half, thinking that that's all that can be expected. They'd be wrong, of course, but that's also what plays into the hands of the antis who claim that e-cigs are used as an adjunct to smoking instead of a replacement.

So, you people who must have a mini-cig, go for it. But don't be surprised if you can't quit with it and, when you get frustrated and want a smoke, know for a fact that there is something better available.
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My wife and I bought the couples kit from V2.. We're still using them a month later albeit with juices from everyone one but V2.. Everyone I talk to irl about switching, the most important thing is "does it feel like a cigarette" in your hand and in your body... It seems most of the gripes I see about V2 is late delivery.. and sometimes the battery warranty thing... My question is.. could someone point me in the direction of the same type (KR) of cigarette that is better? preferably one with a lifetime warranty on the battery ..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
My wife and I bought the couples kit from V2.. We're still using them a month later albeit with juices from everyone one but V2.. Everyone I talk to irl about switching, the most important thing is "does it feel like a cigarette" in your hand and in your body... It seems most of the gripes I see about V2 is late delivery.. and sometimes the battery warranty thing... My question is.. could someone point me in the direction of the same type (KR) of cigarette that is better? preferably one with a lifetime warranty on the battery ..

Any company that offers a lifetime warranty on a battery is doing it to hook you into their over-priced cartridges or juice. That's what V2 does and, IMO, it's despicable. Some "free trial" ripoffs offer lifetime warranties as well, and we know their gimmick.

A Volt is better. A Bloog is better and a Smoov is better. None of them are sleazy enough to try to kid you with a lifetime warranty and there's no need for it. The chances are far better than average that, in a few months or so, you won't be using the same product anyway.

BTW, Keep in mind that if you don't buy juice or cartos from V2 within 90 days, your "lifetime warranty" is null and void.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 27, 2011
Austin, TX
Well, I guess there's always an exception to prove the rule....

I started with an ego someone gave me, couldn't deal with it. Too big in my hand, just didn't feel good. Went back to smoking.

Few months later found Bloog. Loved it. Their smallest battery felt great in my hand, felt just like my beloved habit. Got me off cigarettes completely. 1-2+ PAD, depending on the day, for more than 40 years. Used it (actually them) alone for about 6months.

Then, I had a bad reaction - another thread - to filling in cartos, and had to go to the ones with no filling. At that time, they were only widely available in 510 threads. Back to the ego. Now, it's no problem at all, I've broken with the old cigarette feel. Me, my ego and stardusts are in heaven. However, I am not sure if I would have stuck with it if I started this way.

Moral of this story: If someone has done the research (the OP had), and knows what he wants, then please help him get what he wants! I know you all do it with the best intentions, but it's not helpful.
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ECF Guru
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Jul 19, 2011
San Francisco, CA
I'm not gonna slam V2, because I started with them and vaping ended up working for me, but they really should've contacted you, or gotten their act together with inventory control, instead of charging you for something that was out of stock. That's just wrong. Aside from that one glitch in their system (which I thought they had worked out), their customer service, at least when I was there, was quite good, especially with warranty issues. But incidentally, there were a lot of strings with the "lifetime warranty." You can return something only up to 5 times (even if the items were defective), and you had to keep buying stuff from them every 90 days. I only stayed with them for 3 months (haha, two cycles of the 90 days and maxed out the warranty).

The products were good at first, but they didn't seem to stay that way for very long. Cartos were hit or miss (and they didn't back those up at all), and the battery charge time tapered off within a month or two. And yeah, even with coupon codes, their prices were still almost double what I now pay elsewhere. Would I ever go back? Nah. Would I ever recommend them? I don't think so...I really like my new company though (SI/Volt)! :p

Well OK. Maybe just a little slamming...bad kitty! :grr::laugh:
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ECF Guru
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Jul 19, 2011
San Francisco, CA
My wife and I bought the couples kit from V2.. We're still using them a month later albeit with juices from everyone one but V2.. Everyone I talk to irl about switching, the most important thing is "does it feel like a cigarette" in your hand and in your body... It seems most of the gripes I see about V2 is late delivery.. and sometimes the battery warranty thing... My question is.. could someone point me in the direction of the same type (KR) of cigarette that is better? preferably one with a lifetime warranty on the battery ..

You probably won't find anyone that will have a lifetime warranty on the battery, since they eventually die out (as is the nature of lithium ion batteries) and they're not replaceable...Volts and Bloogs seem to hold up really well though. I've had my Volts since last July and they're still kicking. A friend has Bloogs that are 18 months old that still work well too. They stay charged for 2-3 hours (depending on size and how much you vape) - the biggest problem I had with V2s was that I never even made it through rush hour traffic without having it die on me.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2012
East Coast USA
So how does this story end?

Well, reading the bossy and condescending responses (however "well-intentioned") to my original post made me chainsmoke regular cigarettes rather heavily.

This emphasized to me that I needed to get on the vapey train asap.

So I kept the V2. Were they paying you in some cynical marketing ploy? :p

Do I think newbies should buy the v2?
they have extremely poor customer service. This is why I wrote this OP in the first place.

Do I think I may upgrade to a "big-boy" setup in future?
Who the hell knows?

