The whole "Kids!" thing...

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Jan 24, 2014
Since I'm a 54 year old adult, I must be out of my mind, because I buy plenty of stuff from B&Ms. There's a lot to be said for touching, feeling, or in some cases, tasting stuff before you buy it, not to mention the instant gratification of taking your purchase with you after deciding you want it. In fact, about the only stuff I buy on-line is stuff I can't get from a local B&M.

I totally agree; if my local B&M stocked supplies like bottles, syringes, etc, he'd have made a much bigger sale tonight. But I loved being able to taste Kringle's Curse before buying it, I was afraid it would be too much like a menthol cigarette, but it's great, just strong peppermint. And the guy who runs the store is super nice, very patient with me sitting there tasting half a dozen flavors. His shop is very new, but I hope he makes it, and business really takes off, so he'll increase his inventory and maybe include those supplies! He doesn't have online sales, but does have a website - The Vaping Shack » E Cigs and Accessories -- if you're in the metro-Atlanta/Gwinnett county area, stop in, he's got Halo, Volcano, and um.... one other major label e-juice, though it escapes me at the moment.



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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
I'm saying this? Where are you getting that from? I mean, you wouldn't care to quote where exactly I said these things you are saying I said, and think?

Several of us have specifically asked you about this, and you've stood by your "No rules, none, ever" stuff.

I'm not going to go back and quote all your posts, they are already in the thread.

If you aren't just trolling and seriously want to continue this, I'm willing to talk with you about it via PM. But it looks to me like you are just trying to rile people up, then pretend you didn't say what you said, and if that's all you want, then I'm not interested.


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Sep 15, 2013
Austin,TX, USA
Have you been (actually) communicating? If so, I must've missed that post where you said something directly to me in the last couple pages.

You know what man... You have yourself a great day. :) Seriously. It's Valentines Day, which is like the day of love and stuff. Go pet a dog, hug a kid, or whatever you do that makes you feel good.



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Sep 15, 2013
Austin,TX, USA
Jman, Who the hell said anything about "Grammar Police?" I'm with Robert Heinlein: "Never correct my grammar." I was talking about plain damn laziness. No periods, that's punctuation. Grammar ain't mean no never damn all to me as long as I am understood.

Punctuation is important, and saves lives.

We already ate, Grandma. We already at Grandma!


The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
I don't understand why Jman's posts are so offensive to people. Yeah, he is stirring the what?

I don't think he has attacked anyone personally. His ANTZ insinuation may have crossed the line, true, but beyond that...

Challenging people's assumptions is not really such a bad thing, in my book. Even if the challenge is refuted, it is a worthy exercise.

Roaring via Tapatalk


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Punctuation is important, and saves lives.

We already ate, Grandma. We already at Grandma!

Sounds like you would enjoy a marvelous book I found... "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" by Lynne Truss. She describes it as being for "punctuation geeks" but anyone could benefit from it, IMHO. :)

Jan 19, 2014
Moved On
I don't understand why Jman's posts are so offensive to people. Yeah, he is stirring the what?

I don't think he has attacked anyone personally. His ANTZ insinuation may have crossed the line, true, but beyond that...<snip>

Direct hit on target. Score 500 points. You get another bird.


Supporting Member
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Dec 14, 2013
I don't understand why Jman's posts are so offensive to people. Yeah, he is stirring the what?

I don't think he has attacked anyone personally. His ANTZ insinuation may have crossed the line, true, but beyond that...

"Use of hyperbole". In a manner similar to sarcasm, it is employed as rhetorical device, but not meant to be taken literally.


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Oct 1, 2013


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Sep 4, 2013
United States
Evidentally, a local school here allows vaping if it's zero nic. In class. I don't think this is wise.

My daughter tells me they can vape in some of her classes at high school and it doesn't have to be zero nic. She says it depends on the teacher -- just like some teachers will let them eat a snack in class and some won't. Basically, there is no policy. It isn't covered under the tobacco policy because it isn't tobacco. I do find it hard to believe that it is allowed in class when a kid can get suspended for having a cough drop. (My daughter did get suspended for having cough drops that I put in her purse. The active ingredient was fruit pectin - a food, not a drug.)

And, yes I did buy my teenage daughter an e-cig. She had been stealing cigarettes from me and her dad for many months before we figured it out and was addicted. That is the reason my husband and I took up vaping to be honest. We didn't want her to have easy access to cigarettes.
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