One Month Today!

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Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Wildcard! What a great milestone. You are on your way to being "no more forever"



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2010
North Carolina
how do you feel? do you notice any big changes?


I'm feeling great jeff:) If I had to say what the biggest changes are I would say It's my breathing. I used to have a wheeze in my lungs thats now gone, also my sense of smell is much better. I now realize how a smoker smells to someone who doesn't smoke.

Being able to finally quit smoking is motivating me to take further steps to improve my life style. Since I can breath better I plan on exercising and eating more healthy. My family has a terrible health record with cancer and I'm hoping to change the odds for me to live longer then the family I have lost.

This has been a great starting point to do the things I have always tried to do and not succeeded. Omg now I have the theme song to Rocky in my head but thats ok because I know I'm going to win this fight!;)

Thanks again for evryone's support!
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