The Moment You Quit For Good

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Senior Member
Jan 10, 2015
Since I started vaping a month ago I have not even had the urge to smoke an analog. While vaping today I realized the novelty of vaping had worn off a bit. I was just vaping casually not really thinking about it much. Then I started to think... was it the novelty of vaping that made me forget about analogs? So I figured why not test it out. I bought a pack of smokes and sat them down next to me. I sat my APV on the other side. I started to watch a movie, and waited to see what I would grab when I needed a nic fix. About an hour in I grabbed my mod. Did not really think about it, I just grabbed it. Next thing I know the movie is over and I never sat my mod down lol. So then I think maybe I am just used to not smoking analogs. So I go outside and light the analog... took three puffs and tossed it. It tasted so bad compared to e-juice.

So I guess that is the moment I knew I had really quit for good. After trying so many times before I truly never thought I would be a non-smoker. What was the moment you knew you were done with analogs?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2015
I found a pack I had stashed a few days ago that had 4 in it. I immediately bent it in half and trashed it. No desire to ever go back.

The only thing I sort of miss is how a cigarette hits when you take a drag. Vaping isn't quite the same. But I don't miss it enough to throw my money away and deal with ashes, butts, and stinking smoke. And of course I don't miss how it made my health deteriorate.

Now if we can only get employers and health insurance companies to understand that vaping doesn't equal smoking. As far as they're concerned if you have nicotine in your system you're a smoker.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 9, 2014
Foster City, CA, USA
Similar situation for me actually! I had been vaping for about six months when, drunk, distressed, and in Las Vegas I asked my wife for a cigarette. I put it out halfway through and grabbed my mod for a mouthful of Suicide Bunny's Mother's Milk. All I could think we're two things: a) "cigarettes don't make nearly enough smoke," and b) "good lord that tasted awful. SO HAPPY I bought some SB before this trip!"

That's when I knew that, for me, it was e cigs, or no cigs.

Congrats to you buddy that's a good feeling. And thanks for letting me re-live my experience!


Vaping Master
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Mar 7, 2013
Southeast Michigan
When I started vaping I still had my cigarette roller and a full case of rolled smokes. I carried the case back and forth to work with me just in case I had to have one. After a few weeks I started leaving the cigarettes only at work. After a few months I gave the still full case of cigs to my son, and gave my roller to my other son because his wasn't working. That's when I knew for sure that I didn't need cigarettes any more, and I still don't crave them at all.

corn flakes

Ultra Member
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Dec 29, 2014
Brant County Canada
I have not reached that stage yet but it is very close. Still carry my smokes in my jacket pocket. Vapes in the shirt pocket so it is more convenient. I did find myself grabbing for a smoke absent mindedly the other night. Just out of shear habit. Heading outside for a vape and just grabbing the pack and opening it.thinking what the hell am I doing. I haven't had a craving for a couple of weeks so I think I am well on the way to beating it.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
I have no firm idea. I drifted along for six months or so using two cigarettes in the morning with the most fortunate woman in the world, Ms. CMD-KY, a smoker then and now. One day, I vaped in the morning and later noticed that it had been several days since I smoked and haven't since. There was no particular day, it simply happened.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
I haven't had a moment yet but I haven't had any real desire to use analogues since I started vaping four weeks ago. The only time I thought about maybe buying a pack was when I forgot to fill my tank one morning and realised that I'd have to go without vaping for a while. I think it helped that I have tried giving up before so I could remember just how horrible that first packet tastes and decided that I could survive for a couple of hours.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2015
I think the moment you can safely say "I'm done" is when you don't have anymore juice from any source. When this happened to me as I'm in a remote part of Vietnam, I felt desperately sad for a few days after vaping for a year with no real cigarettes. But then I bought a packet and had one because I felt so depressed. So if you don't replace it, I thinkthen you can say 'never again'. But if you can safely vape until you die, no problem for you. Now I have a supply again so I'm O.K. vaping again for another year behind me. But the wolf is always at the door...........................Dazzer.
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Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I knew that I would fail if I decided I had to make a commitment to quitting. I simply chose to try vaping and to vape instead of smoking whenever/as long as I could. My last cigarette was on Feb.27, 2011 (almost 4 years ago).

After a month or so, I gave away my carton of cigarettes.

