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Jan 24, 2014
Has anyone here had success blending a banana/blueberry mix? My girl isn't thrilled by the $ amounts I've run by her to get started diy'ing and it's the only flavor she has specifically asked for out of would be in my best interest if I come up with a decent one as early as possible lol

This is a flavor I'm going to be working on, as soon as I get the Cake Batter flavor -- I've been mixing pre-made juices, Blueberry Muffin and Banana Nut Bread, but I'm tired of the pre-made prices, so I'm starting to work on creating this flavor myself. I mixed the Banana Nut Bread a few days ago, and it's very good; once I get the Cake Batter, I'll be working on Blueberry Muffin... when/if I can get that right, then I'll work on blending the two flavors, because I LOOOOOOOOOOVE banana and blueberry together, and I love the cakey/bready flavor with it.



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Jul 17, 2014
Ohio, USA
Ok I have a question for all you flavor geniuses... What exactly is the difference between bavarian cream and custard? All my life, I've thought that bavarian cream in the doughnut *was* custard... :confused:

Haven't tried either one yet, I'm afraid to, since I have no idea how they're different. I hope someone can enlighten me!


Hi Andria, nice to see you in the TFA thread!

In my limited experience, custard (we're talking Vanilla Custard, right?) has a very rich egginess, while the Bavarian Cream has more of a "caramelized sugar" richness; it's just kind of "dark". I haven't used either extensively, but I must say I've gravitated toward the Vanilla Custard. It reminds me of the stuff you dunk French toast in. The flavor bottle smells divine; I can hardly put it down after mixing.

I'm no expert, but that my newbie perspective, anyway! So take it with a grain of salt.

About the Blueberry vs Raspberry. I just recently tested blueberry extra, and found it... Lacking at 10% and 15%. I could hardly detect any blueberry; perhaps I was using too much and someone can inform both of us? Contrast with Raspberry (not sweet), which is a bold raspberry even at 5%; the boldest fruit I've personally tried. I modified a mix recently changing 15% strawberry to 12% strawberry, 2% raspberry, and 1% lemon, and could definitely detect the raspberry. It's pretty strong stuff. I've only used Blueberry Extra a tiny bit, but I think you'd need more than the raspberry. I'd try a 100 drop test just replacing Raspberry with whichever blueberry, and modify from there. Raspberry (Sweet) is a different beast, and definitely not as potent as the non-(Sweet) version.


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Mar 30, 2014
Man, I just started getting more serious with this DIY thing, and I ALREADY know what you guys mean -- on the 15th I ordered 4 TFA flavors from Wizlabs; couple days ago I ordered sugar cookie and vanilla cupcake, and since ecigexpress FINALLY got cake batter back in stock, just now I ordered some of that, and also some of that "AP" stuff! :facepalm: Good thing flavors don't cost much! :D I've got 4 other flavors on my wishlist at bullcity, but they'll have to wait till payday! ;)

And to the rest of you guys... I'm just kinda lurking, both here and in the TPA/TFA recipes forum or thread or whatever it is, just soaking up the knowledge, and I appreciate the hell out of all of you, doing all this fine work and then posting it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! :wub:


Ap can be a good additive if used sparingly.I think i remember a post by you a while back about tobacco flavors.That is the only thing i have used ap in so far,it goes great with ry4 double,but like i said very sparingly,i used it at 1 drop per 5ml and it gives a nice nutty taste,i guess it could really be used the same way with any flavor you want to add a nutty taste to_One good thing with the ap though,you use such a small amount that the 8ml sample size from wizard should last a lifetime haha.
I just ordered the vanilla cupcake too,i have flavor west cupcake,but since Bill insists on posting all these recipes with the tfa cupcake i finally gave in and ordered that one too haha,it just never ends.


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Mar 30, 2014
About the Blueberry vs Raspberry. I just recently tested blueberry extra, and found it... Lacking at 10% and 15%. I could hardly detect any blueberry; perhaps I was using too much and someone can inform both of us? Contrast with Raspberry (not sweet), which is a bold raspberry even at 5%; the boldest fruit I've personally tried. I modified a mix recently changing 15% strawberry to 12% strawberry, 2% raspberry, and 1% lemon, and could definitely detect the raspberry. It's pretty strong stuff. I've only used Blueberry Extra a tiny bit, but I think you'd need more than the raspberry. I'd try a 100 drop test just replacing Raspberry with whichever blueberry, and modify from there. Raspberry (Sweet) is a different beast, and definitely not as potent as the non-(Sweet) version.
I've heard from several people that say the blueberry extra is a weak flavor,so your not alone there.I have it,but haven't used it yet,i have used blueberry wild though,and can say it is definitely a weak flavor,i've used it up to 15% and can just barely taste blueberry.Good to know on the rasberry too,i have the regular not the sweet,and yes that is a very potent flavor,i need to order the sweet version,i can see that one going well with alot of other flavors.


