super new to vaping and this forum

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Full Member
Jan 20, 2012
orange county, CA
my actual quuestions are in blue the black text is just info about my situation

hello everybody, so i just went to a gas station the other day and bought a cheapy 21st century smoke e cog kit with 2 batteries, 6 menthol carts/atomiser(idk what the difference is, but when i put it together i only screwed 2 pieces together so i assume there built into each other or their the same thing) and i loved it, i did it to quit smoking and i figured vaping is way safer and i dont feel like getting cancer so i vap now.

any way, like i said im a super noob and i dont know anything about e cigs(like absoulutely nothing) other than i love it.

so once i figured out that there are a whole bunch of "good"(meaning better than my 21st century smoke) e cigs out there i figured i should invest. only problem is ima noob and dont know what to get.

after reading stuff on this forum i still dont understand how every thing works like all the different batteries and what not.

So i need some advice on what to get/ start with, and what would be the easiest for me to grasp.

i read on one post that they sell BLU e cig kits at wallgreens and because i dont feel like ordering oline right now, i think as soon as i get some replies to this im gonna go get it.

another question i have is if there are any other stores (like walgreens) that would sell e cig kits

ive been on other forums(not forums that have anything to do with e cigs) and every time i post something id get a bunch of trolls saying "use the search there have been a million threads on this" blah blah blah. so if your going to say something like that please save it i dont wanna deal with asses right now.

any way sorry for the long read, im just super new and i like direct helpful answers so i include every detail i can in my posts.




Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Dec 2, 2011
Welcome to ECF. This group will offer lots of good advice.

This is a copy/paste of something I wrote a few days ago. It explains some basics. If it doesn't answer a specific question, just ask. At the very bottom is a link to a quality starter kit which is widely recommended and has enough oomph to get you off analogs and also allow you to experiment with lots of other options. Hope this helps......

Cartridges (carts) and cartomizers (cartos) are 2 entirely different things. Both use a battery, but the carts slide onto an atomizer (atty) which in turn screws into the battery and carts only hold a small amount of eliquid. Cartos are an atty and cartridge with filler in the middle combined and it screws directly on the battery. It also holds much more liquid. The battery, atty, and cartridge are sometimes called a 3 piece ecig. The battery and cartos are called a two piece ecig. You can have either a manual battery or an automatic battery. Manual batteries are much preferred as they are harder to harm. If eliquid gets into an auto battery, it will kill it. Manual batteries are sealed so juice is much more unlikely to harm it.

Some people do what is called dripping. That requires just a battery and an atty. The atty is screwed into the battery and then 3 drops of eliquid is dripped onto the atty, a drip tip is put on, and then you can vape it. Maybe 3 or 4 puffs before you put more liquid on the atty. Can't really remember how long before you add more liquid as it has been a long time since I dripped. Some people swear the flavor is better with dripping, but most of us are lazy and don't want to have to mess with dripping. Cartos and carto tanks are what most people use.

Link to a quality starter kit at a good price....
XL Riva SE Carto Kit | Sweet-Vapes E-Liquid
It has a 1100mah battery, and comes with your choice of cartomizers. Boge 2.0 LR cartos would be a good to start with. Also buy a Drip Tip. Sweet Vapes also sells eliquids which I have seen good reviews on. I would order the liquids with 80/20 PG/VG percentage which will work great in cartos. I didn't see sampler packs of eliquid, but you could order a variety of 6ml bottles to try an assortment of flavors. You can also choose your nic strength.


Vaping Master
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Aug 27, 2011
Philadelphia Burbs
+1 on the online ordering. It takes more patience that you may be used to but it's worth the wait. Vendors on the ECF provide outstanding service and usually can get a shipment to you rather quickly. Good Luck on your Search! Many new members start with Riva kits which are a solid fat battery mod offering decent battery life and good vaping. Liberty Flights US is a good place to check them out - make sure to click for 20% discount.Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - Riva 510

Just a suggestion but is 1 place to look.
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