Considering I am getting a pretty heavy and long buzz off of 18mg on an 808 (a buzz that I haven't felt in 10+ years), I might stay here awhile.

I am thinking of backup batteries, possibly a pass-through, mostly so that I can keep that habit going.

But I think the most important thing I'm looking for now is juice that doesn't taste like raisins. That's just weird. (Would love some coffee recs, I think.)

So am I going to get browbeaten about not liking e-juice that tastes like raisins now? :p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
It's a known fact that no lithium battery lasts forever, and they go bad just with the passage of time. They are good for about 2-3 years from the date of manufacture. Why would any company give a lifetime warranty on an item that cannot possibly last more than a few years without significant degradation? Any company that claims to do such a thing is throwing up a big red flag saying "LOOK OUT FOR GIMMICK". To me, it just reeks of dishonesty and I'll never recommend any company that does it.


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Jan 15, 2011
So how does this story end?

Well, reading the bossy and condescending responses (however "well-intentioned") to my original post made me chainsmoke regular cigarettes rather heavily.

This emphasized to me that I needed to get on the vapey train asap.

So I kept the V2. Were they paying you in some cynical marketing ploy? :p

Do I think newbies should buy the v2?
they have extremely poor customer service. This is why I wrote this OP in the first place.

Do I think I may upgrade to a "big-boy" setup in future?
Who the hell knows?

Considering I am getting a pretty heavy and long buzz off of 18mg on an 808 (a buzz that I haven't felt in 10+ years), I might stay here awhile.

I am thinking of backup batteries, possibly a pass-through, mostly so that I can keep that habit going.

But I think the most important thing I'm looking for now is juice that doesn't taste like raisins. That's just weird. (Would love some coffee recs, I think.)

So am I going to get browbeaten about not liking e-juice that tastes like raisins now? :p

I'm a little confused by this. I didn't see any nasty or condescending responses, just 68 replies to your post trying to give you assistance. You are the one that said you didn't like it. Some agreed with you, other's said they were fine with it.

OK, a little re-reading, I do get what you're saying.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 27, 2011
Austin, TX
With all due respect, Caridwen, I can certainly empathize with the OP. Perhaps his choice of words is not the best, but I understand his frustration. He had taken the time to do research and knew what he wanted. He asked for specific help and instead got his thread taken over by people who thought they knew what he wanted better than he did. I know people are trying to help, but we do newbies no favors this way.


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Apr 1, 2012
Tulsa, OK. USA
So how does this story end?

I am thinking of backup batteries, possibly a pass-through, mostly so that I can keep that habit going.

But I think the most important thing I'm looking for now is juice that doesn't taste like raisins. That's just weird. (Would love some coffee recs, I think.)

So am I going to get browbeaten about not liking e-juice that tastes like raisins now? :p

Finding e-juice that you like is gonna be the hardest part!
I found the 18mg was giving head rushes as well and have stayed at that level.
Now it only does that if I am chain vaping.

I would suggest staying with small juice bottles until you find your all day vape.

Almost forgot...
I was gonna give another plug for the Smokeless Image Volt sealed auto bats.
They will need their own charger though, although mine will charge on a V2 PCC.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2012
My wife and I bought the couples kit from V2.. We're still using them a month later albeit with juices from everyone one but V2.. Everyone I talk to irl about switching, the most important thing is "does it feel like a cigarette" in your hand and in your body... It seems most of the gripes I see about V2 is late delivery.. and sometimes the battery warranty thing... My question is.. could someone point me in the direction of the same type (KR) of cigarette that is better? preferably one with a lifetime warranty on the battery ..

If I remember correctly from the thread you started, you are looking into opening up a brick and mortar store. What you may want to do is give customers a 90 day warrantee on their batteries.

I think most defective ones will fail well within the manufactures warranty, and by extending that a bit you give your customer the comfort that it will last longer. I doubt you would have many returns.

That being said, in Bloomington there is a company that sells 808-D1 kits in the local mall called Tececig. They are one of those WAY overpriced vendors, but their product is ok. By doubling or tripling their prices, they can afford to offer a “lifetime” warranty.

They were my first introduction into the world of vaping. I got sucked into buying their overpriced kit when my wife was shopping and I was walking around the mall. While WAY overpriced, their stuff did work, and I did return a defective battery that was DOA without any hassle.


Super Member
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Apr 22, 2012
Newark, OH
I started out with the V2. I got sucked in by the many review sites claiming that they were the best. After buying, I discovered that they were overpriced. I decided to return the V2 for a Volt from smokeless image. Personally, I find them to be very similar and I liked them both. If anyone decides to go with volt, coupon code voltsave will give a 16% discount. By the way, V2 didn't give me any problems with the return/refund. Just make sure to include the return ID and order# on the box and get delivery confirmation. They returned the full price of the starter kit (including original shipping costs and the cost of the cartridges). All I had to pay for was the $4.95 return shipping.
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Super Member
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Apr 27, 2012
Hinesville, GA
I have a V2 kit and it works well for me. They delivered quick and I got a 15% discount which put their price on par with a Volt. I like to have a smallish unit while at work and the V2 is doing just fine. At home I use an eGo but the combination of a cig sized unit for work and a larger unit for home fits my lifestyle...
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