non cigarette smokers and vaping.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2011
Derbyshire, UK
This is a delicate subject but one I feel has every right to be discussed, Thank you Erictho.

I can see many arguments to this, if someone is a smoker then it is better for them to change to vaping, I don't think anyone on here would disagree with this statement but a non smoker starting to vape is another story, there are people out there who will start smoking and personally, if all this had been available when I started I would have gone with vaping, sadly they weren't and even now they aren't promoted anywhere near as much as regular analogue cigarettes, I think they should be, people should be offered a choice and may think they only have the two options, smoke or don't smoke. vaping gives us more control with regards nic intake. As adults we are all old enough to make informed choices and vaping is one of those choices.
While I know that true non smokers should be discouraged from vaping they are adults entitled to make up their own minds. I have no issue with a non smoker vaping zero nic, they may get comfort like some do from the hand to mouth action and that in turn may steer them clear of other vices. There is a person living in a neighbouring village, they moved to escape their old life and try and get back on track, they had a severe alcohol dependancy but as they tried to stay sober the need for something to replace their old habit of drink grew greater, that person made the choice to vape zero nic rather than reach for analogues or even worse, head to the pub for a drink, they have found it comforting and don't consider it a new habit, more of a security blanket for when the withdrawel is bad.
There is a woman at my slimming group, never smoked and has no desire too, she overheard me chatting with another member (who has since switched to vaping from analogues), when she heard about all the yummy flavours that were available she set herself up with zero nic in a load of dessert flavours, all she said was that she comfort eats when she suffers depression and this was making her feel a failure with her diet, now when she feels she wants biscuits or chocolate she vapes something yummy instead, she may not touch it for days or a week or so but when she needs a sweet fix she vapes.
Just because vaping was developed as a safer way for smokers to get a nic fix doesn't mean it hasn't helped others.
I'm not condoning or condeming these people, they bare adults who are entitled to make up their own minds but I do think that if more people are aware of vaping there would be more people who would switch and I would personal prefer to see a person start vaping as oppose to smoking analogues anyday.


Full Member
Mar 23, 2012
Laramie, WY
in the little while i've been vaping i've had some mixed responses to my pvs, and i've had interest expressed by what you would classify as non smokers in pvs. these are people that have a few cigarettes a week, if that, and people who smoke socially when drinking (or just socially without the booze). while i try to do my best to discourage their interest because "they don't need to vape", i feel a little bit of conflict on limiting them to make decisions as adults.

Personally, I would have no problem trying to turn even casual/social "non smokers" onto vaping. There are two reasons:

#1. Casual smoking leads to routine smoking. At least in my own experience, everyone I knew who smoked (or still does) started gradually. Having a couple of cigarettes here and there behind the high school. Stepping out for one every now and then at a bar with friends. Whatever the case may be, many of these individuals end up become habitual smokers. So, why not try to mitigate the potential damage through vaping?

#2. Even very light smoking puts you at an increased risk for disease. BBC NEWS | Health | A few cigarettes a day 'deadly' Is an occasional cigarette that bad for you? – - Blogs While there is relatively little data on vaping for comparative purposes, one can draw a couple of inferences. Smoking is definitely bad for you (though arguments persist about the degree of danger involved, but I digress). Vaping is definitely healthier for you (whether or not there are some long term adverse consequences will be determined at a later date). Ergo, smoking is bad for you so vaping instead would be healthier for you. Thus, if smoking occasionally can still be bad for you, albeit to a lesser degree, then vaping occasionally is still better for you.
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