The Really Big RY4 Roundup (long)

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May 14, 2011
Central Virginia

You're doing a superb job with this, thanks once more for your kindness. I live and die by your rankings since all I vape is RY4. Your taste is spot on for my tastebuds as well. Let me know what you want to try next and I'll send you the next batch. It's only fair since you're doing all this pro-bono and yet everybody is benefiting.

Kind regards


ECF Guru
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Apr 17, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
I ordered a couple RY4s while ordering more juices I didn't need. Here is a short review of the RY4s as well as the vendors.

DIY Flavor Shack by E-Cig Smoke Store
I love Dawn's customer service. She is generous in extras and with her knowledge. She will go out of her way to help, often without being asked.
I recently won a contest and received two flavors, RY4 and Caramel-Vanilla RY4. With these free flavors, she sent 10ml each of French Vanilla and Cafe Napolean. She also sent some VG, some nic, some Razzleberry Dazzle doubler, and some DIY gear. All of this was free to me. So I would like nothing better than to say her RY4 is the best I have ever tried. But no, it tastes perfumey to me. It is like the vanilla doesn't play well with the other flavors.
On a side note, the Cafe Napolean is just AWESOME! It is a sweet vanilla type cake. If you want to try a good flavor from a great vendor, order Cafe Napoleon from Dawn's DIYFlavorShack.

I have heard good things about Mom and Pop's Vapor Shop, so I ordered RY4, tobacco Haze, Caramel, and Spearmint. They also added three small samples. I have heard that their Caramel is very good, and it is. You can taste the delicious caramel in their RY4. The tobacco is also good. But again, the vanilla just isn't right. Also there is a hint of maple in the caramel. A hint too much for my taste.
If you want a very good new tobacco flavor, an all-day flavor, order the Tobacco Haze. You won't be disappointed.

Welcome to - Eliquid, Cartomizers, Ego Batteries, Atomizers, Electronic Cigarettes and more!
The best thing about VaporGod is pricing. They have 1100 mAh batteries for under $13. Boge cartos are $6.99 a box (5) with a free 5ml of juice (your choice of flavor). So with my last carto purchase, I got VaporGod's RY4. Their RY4 is unique. It is like a candy RY4, not a cake or tobacco. Maybe more of a drink flavored RY4. Not bad, just unique to any other I've tried. It is worth a try, if you need a box of cartos.
Other flavors to try from VaporGod (they have 140+) are Black Cherry (tastes just like cherry Pepsi), Tropical Punch (just like PEZ), and if you are into it, Earl Grey Tea.

I will buy from these vendors again. All are very good vendors. I will not buy their RY4s again.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri

Thanks for posting those reviews. I'd sniffed around all three of those sites, but didn't pull the trigger and buy their RY4s for one reason or another. I'd already tried Mom and Pop's 10Forty and Tobacco Haze back in July when their site opened, and I feared that their more recent RY4 offering might not be all that wonderful (which you've confirmed). Numerous folks have praised Dawn's RY4 (it is Dawn, right?) at DIY Flavorshack, but the prices nearly gave me a heart attack, so I passed. And I intended to buy a small bottle of RY4 from Vapor God but never quite got around to it for reasons I can't even remember.

You've saved me both the trouble and expense. If you'd like to rank those RY4s on the Big List and define their Category Groups, that'd be great. Shoot me a PM and we'll git 'er done.

Upcoming RY4s and Variants to be reviewed by me that have either arrived and are steeping or already been purchased but not yet delivered include:

Moondrop RY42
Moondrop Straight Up Caramel
Esci Toasted Tobacco Kick Juice
Copper Creek Voodoo
Good Prophets Keemer RY4 VG
Good Prophets Keemer RY3 VG
Value Vapor Dekang RY1
Value Vapor Dekang RY2
Value Vapor Dekang RY3
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 17, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
Still don't see nhaler's R Why Not. You need to try that. I would offer up mine, but my greed prevents it.

I don't feel comfortable offering up these flavors to the list. For one, my tastes are unique (as is everyone's). I don't like Taboo and a couple others you have liked. I truely enjoy Jooglers Blend and KBV which you didn't.
Also I doubt my tastebuds are near good enough to do justice to your list. I like reading your reviews, and properly consider them a guide. My list would be way different. It would also be way shorter.
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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
Still don't see nhaler's R Why Not. You need to try that. I would offer up mine, but my greed prevents that.

Hang, Torqueguy very kindly offered to procure me an unreviewed RY4. I suggested nhaler's R Why Not, since you mentioned it.

You know, I'm starting to wonder if we might be reaching if not the bottom maybe the middle of the barrel on down. Are there more stunningly great RY4s lurking out there, or have we already reviewed, ranked, and categorized all the truly brilliant ones? I mean, when was the last time a new RY4 broke into the Top 10? And can any new RY4 hope to top PV4 and VR4, not to mention de-throning Janty, Ikenvape, and the most recent Dekang RY4s? I guess it's possible, but it sure doesn't seem very likely.

