non cigarette smokers and vaping.

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ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2011
let me first start that i understand that this topic is controversial, due to some anti's saying that pvs are attractive to various sorts of people which do not include cigarette smokers looking for a cessation method.
in the little while i've been vaping i've had some mixed responses to my pvs, and i've had interest expressed by what you would classify as non smokers in pvs. these are people that have a few cigarettes a week, if that, and people who smoke socially when drinking (or just socially without the booze). while i try to do my best to discourage their interest because "they don't need to vape", i feel a little bit of conflict on limiting them to make decisions as adults.
i started smoking because i'm kind of a fidgety stressed out person, who found appeal in a slightly sedated "time out" and the social aspect of smoking. one of the appeals in vaping to me was the assortment of flavors to explore, and the hobby aspect of trying out different hardware. these are all aspects i've found non-smokers to find appealing in vaping as well.
personally i don't find it to be awful if anyone wants to try vaping, zero nic or not, if they're not already hooked on smoking. if the technology was readily available when i started lighting up cigs, i probably would have gone straight to vaping. adults choose to use mild stimulants and legal drugs daily, and i don't find it any more offensive or dangerous than if someone had started to choose to enjoy alcohol or caffeine moderately where before they had not made it a part of their lifestyle.
i just don't see why someone has to go through the battle of choosing cigarettes, then choosing to abstain from cigarettes, when vaping is already proven itself in many studies to be way less harmful. for an individual who is making a conscious effort to stay away from cigs, but enjoys their effects, why is not vaping an ok choice?
i understand that the harm would come to the community if companies/vapers were encouraging their use "just cuz" or if vaping was marketed as cigarettes were marketed many years ago. this is not what i'm saying is "ok".
personally, i don't find it a huge deal if someone wanted to go straight to vaping, even though like i said i discourage their use where i feel appropriate.
this is a thread i really have wanted to make for a while just to scope out opinions, and i apologize in advance if this thread makes any infringements on ecf policies. i also wanted to make this more well written, but i am a sicky today and would really appreciate opinions more than anything else.
thanks everyone.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
We don't suggest people inhale anything but clean air (if you can find any these days). However, people do inhale stuff. Better e-cigs than cigs, IMO. Harm reduction can also include harm avoidance.... those that would smoke if they didn't use e-cigs.

There's a social group, I think, for vapers that were not "regular" smokers. In any event, even at a few cigs a week, I'd rather they vaped than smoked.

Check the social groups.

EDIT: maybe it was a thread about it somewhere. I hope someone that knows about it speaks up here...I remember someone posting about it...
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Vaping Master
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Aug 18, 2011
It's something I'd feel conflicted about too, but I don't know anyone who doesn't smoke and wants to start vaping. Although, I'd say if someone just has a few cigarettes a week, then they are actually a smoker. Practically not a smoker, but technically not a non-smoker.

I'm also conflicted about kids who vape. There are kids who are addicted to cigarettes, and I have no doubt vaping would be (or is) better for them. If one of my kids smoked I'd probably encourage them to vape instead. Statistically, there are also kids now who don't smoke, but will eventually. Ideally, you'd want to tell those kids to never start, but realistically that's not going to happen. At the same time, you don't want kids to think that vaping is perfectly safe (maybe it is, nobody knows for sure), and you don't want them to start vaping if they were never going to start smoking. You also don't want them to get addicted to nicotine and then not be able to afford vaping supplies and decide its just easier to get cigarettes.

^stream of consciousness typing up there.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
IMO those are not non-smokers, those are future pack a day smokers.
Those 5 cigarette a week smokers would do much better vaping 0mg.

The ones I classify as non-smokers are the kids who after watching Lord Of The Rings would come to a pipe forum I was on wanting a churchwarden and wanting to know how to smoke it, including how to inhale which you aren't supposed to do with a pipe.

There was a recent post by someone claiming to be a non-smoker wanting to vape. I would not be for that any more than I'd be for him smoking cigarettes. But if he's going to do it anyway vaping would be the better option.

Dana A

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Feb 25, 2012
I have a 17 yr old son who smoked and now vapes instead. I tried everything to get him to stop but nothing worked. Now he vapes and I can live with that. The battle over his smoking was never ending and short of beating the tar out of him we tried everything. I remembered being just like him when I was 14. NO one could of stopped me even tho my parents tried. So I just gave up the loosing battle and now he vapes. Not ideal but better
I smoked for 23 of my 36 years. My husband, a true non-smoker, wanted me to quit but kept quiet about it for the most part because he knew that the more he talked about it, the more "defiant" I would be about quitting. I wanted to quit for many years but didn't try hard enough to do so. Honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without cigarettes because they were a part of my life through my teens, 20's, and now my 30's. They made me happy (sad but true!), calmed my nerves, relaxed me, and helped me through many breakups with silly boys, lol. So, shortly after my 36th birthday back in December, I decided to try an e-cig. Ironically, this was secretly purchased for me by my husband. He asked me if I would try it, I said "why not", and then he admitted one was on the way. In 4 months, I've gone through the growth every newbie has gone through...Cigarette-looking device with prefilled cartridges, then learning to refill the cartridges, then finally moving on to a Kgo with tanks/clearomizers, etc. I love vaping and my husband has helped me read up on all kinds of information in the forums and on vendor websites...Which leads me to the point of my babbling post -

