Sucking Through a Straw??

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Full Member
Oct 8, 2009
Hey folks, was wondering if you could help me out. I just got my VK ultimatum kit on Friday 10/09/09 and while trying flavors and vaping configurations out of the weekend, I feel like I am trying to suck through a tiny straw.

The carts are 18mg, and it seems like I have to take a long slow drags to get anything from it. Once I do, I'm light headed because of the lack of oxygen getting to my brain! I've also got to continue vape to seem to get any kind of fix.

When smoking analog cigarettes, I could take a puff and inhale, feeling the throat hit, fullness, and nicotine once the cigarette was finished. Not craving another for an 30 minutes to an hour.

Would a higher strength carto or liquid allow me to feel like I'm getting more with a puff off of my e-cig and control my nicotine cravings? Or for that matter does any of this sound relevant and have any of you experienced this feeling of breathing through a straw to get a hit from you e-cig?


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Ryan - what kind of battery are you using? I notice a big difference in 'effort' in using a manual battery. And the pass-thru is even less effort. I enjoy them a lot more than the automatic and there is a bigger hit and more vapor - at least for me. Be sure when using the manual batteries that you push down the button while drawing on it. And make sure your battery is well charged. Best of luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2009
North of Houston
You have to remember, its not a cigarette no matter bad you want it to be. It is going to be different and will take some getting used to. Once you do get used to it, you will get bigger hits and more vapor....

With the auto battery I usually double-clutch it(quick primer puff, full drag, vapor pouring out of my nose while I'm taking the next long drag) great.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
With the auto battery I usually double-clutch it(quick primer puff, full drag, vapor pouring out of my nose while I'm taking the next long drag) great.

The autos do take a bit of practice. I was skeptical about them at first, mostly because I got a freebie of an extra long manual batt (awsome). But now Ive gotten used to them and get plenty of vapor.

Also you might want to up the nic level if you arent getting your I the only one who feels uncomfortable refering to it like that? It not ...... after all.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Also you might want to up the nic level if you arent getting your I the only one who feels uncomfortable refering to it like that? It not ...... after all.

No, just harder to kick. ;) Nicotine is exactly what I'm after. When I quit smoking in January, I got my nicotine elsewhere (oral tobaccos, mostly). I like nicotine, it does good things for a person (reduces risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, for two) but it certainly is extremely addictive. Nicotine isn't at quite the price levels of ......, but give it time, give it time. Cigarettes are getting there already. ("Yes, sir, I'd like a dime bag of cigarettes, please" is what you'll be hearing at the convenient store soon.) :D


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 27, 2009
Sunny Arizona
Let us know which type of battery you got, we can probably help you more efficiently. The autos do have a higher learning curve to them. The key is quick primer puff, followed by a soft long draw. You would think that the harder the better, but if you take it easy on it you will be amazed at how much more vapor and throat hit you get.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2009
I'm using the manual batteries. I tried unscrewing the carto just a bit, and it seems to help just a tad. Maybe if I was getting more nicotine with each drag it would satisfy me more lol at the ...... fix and dime bag at the drug store :)

I ordered some 36mg because I didn't see any 24mg in stock at V4L so hopefully it'll get here this week and that will help. I still have to smoke some analogs throughout the day (3-4), which is better than my pack a day habit. I'm just ready to be tobacco free!!

Anyone else had this kind of problem? And thanks everyone for your input.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 1, 2009
Yeah the higher MG will be the way to go. What I recommend is keep your 18's or whatever sitting to kill your idle smoke time, and when you feel that need for a cigarette, hit on the 36 a couple times. Also, if you're in front of a computer, use that passthrough. It's got an easier drag, and a better hit. For me it gives my 18's the feel of a 24.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2009
By my VK
while trying flavors and vaping configurations out of the weekend, I feel like I am trying to suck through a tiny straw.

Do you have any black stuff on the threads of your battery? If so, maybe try taking off the cartomizer and wiping the battery threads with a moist towelette wipe to clean it?

This might not be your problem, but if so it might help you out.

I'm new to VK vaping myself, so I'm not sure.. maybe someone else with some more experience can lend a better hand.



Full Member
Oct 8, 2009
Nope, nothing black on the threads. And both batteries seem to work the same. I can tell that when I use the USB passthrough, the hit is much better. The conclusion I am coming to is that I just need to up the strength of nicotine. I really don't see much vapor either, nothing near smoking an analog or some of the inferior models of e-cigs I've seen. Hopefully my order of stronger flavors will be here this week and I can see if that corrects it. Thanks everyone for your help. I'll give my thoughts on flavors as well when they come in!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2009
Another hint that might help. Today as I was Vaping with my friend I noticed she was taking a bunch of tiny primer puffs instead of the one long slow drag. more like you see when someone smokes a cigar. seemed to me she had instinctively learned to do this instead of the 1 very long slow vape to get the amount of vapor throat hit she needed.
I wouldn't say this would be natural for everyone or that it you will like vaping this way but it might be worth a tyry until u figure out your own vaping style
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