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Jan 24, 2014
Can you read a recipe and "know" what it will taste like? Even close?

Most of the time I can do this pretty well. I've made so many recipes over time that I can often make a recipe on paper, test it out, often several times, and that first recipe was "the ONE." It's odd. :ohmy:

When you guys post your recipes, I study the percentages really carefully. I instantly compare them to my mental data base of flavorings and juices and can get a really good idea if I will like it or not, and what it likely tastes like.

I can do this to some extent with food, and you're right, it's really an "inner database" of different flavors and how they taste together. I'm hopeful that I may also develop this ability as I get more experienced with DIY ejuice.

The other aspect that carries over from food -- a feel for which ingredients have to be EXACT and which can be like, a pinch of this, a shake of that, etc. That's the one I really need to know, but only experience can teach it to me.



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Jan 24, 2014
When I started I thought I could adjust some of the premades before thinking that making one up specifically to my liking was better.

I've been vaping almost 10 months, and have been mixing pre-mades almost since I started, because I like a hint of tart apple and cinnamon in my Virginia, and nowadays, I mix Blueberry Muffin from Sweet-Vapes with Banana Nut Bread from High Desert Vapes... and I'm really Really REALLY tired of pre-made prices, especially since I use an odd nic strength, 10mg, so for whatever my main ejuice is, I have to buy both 6mg and 12mg. :grr: So now I'm starting to get a lot more serious with DIY ejuice, so I can make it just the way *I* like it.. high PG, lots of throat hit, pretty sweet, 10mg on the button, and a for a little while longer at least, a bit of WTA. I've already got about a bit over a quart of PG, a pint of VG, about a quarter-liter of nicotine in the freezer, and starting to get a lot of flavors -- it's so much nicer to buy 4 flavors about $12, than one dang bottle of ejuice! :D



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Aug 20, 2014
Rabbit Hole
Bavarian Cream to me has the taste of cheesecake with whipped cream and if you talking about vanilla custard, it taste creamy pudding. Not sure this is the best way to describe it :laugh:. Prolly Bill the Flavors Magician can describe it better than me :D

Ok I have a question for all you flavor geniuses... What exactly is the difference between bavarian cream and custard? All my life, I've thought that bavarian cream in the doughnut *was* custard... :confused:

Haven't tried either one yet, I'm afraid to, since I have no idea how they're different. I hope someone can enlighten me!



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Jan 24, 2014
Lol I'm 45 north of Atlanta

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

I think we're about 25 NE of ATL, in Lawrenceville, and pretty close to the actual CITY of Lawrenceville, about 2 miles away. It's an awfully convenient place to live! :thumbs:



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Jan 24, 2014
Wow I miss 1 day and now I have so much reading to do!
So yesterday I took some time on my day off and mixed up -

Bill's Peach Cobbler (updated)
Juicy Peach 12%
Graham Cracker 5%
Sweetener 4%
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 3%
Sweet Cream 3%
Brown Sugar 2%
Cinnamon Spice 1%

*hopefully I got that right*
Came out fantastic! Thanks Bill :) I didn't have Cinnamon Spice but I do have a bottle of juice that's pure all naturally extracted cinnamon or so it says. So I used that and dripped in a few drops. Not sure how I got that bottle of ejuice but it's not something you would vape by itself - it's crazy strong. Good though so now I can use it to add to recipes. Few drops go a very long way.

And I also made this recipe with the RY4 Double:
RY4 Double 8%
Caramel 4%
Vanilla Swirl 4%

That's tasting FANtastic but I can tell it needs to steep. Not sure exactly where I got the recipe. It actually tastes exactly like this juice I bought recently that I absolutely love. That's so exciting - I can make it myself??? What!

Dang, just reading the recipe (the peach cobbler) made my mouth start watering. :D Would cinnamon redhot do? I like using that anywhere in place of cinnamon because it adds TH, which I can't live without. I've never been as hogwild about peaches as you might expect a GA girl to be, but I do love peach cobbler. What's not to love? ;)

And it makes me start thinking about trying to make a vape that tastes like homemade banana pudding. Is there a flavor that's anything like vanilla wafers?