My husband, the non-smoker, became interested to the point where he is now a Kgo owner and vapes 0 nic juice. It has become a hobby/obsession for him! It's to the point where I roll my eyes when he starts talking about volts and watts and ohms and mah, etc. I'm the smoker-turned-vaper and he knows more than I do about attys, cartos, mods, and who has the best juice price per ml. When you ask him why he started, he'll tell you that he likes tasting the juice and the whole vaping process fascinates him! It all started at a friend's house when 4 of us were sitting around sampling each other's different juices (ewwww...sounds gross, lol!) and he felt "left out". (Hmmm, kind of like how many smokers started smoking if they started at a young age). He was set up with a Kgo battery, atty, and 0 nic Cinnamon Red Hot juice, and the rest is history. I think he vapes more than I do! It's very strange to see someone who wanted me to quit smoking for so long doing the same thing I have started doing in order to quit. I love that he's along for the ride, but I fear that my husband has officially become a vapaholic, lol! Case in point - he was on pins and needles waiting for the mailman to delivery his new drip shield today. I bet he'll chime in on this thread since he is an ECF member, too :)


Ultra Member
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Dec 13, 2011
Greensboro, NC
To be honest, I've only known two people I would have considered non-smokers who have picked up vaping. I think both of them may actually have been ex-smokers, but we are talking that they hadn't smoked in close to two decades or so. They started vaping when they started hanging out with a lot of smokers, so in their case, I think they definitely made a good option to choose vaping, because they could have picked up analogs.

Most non-smokers I know either are very supportive because it keeps me off analogs, or think it's the same thing as a regular cigarette. But they aren't interested in trying it out. My mom just likes to guess by smell what I'm vaping. ;) My sister, who admittedly is much younger and way cooler (lol) than me thinks it's silly.

Ultimately, I can't see myself recommending vaping to a non-smoker who isn't addicted to nicotine already. As fun as it is, why give yourself an addiction you can avoid? I love vaping, I have no intention of stopping any time soon, but even still I still wish I'd never picked up my first cigarette and gotten into this stupid addiction in the first place. But I'd always recommend vaping over smoking.
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Full Member
Mar 24, 2012
Hi, my name is ZEROnicVāPr, and I am a Vaper... Cue audience responses - 'Hi ZEROnicVāPr'...

I am Ginosmama's Husband of almost 11 years and we have been together for 14 of her smoking years. She did try to quit once, but lost her Grandmother during the process and it just didn't stick. We have had so many people close to us be diagnosed with and taken from us due to cancer (not all lung cancer, but cancer is cancer) and I refused to let that happen to the love of my life and soul mate. So I did what any loving husband with a smoker as a wife would do - I bought her an E-Cig trial pack behind her back! Let me tell you, I couldn't be prouder of her for transitioning to Vaping and not looking back. She had her last real cigarette over 4 months ago and hasn't even wanted one. To be honest, I believe this wonderful invention has saved her life. A little dramatic, I know, but her aunt AND uncle were recently diagnosed with Lung Cancer and they QUIT 10 years ago! I digress... We have 10 people close to us who now vape instead of smoke. We are saving lives here!

By all intents and purposes I am a non-smoker. I was raised as a preachers kid, very strict and didn't drink until college. The natural thing for me was to try cigs too, which I did and often enjoyed a few while drinking. I also went though a pipe and cigar phase, but was never a smoker. I'll admit I enjoyed it, but hated it the next day and refused to continue to put smoke and chemicals into my body. Of course she wanted me to try her e-cig, which I did and was obligated to try each new flavor she got. I liked most of them and was fascinated by the process, the devices, the accessories and most of all THE FLAVORS! I got myself a kGo and we now have a hobby that we can enjoy together that, as far as I'm concerned, is saving her life. I'm not sure if we will be vapers for the rest of our lives, but I am thrilled that she does not smoke anymore and am enjoying our new hobby as I fulfill my role as an incredibly supportive husband.

P.S., Gino and I love you mama!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2012
Clearwater, Florida
ZEROnicVāPr;5816151 said:
Hi, my name is ZEROnicVāPr, and I am a Vaper... Cue audience responses - 'Hi ZEROnicVāPr'...

I am Ginosmama's Husband of almost 11 years and we have been together for 14 of her smoking years. She did try to quit once, but lost her Grandmother during the process and it just didn't stick. We have had so many people close to us be diagnosed with and taken from us due to cancer (not all lung cancer, but cancer is cancer) and I refused to let that happen to the love of my life and soul mate. So I did what any loving husband with a smoker as a wife would do - I bought her an E-Cig trial pack behind her back! Let me tell you, I couldn't be prouder of her for transitioning to Vaping and not looking back. She had her last real cigarette over 4 months ago and hasn't even wanted one. To be honest, I believe this wonderful invention has saved her life. A little dramatic, I know, but her aunt AND uncle were recently diagnosed with Lung Cancer and they QUIT 10 years ago! I digress... We have 10 people close to us who now vape instead of smoke. We are saving lives here!

