Too early for provari jump

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ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Okay then, does anybody have anything bad to say about the Vamo V-2. It comes with everything in the kit for the same price I paid for my eGo plus more options for tanks and everything else. I'm still looking at the provari but just want to make sure my vaping is gonna last. Plus it leaves me lots of money for more juices.

I have to say it is definitely the best option in that price range. Power regulated, variable wattage, 5 amp switch, better batteries - seems pretty straight forward to me. Here is a review of the VAMO from a trusted ECF reviewer:

A PBusardo Review - The Vamo - YouTube


ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV


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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
Like already said, if you can afford, and want a Provari, then go ahead and get one. It's not an absolute must, but they are nice to have. I certainly would enjoy owning one!

I have been vamping for a month now and with this forum infinite knowledge it has mad me start to reconsider my setup. I am still just using a eGo-CE4 model. I want to know if it is worth it to just take the big jump forward for a provari to enjoy my new hobby?

Chef Vper

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Mar 14, 2013
Memphis, Tn
I think it was best said that whatever keeps you off the analogs is the best, but that being said i have a provari v2 and a v2.5 sitting next to me along with other mods but i always seem to drift back to my provari v2.5 with a zap, oh thats another thing if you get the provari i would say to start saving and get a zap when they are out, the combo is CRAZY good


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Jan 18, 2013
Princeton, NJ
I dont plan to ever buy a Provari. But thats just me.

My VAMO is enough for me to finish that home stretch before dipping into mechs. Which, really, is the resting point of the game. It will survive even FDA regulations; you cant ban lithium batteries. And with a handful of rebuildables, i dont have to worry about VV VW.


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Okay then, does anybody have anything bad to say about the Vamo V-2. It comes with everything in the kit for the same price I paid for my eGo plus more options for tanks and everything else. I'm still looking at the provari but just want to make sure my vaping is gonna last. Plus it leaves me lots of money for more juices.
I don't own a Vamo. But just consider for a moment: How long do you plan on using your PV? The Vamo is made in China, and although many vapors will argue that it will provide the same experience as a Provari, it will not have the quality of build or the durability that a Provari has. Once the Vamo or any of the Chinese built PV's become out-of-warranty, they can not be repaired.

The Provari on the other hand comes with a 1 year warranty, has the option to purchase a second year warranty if you desire that, and then even after the warranty is expired the manufacturer will repair it as long as you own it. These factors convince me that it's higher cost make it worth it. That and the fact that they retain their value as a used PV at close to their original purchase price proves their value over time.


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Im trying to decide between provari and a mech mod at the moment..

If you can afford a Provari, I'd recommend it. You can always use the Provari like a mech mod if you don't wish to use it's variable voltage function. It will have other useful functions that a mech mod will not have, such as the built-in ability to check your battery's remaining voltage, check the resistance of the attached delivery device, and safety features that a mech mod doesn't have.

However, variable voltage allows more versatility to adjust the heat of your juice delivery device's output (cartomizer, atomizer, clearomizer, tank, etc). This means you can adjust the heat for each flavor that you have in your juice collection. For example, I find lower voltage is best for fruit flavors. For a coffee flavor, I like to adjust the heat a little for the best flavor. Something like a cinnamon flavor, yet a higher voltage allows for a better flavor production.

With a mechanical mod, you are limited to just one fixed voltage, and can't adjust the voltage to different flavors.
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Feb 20, 2013
Florida, USA
I have been vaping for 3 weeks on the same system as you 650mah ego with a CE4. Both knockoffs. They took me off the analogs and have kept me off so far. This is my opinion as a noob, and I dont intend to be insulting and I could be totally wrong. I think that its easy to become enchanted with this hobby since most of us literally owe our lives to vaping. nic is addictive, and the addiction turns into chasing the "perfect vape" Especially with the bombardment of information and reviews etc...on this forum. By the second week I had watched review after review on youtube of so much equipment and spent hours deciding what my next purchase would be. Should i go cartotank or vivi nova? top or bottom fed? I want ease of use and convenience and don't want to fiddle with rewicking etc.. What battery should I get, Vamo or Provari, or just settle for a twist for now? The whole time vaping my humble ego setup. A few days ago i went to my local B&M to ask for help in person. I went through the options with the employee, who was very helpful. He let me try a vape off a carto tank (not sure which one) with boba's bounty powered at a provari. It was great. I liked it. But then I realized that it wasnt THAT much more wonderful than my little ego setup (which I also had boba's in my CE4 at home). Instead of dropping the coin on the provari, I bought another ego battery as a backup, and a low res kanger T3. I like the vape from the T3, but I'm still satisfied with the Ce4 and can still vape it all day. I guess I am easily satisfied, I dont intend on vaping to become a serious permanent hobby that I wish to spend a lot of time and money on, its just something to keep me from smoking. at the end of the day its keeping me off analogs, nic is being delivered to my system, and I am happy. Like anything, there is hype surrounding these products and I pass most of the reviews off as hype. Is it better, sure, it probably is, there will always be something bigger and better. Is it worth it to me? no not really. I have decided to keep my ego/clearo setup and rotate juice that I like. That should do it for me.


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Jan 24, 2013
Northeast USA
Well when I got my Provari it was because I had no idea if vaping was going to work for me, I tried it back in 2008 (spent like $300 on junk)

I read the reviews and thought hey, made in USA ... warranty, can send it back even after end of warranty to get it fixed ... 1 battery charge lasts like 1-1/2 days ... extra batteries are like 10 bucks ... could sell it for about what I paid for it if I hate it ... no downside

Everything else I would have bought except for some exotics are totally worthless for resale or are just throw aways


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Dec 25, 2011
When I started vaping, I worked my self up from an Epower (remember those?LOL) an ego, a kGo, a Lavatube and then a Provari. I wish I had bought the Provari in the beginning. Wasted a lot of money and time on lesser-quality pvs. Vaping with a Provari is totally different than the others I mentioned. Still love my kGos though. Good luck with whatever you decide on!:)
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