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Jan 24, 2014
Lol, I'm still waiting to see if anyone else wants first ;)

Curiosity of the day, what led people here to using TFA flavors over other brands? For me, I actually started with Capella mostly, but over time was ordering more and more tfa, just curious most here use majority tfa and supplement with other brands? I mean I do still like some capella ones too. And I hope to try some inawera some day. I'm probably the biggest oddball ever who tried fa and it didn't wow me as much as I expected...just curious if price, variety, transparency, or simple enjoyment of flavors/taste or some other reason was a deciding factor for a noob, $1.15/6 ml @bcv, large variety were sort of big factors for me purchasing, plus the camaraderie here and assistance/no pretentious 'tudes/highly active thread..just food for thought/discussion.

I was eyeing up a p3, but that little eleaf I stick looks so cute and probably more in my budget especially with holidays/baseball personal training for the elder son coming up...thinking of getting my mom one for christmas too with a mini nautilus tank, problem is she frequently breaks glass tanks

I'm still just starting out with doing serious DIY, so I'm kinda trying them all. I'd heard good things about TFA flavors, and when i saw wizlabs' good prices on them, I ordered 3, plus some sweetener. Then I got a couple of flavor west flavors, from EcigExpress, sugar cookie and vanilla cupcake; I mixed a 10ml test of both of those today to try them out, let them sit in hot-tish water for about 5 hrs, then put them into the dark drawer, till tomorrow, when I'll give 'em a try. tonight I saw that EcigExpress finally got Capella Cake Batter back in stock, so I ordered some of that, along with some acetyl pyrazine, I think it's called -- to help along blueberry muffin/banana nut bread mixes. I also have 4 Inawera flavors on my wishlist at bullcity, but I have to wait till next Friday to get those. Which is fine, since I'm going to be working on this blueberry banana nut muffin bread this week. :D



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Dec 20, 2012
Eastern Wa.
From your list that would make me closer to 97% right. And of those flavors, 99% right! :D
I'll give ya that. :thumbs:
Not only is it true with TFA, but it fits with ALL of the flavoring company's I have tried, each have some good, most bad.
Luckily, their "goods" are different from each other, so I'll find a nice variety of "good" flavors among them all.

Still have a few clones, but usually buy US or European stuff and holds its value well. Just sayin'.....:toast:
Very true Bill. Other than ProVari, I like "By Leo", and GP for their quality ...but they never leave the house. Only the twists get that privilege, incase I lose one

I find that EM and Sweetener mutes the other flavors, and that is why some need 30% total flavoring to taste anything IMO.
But they are OK when used at 1-2 drops for EM and maybe 1 drop of TFA Sweetener to 15ml, (a little bit goes a long way).
I find the same thing ...EM, most definitely can mute the flavor.

About the Blueberry vs Raspberry. I just recently tested blueberry extra, and found it... Lacking at 10% and 15%.
I have the same problem with Blueberry ... not just TFA, but with every company I tried.
I did find FA's Bilberry, and that's what I use, because it's the only one that actually has a blueberry taste.
In Europe, Bilberries are their version of Blueberries .. but have a stronger flavor, which is great for me because now I can taste them.
If you try it, start at about 2% ...doesn't take much.

Has anyone here had success blending a banana/blueberry mix?
This website may help you.
You enter the flavors you have on hand, and it will create a recipe for you.
That means you have to also enter anything you have that you think will go good with your banana/blueberry.
If you don't tell it that you have it, it can't use it to help create the recipe
e-Liquid Calculator :: New recipe
Have fun


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Jan 24, 2014
Ap can be a good additive if used sparingly.I think i remember a post by you a while back about tobacco flavors.That is the only thing i have used ap in so far,it goes great with ry4 double,but like i said very sparingly,i used it at 1 drop per 5ml and it gives a nice nutty taste,i guess it could really be used the same way with any flavor you want to add a nutty taste to_One good thing with the ap though,you use such a small amount that the 8ml sample size from wizard should last a lifetime haha.
I just ordered the vanilla cupcake too,i have flavor west cupcake,but since Bill insists on posting all these recipes with the tfa cupcake i finally gave in and ordered that one too haha,it just never ends.

Yeah for a while, tobacco was all I was really interested in, and only Virginia. I'm to the point now that the only time the Virginia actually tastes good to me is right after I eat, and if I get craving for a cigarette, which doesn't happen too much. I'm seriously into the idea of baked goods for vaping, because those are my major weakness when it comes to real food, and they ALWAYS! make me get fat, so I try to avoid them -- vaping lets me enjoy those marvelous flavors without the calories! As far as tobacco, I think I'm starting to prefer the sweeter ones, which I didn't like at first. The Inawera flavors I'm going to be trying are for a blend of coffee and tobacco, smoky and lightly sweet, with hints of chocolate and vanilla.