For example, I was really impressed with Sweet-Vapes RY4, but even so, I simply could not in good conscience rank it any higher than #14. But then, even if we have a slew of mediocre RY4 reviews over the next couple months, I suppose it would take only one amazing juice gem to come out of the blue and storm the Bastille. (Yeah, and pigs can fly...).


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
Good Prophets is clearing out their Keemer VG line at 6.99 for 30 ml. Picked up some RY4 & Blend (DK-TAB) because I heard they're good and love a good deal. Also have clear drip tips on sale for 99c.


If you read the list of upcoming reviews I posted today, you'll see Keemer RY3 and RY4 that I just ordered two days ago from that Good Prophets' sale. People can say what they will about Chinese juices, but those folks do seem to know what they're doing with RY4s. I look forward to tasting (and reviewing) the two Keemer versions.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 17, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
Crystal Clear Vaping
I ordered some cartos from Crystal Clear Vaping, and decided to try his RY4 and his Black N Mild. I have heard good things about the Black N Mild, and I have had good experience with CCV in the past.
Their e-liquid prices are $7.50/10ml and $15/30ml. The liquid is nearly clear. I was very impressed by the RY4. It has a bold tobacco base, leaning more to cigar than cigarette. The caramel and vanilla blend well. There is little flavor on the inhale, but very nice flavor at exhale. Bold yet slightly sweet. In my top five for sure. I look forward to seeing how this steeps, and will order it again.

I would recommend this one for review by our mentor and leader.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri

Looks like I spoke too soon yesterday. No sooner had I left the post wondering out loud whether we had already found all the great RY4s than I discovered a package in the mail containing some juices I'd ordered, one of which was listed in my post about upcoming reviews. Well, I tried it out straight away, of course, and it about knocked my socks off. Just incredible, and a huge surprise. I won't say which juice it was (don't want to spoil the suspense, LOL), but---if first impressions hold---when I review it in a couple days, it's going to get a huge thumbs up and rocket into the Top 10.

And now you chime in with CCV RY4, which is good enough to put in your Top 5! I guess my question has been answered in the negative. No, we haven't found all the great RY4s yet.

Mentor and leader? Ah, hangdude, there's your charming sense of humor again, simultaneously sincere and slightly satirical. Well, I'll respond in kind with my own wry joke. To quote the words of William Tecumseh Sherman, famous Civil War general and scourge of the south, upon being told when the war ended in 1865 that a groundswell of northern public sentiment was building that favored his running for President: "If nominated I will not run, and if elected I will not serve." LOL. Really, it's all I can manage just to be the ad hoc custodian and janitor of the RY4 thread. (If you'd like, hangdude, you can be my first executive assistant janitor. The position comes with a desk plaque made from cardboard, aluminum foil, and magic marker...)


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
Have any of you tried the Ry4 from Elite Vaporworks? I got it today, it's pretty good! Seems similar to Bloog, but not certain.


I understand that it's often easier to just ask a question than go back through the thread to find and check the updated rankings list, but---to answer your question---yes, Elite Vaporworks RY4 has already been reviewed and is ranked at #22.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
weird. i've read your thread for awhile, and couldn't remember. just so you know though, when you type in the word "elite" under "search this thread", no results show up (with the exception of my last post and your response)


I get it. I'm sorry if I implied that you were "lazy" or "not paying attention." Yes, searching the Forums is dicey at best, and downright awful at worst. You type in "caramel and vanilla" in the advanced search string, and you get a thousand posts that contain one word or the other, but not necessarily both (which is what you want). I don't know, maybe I'm too much of a dufus to understand how to work the Boolean search criteria (does this ...... of a search engine even use Boolean terms?), but it's terribly frustrating to look for something and not be able to find it in a search. These days I use Google exclusively when searching ECF by using the advanced option and specifying only this web site.

For whatever it's worth, my review of Elite Vaporworks RY4 (and Sweet-Vapes RY4) was posted on October 2nd in post #774, so it's not too far back in the thread. I liked both juices.

You might rank Elite Vaporworks RY4 higher than I did, but keep in mind that---on this list---#22 isn't bad at all. That's right in the middle. Maybe if someone made a ranking list of all the French Toast or Apple Pie juices, the middle of the pack would be undistinguished. But not with RY4s. Here, only the very bottom of the list (#43-#45) are juices I consider really lousy. The ones in the 20s are actually pretty darn good. Even RY4s ranked in the 30s are often tasty.

Take Halo Tribeca, for instance. Many ECF members love Tribeca. I didn't (because I'm not a fan of Halo's signature tobacco "purity" base, which tastes medicinal to me), so on my list it's way down at #38. But that doesn't mean it's a bad juice.

But then, you probably already knew everything I just wrote in this post. LOL.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2010
I just got my first RY4, Janty Elixir VG, and am surprised by it's lack of any of the flavors described. I taste no sweet, no caramel, no vanilla, and a sawdusty tobacco-ish flavor. I've been vaping for over a year, and a friend who's also been vaping for over a year tried it with a similar impression. Has anyone else tried the latest (dated 9/2011) batch? Was it fine? I'm not sure if this is something steeping will correct or if there's something else factoring in, and would appreciate any input...
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