Spent a lot of money - worth it?

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Sep 24, 2014
So I have been vaping for a few weeks and learnt so much already.

I am still smoking normal cigarettes, but have cut down and hope to eventually cut all together.

I have ordered nic, pg, vg, bottles & syringes.... along with 5 e liquid concentrate flavours.

Bountiful is for those who enjoy the pure pleasure of vaping seductive flavours. Rich and creamy milk chocolate is the perfect background for the tropical coconut taste that is probably the nearest you'll get to eating a bar of chocolate with a coconut centre. Sit back and enjoy.

BEY Nutzilla:
BeYOnd Nutzilla is an even nuttier version of our best-selling RY4 Nutzilla. A tobacco base that provides a nice smooth backdrop for the wide range of nutty flavours.

Indulge yourself in the forbidden world of vaping pleasure, but be warned, you might never leave! How can one man give so much pleasure to so many people? This smooth, delicious, creamy Caramel creation oozes onto the palate and languishes shamelessly!

Double Delight:
Double Delight is exactly that, the warm flavour of Chocolate giving way to the rich Caramel centre. This is a special reserve for when you want to indulge yourself and you can do it all evening without the assistance of numerous Chocolate bars!

Lemon Sicilly:
Sicilian Lemons are the best in the world, large, juicy and with a unique citrus tang. The Southern Mediterranean sun and rich Sicilian soil combine to produce a flavour that once tried, is never forgotten. Lemon Sicily lives up to that reputation and is delightfully refreshing to the palate.

I have spent about £40.

Will it be worth it?


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
If you transitioned from smoking to vaping you have a monthly budget equal to what you once spent on cigarettes. The up front cost is high, but you re-use the hardware over and over instead of tossing the pack after it's empty. Buy wisely and your cost down the road will be only for atomizers, batteries, and juice. In the long run, that money you spend up front pays off in subsequent cost reduction over smoking cigarettes.


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Sep 24, 2014
If you transitioned from smoking to vaping you have a monthly budget equal to what you once spent on cigarettes. The up front cost is high, but you re-use the hardware over and over instead of tossing the pack after it's empty. Buy wisely and your cost down the road will be only for atomizers, batteries, and juice. In the long run, that money you spend up front pays off in subsequent cost reduction over smoking cigarettes.

Thanks. In the long run I hope it works out cheaper than buying e-liquids from shop.

I'm in the UK. Do you know any good flavours to mix or just stick with one?
I'm in the UK. Do you know any good flavours to mix or just stick with one?

I recommend starting with single flavor mixes and finding a concentration (%) that works for you. That way when you do start mixing them, you will have a better idea how to adjust the %'s to your taste. But for your first mix, I recommend a small batch of unflavored; just nicotine base and PG and/or VG. Knowing what that tastes like to you will also help when you get around to adjusting mixes.
I don't know how well the numbers coincide for prices in the UK, but I can make 33 mg/ml unflavored juice for less than $0.03 per ml (less then $.02 if I buy in bulk when things are on sale), and can make most flavors for $0.05-0.10 per ml. If you have an idea how many ml/day you will vape, you can runs some clacs and see just how much less expensive it is. I was a very heavy smoker, and I am satisfied with about 4 ml/day at 33 mg/ml nicotine. But if you are a dripping cloud chaser, you will probably go through more than that.


ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
I am not a cloud chaser and more enjoy a good flavorful vape. I use 3 ml a day and a 30ml bottle cost me on average $3.50us to make which last me 10 days. 1 pack of cigarettes cost $8.00us and lasted a day. WOW what a price difference a little life style change makes.

Did I mention how healthy I now feel after giving up those Cigs:) I've been off those cigs for 567 days and feel like I'll live another 100 years, I'm 62 and feel like I'm 45.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 17, 2014
Frozen Tundra, WI Cheesehead
In my experience, my $60/ month is now $20/ month and dropping. I have been vaping for about 4 months now and for the last 4 days I have only smoked 1 analog smoke each day down from avg 2-3 a day. In no time if you keep track of what you spend, you will notice it is worth it by far. If at all you feel the flavors are not doing the trick, you can also just make a unflavored while you hone in on your flavor making. That's what I do anyway. Make sure to read up on other posts about making your own so you get a good feel of what to do.:) Any other questions, this forum is the place to ask. Happy vaping!!! :vapor:
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Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2012
United States
DIY is worth it. Before I could only afford like 7 30 ml bottles a month and I was stuck with those flavors the entire month. Now I have over 30 flavors to pick from whenever I want to.

A lot cheaper too! And you can fine tune it exactly like you like it. I like a very light flavor that you can never get with premixed juice.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Back when I smoked it was 2 PAD and my wife smoked one pack a day. I'd buy a carton a week at $35 to $40. We both started vaping. I continued but she never thought that vaping was a good substitute. She couldn't get over the transition and decided to quit smoking with a prescription. That worked for her. I quit while vaping and never looked back.