I don't know if I would go back if I couldn't vape. I probably would, I guess. Hopefully, I'll never have to find out. I certainly have no intention of trying a cigarette to see how it tastes now. I tend to do all one way or another.


Full Member
Nov 4, 2014
At a friend's wedding, he and his best man were vaping as I entered the building after having a cigarette. The delicious smell of their vapes wafted over me, and I inquired as to what was producing that heavenly scent. Grandmaster and Castle Long by Five Pawns was the answer, in case you were wondering. They passed me their vapes, and encouraged me to try it out. Just push the button and puff. When I took the devices in my hand, I was immediately surprised at the heft and size. These were something entirely different from the cigalikes and starter pens I had seen in the past. They were Provari v2s topped with AeroTank v2 Megas. I vaped on them a little whilst admiring the stainless steel and pyrex contraptions, rather mystified by the complexity of the design and mesmerized by the complexity of the flavours. "You say you haven't had a cigarette or cigar since you started using these?"

It was then that I knew the "electronic cigarette" was a thing of the past, and "vaping" had arrived.

Over the following few days, I was in constant contact with the guys, asking all the usual noob questions. I searched around online, read a few articles and their associated research studies, and watched many a video. Before long, it was abundantly clear that this was no passing fad of using gas-station hardware and liquid from who-knows-where. Things had changed, and people were finding success. Furthermore, all the research I could find pointed to the fact that (despite the opinions of the WHO and other groups supposedly interested in the health and well-being of the public) vaping was a safe and viable cessation method. I made plans to meet my friend at his favourite vape shop.

The day before meeting my friend in his town, I was immediately struck with the urge to see what was out there in my area. I stopped by several head shops, assuming that these were the types of places that would deal with equipment of this nature. They had a few pieces here and there, and a little juice selection. No sampling. I was underwhelmed. In talking to the staff, however, I learned that a "vape lounge" had opened up nearby. After passing through two more head shops within the span of a few blocks, I found the B&M they had described. I sampled the juice, discussed vaping a little bit, and, much more light-headed than when I had entered, I wandered back down those same blocks towards my return destination.

After about 6 blocks, I realized that I hadn't lit a cigarette. That's abnormal. I've never walked out of an establishment and not lit a cigarette. It wouldn't have mattered if I were only in there for 3 minutes and I had two just before I went in, I would light a cigarette. I didn't want a cigarette. I had no desire to smoke, and after a few more blocks, I was probably grinning like an idiot in amazement that I had not yet wanted a smoke. When I arrived at my destination, I opted to light one despite my lack of desire. I was immediately repulsed at the flavour and the sensation. I never liked the taste or smell of cigarettes, but I found it more intensely undesirable than ever. I had a couple puffs and tossed the rest.

Ten years at a pack a day. 25 cigarettes a day, give or take, at more than $10 CAD. A few short spurts without them while attempting to quit using the patch and the gum, lasting about 3 weeks to 3 months at most each time. I smoked my last cigarette as I walked into my friend's favourite vape shop the following day (Oct 3/14).

K Stub

Full Member
Jan 16, 2014
Lone Tree, CO
Thank you all for your inspiring stories! I hope to reach that day soon, but unfortunately I'm not there yet... Still want to smoke sometimes, but I'm only 2.5 weeks in, so I know I gotta give it more time. Problem is, I LIKED smoking, as nasty as I know it is! My Mom, sis, and aunt still smoke 2PAD, and whe I'm with them, I go back and forth between "God, that stinks, I'm so glad I don't do that anymore", and "God, that smells SO good, I just want a couple drags". I tested myself last night, bummed a cig from Mom, and unfortunately, even after over 2 weeks tobacco free, it still tasted good:( GRRRRR!!!!! That's why I won't let myself buy any, I know I'd smoke 'em. Ah well, gotta keep on keepin' on! Thanks again for all the stories, they give me lots of hope & motivation!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
For me it was my 2nd full day of vaping. I was using a cig-a-like (Volt from Smokeless Image). It was a Sunday and I had a couple of cigarettes when I got up because I didn't fill any cartomizers before I went to bed (yes, cartos were a thing back then). Anyway, I was watching the TV about 7pm and my wife asked me what was wrong. I must have had a strange look on my face because I had just gone nearly 12 hours without a cigarette. 12 hours for a 3 pad 40 year smoker is a miracle. My wife even asked me to order her one of those new-fangled e-cig kits. That's when I knew it would work.
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