No more coffin nails 4 me.

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Full Member
May 28, 2011
The land of OZ
Got myself an 808 from V4L and first impressions where not good. The smell that came outta the bag was a rank coffee/chocolate chemical smell . Tasted even worse , so i busted open a fresh carto and cleaned that sucker out . Put some of the WOW Kiwi apple strawberry e juice i was smart enough to buy with the kit and BAM! Heaven .
Those prefilled cartos that come with the kit are a major turn off for a noob. You would think V4L would put decent juice in there prefilled to attract further biz.
The pass through is sweet, love it. But im only getting an hours use outta the auto batts. I only smoke at work during my 12 hour night shifts and the batts only just get through until the next ones charged. How much of a difference do the XL batts make?
Main thing is i haven't smoked an analogue since i got the package. Bravo V4L.

P.S WOW mangoe juice hardley has any taste.


Senior Member
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Verified Member
Mar 23, 2011
Southern CA
Congrads! the kr808 are great units to start with. i didnt get chance to try their carto out when i was using a 808 because USPS decided to ship it back the V4L. but i have the wow mango juice and it was ok for me. but when i was using it i was dripping on a ego. if you want something that has a better battery life i would recommend an ego or riva. they have a great battery life and should get you though the hours you need it and some extra.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2011
St. Louis USA
Congrats and welcome to ECF Suckface! You may want to invest in the eGo/Riva at for 20% off at $29.99, a great PV, adn longer battery life, 650 or 900 or 1100 milliamps per hour (MAH), 100 mah is equal to about 1 hour of vaping, on average depending on how much you vape. There is always the mods like the Darwin, and Provari wiht very stronger battery life adn gadgets to read the battery level, charge, atomizer resistance level etc. Main point don't give up! Get the right juices and hardware and it will work for you!


Ultra Member
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Mar 6, 2011
Central Ohio


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2011
Congrats. I have a number of V4L XL batteries and they arn't bad, Mine last about 2.5 to 3 hours of moderate vaping. If you like the the KR8 batteries and voltage they put out you may also want to consider an iGo from nHaler. 1100mah and same thread as your V4L equipment so no adapters required. I carried my igo this weekend with my favorite flavor and a couple of V4L XLs with other flavors just to mix it up.
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