My $160 a month habit turned into a much lower vaping bill. I went through the eGo and Riva phase for a couple of year and finally decided I wanted VV and then VW. I was able to justify $225 for a Provari with batteries and an extension cap and later a Sigelei Zmax Telescope V3.

I spend about $40 to $50 every 4 to six weeks on 50ml bottles of juice and I've bought an occasional atomizer and some batteries and chargers here and there. Over the last 4 1/2 years the net gain has been considerable. 52 months x $160 = $8320 saved by not smoking. I haven't spent anywhere near that amount. I guess I might have spent $1000 in that time on vaping, so yes ... Vaping is cheaper for me.
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ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
In my experience, my $60/ month is now $20/ month and dropping. I have been vaping for about 4 months now and for the last 4 days I have only smoked 1 analog smoke each day down from avg 2-3 a day. In no time if you keep track of what you spend, you will notice it is worth it by far. If at all you feel the flavors are not doing the trick, you can also just make a unflavored while you hone in on your flavor making. That's what I do anyway. Make sure to read up on other posts about making your own so you get a good feel of what to do.:) Any other questions, this forum is the place to ask. Happy vaping!!! :vapor:

At 1 cigarette a day I think it's time to quit completely. That's where I quit.


ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
ECF Veteran
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
is your profile avatar recent of you Danny cause for 62 you look well hope i shave off some years from not smoking

Yep was taken last year at the ripe old age of 61. Now if I can get rid of my pot belly I'll be all set:)
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Your flavours sound delicious and are making my mouth water. If I didn't have a whole bunch of brand new ones sitting right next to me waiting to be mixed up I'd go out and order some thanks to you!

It FEELS really expensive right off the bat because there's all this equipment, and you're ordering online and actually thinking about the prices whereas (if you were like me) the cigarettes were "necessary" and you just stopped at the store and dropped the cash on the counter whenever you were out of them.

You've got room to play around and make mistakes, but I highly recommend to go with small batches to get the mix right before investing in a large one that you won't use, especially once you add your nicotine. Make LOTS of notes, and even if you screw up and don't like the result don't chuck it right away - apparently letting it sit can change the flavour and your tastes may change with time too.

I've been at this for just a few months and have spent $350 on vaping (shipping and tax included) - which feels like a LOT - with some mistaken purchases along the way. Out of that, about a third has been DIY stuff - bottles, bases, flavours, syringes, etc. - which I estimate will last me about six months with additional spending of about $100-$200 total, depending on how much I reduce my nicotine intake. Well, okay, more than that if I give in to my desires for pretty hardware, which is quite likely! :p

But in the same amount of time, even if I had still been buying a pack of cigarettes a WEEK, I would have spent nearly $1000 by now; in the next six months, it'll be approximately another $2,000. I can breathe; I don't stink; my fingers aren't going yellow; and I can vape inside instead of freezing my fingers off every hour or so in the arctic winter that keeps coming back!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 17, 2014
Frozen Tundra, WI Cheesehead
At 1 cigarette a day I think it's time to quit completely. That's where I quit.
yeah I was thinking about that but as I am going, it is still nice that I am down that much. This is my second run at the whole vaping experience. First time I went back to smoking, this run, I am not looking back since I DIY now. I am stocked for the next 4 months ($32) in vape supplys were as before I only had a week at a time which is all I could afford. Slow steady pace has been working really well for me now. So I am going to stick to it and before I know it, I will be smoke free :)
Way to go Ablonz! Before you know it indeed, that one cigarette a day will just taste and feel *wrong*. Every now and then I'll have a puff or two off my husband's smoke and bleeecch. It's a great feeling, looking at the pack and not wanting to touch them. And with DIYing, you just feel so much more invested too, more than money-wise.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Way to go Ablonz! Before you know it indeed, that one cigarette a day will just taste and feel *wrong*. Every now and then I'll have a puff or two off my husband's smoke and bleeecch. It's a great feeling, looking at the pack and not wanting to touch them. And with DIYing, you just feel so much more invested too, more than money-wise.

That's the way I felt when I started my own aversion therapy to quit the last few. I forced myself to vape alternately with the cigarette when I smoked one of my six remaining cigarettes a day. It was obvious that the cigarette tasted nasty and the vape was delicious. Once I let that little piece of info permeate my brain, it was easy to quit. You have to satisfy yourself that quitting is the right thing to do ;)


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Aug 23, 2014
Sydney & Puerto Plata
I still have a full pack of cigarettes in my vaping kit but I'm sure they are all dried out by now... I haven't even been tempted to light up one of the awful things in months and when I was tempted long ago it didn't take a lot of resisting when I could simply vape. Some people seem to just be able to switch to vaping instantly while others do require cutting down first. I went with one a day for a while and then realized that was low enough to see if I really needed to have it. After a week without a cigarette I knew I had beaten it. I think (at least for me) that if I decide to give up nicotine it will be a lot easier than quitting smoking but it seems nicotine (without the tobacco smoke) does have some health benefits and it does also help with the taste. Time to mix up some 0 nic and see how I feel about it.
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