This poll is for former smokers who quit with the help of e-cigarettes

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
Yes. Prior to trying electronic cigarettes, I used the patch, Zyban and nicotine lozenges. While all of them helped ease the craving for a cigarette, none of them made that craving go away completely.

E-cigarettes did. Smoke free three years on 10/28/2014. I smoked for 31 years and was a pack a day smoker when I finally gave them up and replaced them with a 650 mah eGo.:laugh:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2014
Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
I was a smoker for 40 years, give or take and have tried on numerous occasions to quit. I did try gum, patches and the like but the longest I was ever able to stay away from tobacco was two weeks. To cut a long story short my wife picked up a couple of small ego's and e-liquid from a local discount store on the Friday, I played about with it over the weekend and then took it to my work on Monday, used it all day with no problem but I still had some tobacco left (rolled my own). Decided to use up the last of my tobacco which lasted me till the Thursday evening and from then (the 15th August 2014) I have been a non-smoker.
Don't know the number of cigs a day, being a hand roller, but used about 4 ounce a week


Super Member
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Oct 10, 2014
I am proud to say it works for me. I've only been vaping for a couple of weeks now, but I have no cravings and no desire to light up. I started with a gas station e-cig for the first week, It wasn't great, but it helped me cut down my 2 pad habit to about 1 pad. I got the EVOD starter kit and the first 3 days I smoke 3 analogs, not so much because I wanted one, but my goal was to cut down, not quit. Day 3 was 2 analogs, day 4 was only one and day 5, none. I used to smoke 2 packs a day for over 20 years and now I don't crave them at all, Vaping has saved me and I am so glad I found this site to help me in my journey. fwiw, I still keep my last pack near my chair, with the date written on the bottom of it that I opened it. The date is 10/30/2014. There are still 7 in there tempting me, and 2 full packs here on my desk left over from the last carton I bought. I wont smoke them because I dont want them, not interested at all. Its such a great feeling.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
Immediately quit upon my first vape. Never ever tried to quit in 53 yrs. smoking, and bringing home my MVP was merely to help me over smoking restrictions on an up coming trip. Boy, was I surprised! Fortunate mistake and almost 16 mos. later I'm still doing a little happy dance in the morning before my cuppa joe. :D


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013

And not to frustrate anyone who's had was really easy for me. I wasn't even really planning on quitting smoking, just wanted e-cigs for times when I couldn't get outdoors to smoke. But withing a couple weeks I decided I preferred vaping, and cigs were tasting nasty in comparison, so I stopped. Never had a "craving". Been like 20 months now..


Super Member
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Oct 31, 2013
Tennessee USA
Over forty years smoking cigarettes, tried to quit many times using nic gum, patches and losenges. Even tried those cheap cig-a-likes and none of them worked for me. Until I tried again with an ego c plus kit and was able to quit cold turkey august 10 2013.

I now use more advanced pv's and atty devices. If the FDA takes them and flavored e-liquids away and forces us to use those cheesy cig-a-likes, then I would probably end up going underground to obtain nicotine for diy e-liquids, and/or cook my own nic liquids. Otherwise I would be forced to revert back to smoking cigarettes again.

I (and my family), pray that the leftie liberal nanny do gooder politicians and FDA do not sign my death warrant by banning or regulating e-cigs.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
After smoking for more than 20 years, and having "quit" several times for no more than 5-6 months, I managed to quit in a day and an half whith my first e-cigarette - not even a 2nd generation device like the e-Go (that only came after), but with a much inferior Janty Dura-C (that was what was available back in the beginning of 2009). While not exactly a "cig-alike" in appearance (the size of a cigarette, but all black, without the glowing led), the Dura's technology was definitely 1st generation: the batteries would not last for long (used to carry four with me) and vapour production was not that great.

And yet, it DID work !! :thumbs:
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