By all intents and purposes I am a non-smoker. I was raised as a preachers kid, very strict and didn't drink until college. The natural thing for me was to try cigs too, which I did and often enjoyed a few while drinking. I also went though a pipe and cigar phase, but was never a smoker. I'll admit I enjoyed it, but hated it the next day and refused to continue to put smoke and chemicals into my body. Of course she wanted me to try her e-cig, which I did and was obligated to try each new flavor she got. I liked most of them and was fascinated by the process, the devices, the accessories and most of all THE FLAVORS! I got myself a kGo and we now have a hobby that we can enjoy together that, as far as I'm concerned, is saving her life. I'm not sure if we will be vapers for the rest of our lives, but I am thrilled that she does not smoke anymore and am enjoying our new hobby as I fulfill my role as an incredibly supportive husband.

P.S., Gino and I love you mama!

That is not dramatic. We are saving lives here. Its just the facts. I smoked 2+ pad for 17 yrs. I am at 90 days of exclusively vaping. I have 4 neighbors vaping, 2exclusive and 2 part timers. All were smokers. I also just lent the mailcarrier one of my old KR808's. Every chance I get I'm educating those who are interested. This has 2 benefits, first the obvious previously stated and second, the more people who are initiated the more who will vote our way when the time comes.
Congrats on your success.
It would be wonderful if all smokers would switch over to vaping. I think that it is the flavors available for vaping that attracts people which is not a bad thing at all. If a non smoking person wants to share in the experience of vaping, I see no problem with that because the nicotine can be adjusted. I went to my family doctor the other day and he was very pleased that I quit analogs and started vaping. He is a non smoker but was very interested in the process of vaping and wants some literature for his office to raise awareness to his patience about vaping. The bottom line is, in my opinion, I rather see people of any adult age vape instead of smoking. Teenagers are experiencing so much peer pressure these days and you know that they will try smoking at some point. I am not saying children should get into vaping but the young adults, yes if they are smoking analogs, I would explain the damage it can do and that vaping is a much safer alternative if they are addicted to smoking.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2012
Clearwater, Florida
It would be wonderful if all smokers would switch over to vaping. I think that it is the flavors available for vaping that attracts people which is not a bad thing at all. If a non smoking person wants to share in the experience of vaping, I see no problem with that because the nicotine can be adjusted. I went to my family doctor the other day and he was very pleased that I quit analogs and started vaping. He is a non smoker but was very interested in the process of vaping and wants some literature for his office to raise awareness to his patience about vaping. The bottom line is, in my opinion, I rather see people of any adult age vape instead of smoking. Teenagers are experiencing so much peer pressure these days and you know that they will try smoking at some point. I am not saying children should get into vaping but the young adults, yes if they are smoking analogs, I would explain the damage it can do and that vaping is a much safer alternative if they are addicted to smoking.

I am about to have back surgery, and I currently have 2 Dr's and 2 surgeons. All 4 are very happy after a quick demo and explanation. If you look in the ECF library there are specific forms and diff literature just for physicians, that can be downloaded.
People often ask me, after hearing about my success with vaping, when I will completely stop. My response is prob never. I will eventually get down to 0 nic, already down to between 8-12mg from 24, but I enjoy the hobby as others have mentioned. Plus, at this rate, I will be ready for an electrical engineering degree shortly.


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
While I would never encourage anyone that does not smoke to vape, IF a non-smoker was considering becoming a smoker or a previous smoker who has long been quit is struggling with a desire to smoke again or an occasional social smoker was interested in vaping I'd have no hesitation to encourage them to try vaping instead of smoking. In all cases I'd encourage 0 mg liquid verses liquid with nic to see if the actions of vaping would be enough to take care of their desires to smoke.

I'll never forget the conversation I had with my then 13 year old grandson about vaping. After listening to me explain vaping and asking many questions he excitedly asked where he could get vaping supplies for his 13 yr old friend that had been smoking for a year. I explained that those against anyone vaping often used teeangers vaping as an excuse to try to outlaw anyone vaping so no, teenagers could not purchase or be given vaping supplies. The best thing his friend could do is simply stop smoking. His response was, "so if they started smoking when they were 12 and have no intention of stopping and they cant vape until they are 18 that means they have to smoke for 6 years and get more and more addicted to it and increase their risk of getting cancer before they have a chance to try vaping. Makes so sense to me Grandma" . I will never be in favor of a teenager vaping but that conversation did give me pause to think about my position and the truth spoken by a 13 year old that IF a teenager is going to smoke no matter what anyone says or does we are condemning them to years of smoking before they have a safer option.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
All things being equal...
If the truth would truly set us free...
If we lived in a sane world with no hidden agendas...

Absolutely! I would agree with everything you said.
But we don't live in that world, and so that leaves us in an awkward position.

Rather than go against what we believe, I would rather we defeat the ...... that put us in this position.
And the best way to do that is to get involved with CASAA and join the fight.
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