Sign the petition at

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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
I wouldn't get too concerned. If there's one thing we've learned about this administration, it's that they will do whatever they want. Petitions be damned.

The pace is slowing down. We need to Tweet and Share this link again, and ask those who sign to promote the link as well.


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2012
Tampa, Florida
I wouldn't get too concerned. If there's one thing we've learned about this administration, it's that they will do whatever they want. Petitions be damned.

I understand your frustration, but I believe you're taking a defeatist attitude which I don't think is helpful to the cause. If you believe that a petition is going to be a strong influence on legislation (regardless of who is in the White House), then you're going to be disappointed. It's only one of the tools we can use to get our elected officials to take notice of an issue we believe to be of importance, and it has it's place in our system of government.


"Vert De Ferk"
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
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Dec 17, 2011
Oh, don't worry about me. I signed (EARLY), I've written my reps, and I will continue to speak my mind until they drag me away. Which, at this rate, will probably happen sooner than later.

I just have zero faith in the collection-of-crooks who somehow managed to get elected. In fact, out of the lot of them (537, counting the boobs at the top), I can honestly say that the number I trust can be counted with my two hands. And I'm not sure even it would even take that many (fingers).

And I do believe that they'll tell us they're fighting our fight, but they will follow the money, in the long run. Count on it. So, unless Eric & Brett & Drew & Nick & Phil (and, and, and...) can come up with a whole lot of graft/cash... well - do the math.

Washington, DC has now supplanted Silicon Valley as the most affluent area in the country. It's utterly amazing.

And I'm not too keen on our ability as citizens to figure snit out either. People died in Benghazi, and another embassy got hit the other day, but we're more concerned with whether or not Beyonce lip-synched.

They say we get what we (earn and) deserve. Well, we're certainly "getting " it!

With apologies for the rant - stock up, folks. In the best case, you won't have to buy anything for while. In the worst, well, I think we all know what the worst case will be (sigh).

I understand your frustration, but I believe you're taking a defeatist attitude which I don't think is helpful to the cause. If you believe that a petition is going to be a strong influence on legislation (regardless of who is in the White House), then you're going to be disappointed. It's only one of the tools we can use to get our elected officials to take notice of an issue we believe to be of importance, and it has it's place in our system of government.
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