I mainly got the AP stuff because I'm going to blend blueberry and banana nut, and I don't want the strong fruit flavors to overwhelm that cakey, bready taste -- I'm going to use some Cake Batter flavor, but that might not be enough, with 2 strong fruit flavors. but I may need to look into some other blueberry flavors, if the TFA blueberry is on the weak side. I got the Blueberry Candy because a muffin is pretty sweet, especially those yummy little ones with the streusel on top. I've looked for streusel flavor but haven't found it so far. I do have some TFA sweetener, but the blueberry candy might make it sweet enough.



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Jan 24, 2014
I have the same problem with Blueberry ... not just TFA, but with every company I tried.
I did find FA's Bilberry, and that's what I use, because it's the only one that actually has a blueberry taste.
In Europe, Bilberries are their version of Blueberries .. but have a stronger flavor, which is great for me because now I can taste them.
If you try it, start at about 2% ...doesn't take much.

Thank you so much for this! I saw Bilberry when I was looking at flavors yesterday, but wasn't sure what it was -- this may be really helpful!!



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Jul 17, 2014
Ohio, USA
So I made the apple Danish sans cream cheese icing last Sunday. I liked it at first, though that darn apple is very subtle. I will try in the future with 12% apple and no extra butter/sweet cream, out of curiosity.

That said, I got the hankering today, and I'm rather enjoying it. The best part? It pairs very well with cinnamon whiskey and ginger ale :toast:

I'm generally not a huge fan of liquor, but if it can make bakery juice even better, well...


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Apr 9, 2013
Honolulu, HI
I'm very interested to hear how the milkshake vapeathon goes!

Unfortunately, I'm away from my lab every weekend and I only get a couple of hours in the week to try out new stuff :-(

There used to be an old fashioned diner around these parts.They had a peanut butter option for their vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and banana milkshakes that was just amazing. Just something to think about...

Also, when making homemade shakes at home throwing a couple of nutter butter cookies into the blender always made things better :)


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I have a question for whomever. I've just been reading thru some recipes and I see a few that say like 1% Triacetin.
I haven't heard much about this? I did see a YouTube video from a new diyer that had said TFA Root Beer came in a Triacetin base yada yada but for some reason this was a big deal. Not sure why if people actually add it to their mixes?


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Aug 7, 2013
Good morning everyone, seeing some new faces(and some older, valued mixing vets posting here again) to the thread, welcome and so glad to see ya' here!!!

So today will officially kick off the milkshake vapathon, the purpose being creating the best milkshakes, learning, and sharing both successes and failures. We work together to collaborate and hopefully develop some really tasty vapes together during these vapathon/mixing sessions I guess I will set the end date as 11-9, since two weeks worked well with Danish, just to provide an area of time for people to work with of course. Will we get close to a true milkshake in a mix???? We'll try and see together.

New mixers, don't be afraid to try, post your results, what works what does not, and why's. Veterans, don't hesitate to jump in and assist, your knowledge is super valuable and we NEED your guidance. We try to stick primarily with TFA flavorings being a TFA thread, but if another vendor's flavor is necessary, please let us know why subbed. Communication and participation are key, the more shared, the more gained, benefits all.

I worked at an ice cream shop as a teenager, milkshakes well...pretty much anything goes honestly, ice cream, milk, and many "additives/toppings" blended together to make a yummy result. I can see a lot of vanilla bean ice cream, vanilla bean gelato, and vanilla swirl in our bases as mentioned earlier, but I see a LOT of room for creativity and variety....some have started already, but please let's start mixing and sharing, learning and creating some nice vapes together....mix on!!!!

Share, share, share if you are participating please!!!! New and veteran both. Thank you again....this can be only as successful as we make it:)
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Sep 2, 2014
Colorado Springs, CO
I have a question for whomever. I've just been reading thru some recipes and I see a few that say like 1% Triacetin.
I haven't heard much about this? I did see a YouTube video from a new diyer that had said TFA Root Beer came in a Triacetin base yada yada but for some reason this was a big deal. Not sure why if people actually add it to their mixes?
Hi Monica,

I think Lindale best (and most quickly) describes Trichet in this link:

Good luck :)


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Aug 20, 2014
Rabbit Hole

Maybe this is the one you looking for? Not sure though if this Twinkie #1 or #2

Just made 10 ml's of Twinkie. Handed it to the missus. She flipped out! Made another 100 mls real fast. Now I'm vaping it. Made this:

Vanilla Cupcake - 8%
Sweetener - 4%
Bavarian Cream - 4%
Sweet Cream - 4%

I don't really like mixes less than 20% flavoring. Don't know why, LOL, so added 2% to the filler. Thought about adding 2% to the cupcake, and may do it on the next batch. Very good. Better than vanilla custard, I think. The wife said better than a Twinkie too! So, this is going to be a Twinkie night while I watch the Premiere of SOA. Great night! Ciao!
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