Too early for provari jump

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Mar 22, 2013
Columbia, MO
I have been vaping for 3 weeks on the same system as you 650mah ego with a CE4. Both knockoffs. They took me off the analogs and have kept me off so far. This is my opinion as a noob, and I dont intend to be insulting and I could be totally wrong. I think that its easy to become enchanted with this hobby since most of us literally owe our lives to vaping. nic is addictive, and the addiction turns into chasing the "perfect vape" Especially with the bombardment of information and reviews etc...on this forum. By the second week I had watched review after review on youtube of so much equipment and spent hours deciding what my next purchase would be. Should i go cartotank or vivi nova? top or bottom fed? I want ease of use and convenience and don't want to fiddle with rewicking etc.. What battery should I get, Vamo or Provari, or just settle for a twist for now? The whole time vaping my humble ego setup. A few days ago i went to my local B&M to ask for help in person. I went through the options with the employee, who was very helpful. He let me try a vape off a carto tank (not sure which one) with boba's bounty powered at a provari. It was great. I liked it. But then I realized that it wasnt THAT much more wonderful than my little ego setup (which I also had boba's in my CE4 at home). Instead of dropping the coin on the provari, I bought another ego battery as a backup, and a low res kanger T3. I like the vape from the T3, but I'm still satisfied with the Ce4 and can still vape it all day. I guess I am easily satisfied, I dont intend on vaping to become a serious permanent hobby that I wish to spend a lot of time and money on, its just something to keep me from smoking. at the end of the day its keeping me off analogs, nic is being delivered to my system, and I am happy. Like anything, there is hype surrounding these products and I pass most of the reviews off as hype. Is it better, sure, it probably is, there will always be something bigger and better. Is it worth it to me? no not really. I have decided to keep my ego/clearo setup and rotate juice that I like. That should do it for me.

Well said. I am new to all of this and I may fall in love with it but the main goal for me is to quit smoking.


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Mar 22, 2013
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Feb 23, 2010
Hi - another vote here for a Twist or Spinner!

And another. Get an eGo-C Twist or Spinner, familiarize yourself with the joys of variable voltage and then you can always upgrade. Your present hardware is compatible with the Twist/Spinner; all you need to order is one battery.

Good luck and happy vaping.


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Feb 23, 2010
I vape a Provari because my life depends on it performing every single time.

I also don't put cheap, slick, worn out used tires on the car my family rides in for the same reason.

You get what you pay for...

I've been using eGo--class battery for over two years. They never failed me. :)

And I prefer smaller form and portability of my eGos. Not to mention all those pretty colors to match my outfits. :D


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Feb 24, 2013
North Georgia
So what should be the next step if I don't take the leap to provari. Twist or Vamo????

LOL, I love it when people don't keep up with a thread, but jump in anyway. To answer your questions about the Vamo vs. Twist, I'm not sure what kind of price you're seeing on the Vamo kit, but a single twist or spinner battery can be had for about $20 to $25. You've already got the charging equipment, so all you need is one battery to see if you like VV. I'm not trying to steer you away from the Vamo, just explaining the price. I don't think you'll go wrong with either one.


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Feb 11, 2013
Rochelle, VA
Ummm had a vamo, really liked it. Dropped it a few times, well more then that because I am a spazz and now I have a Provari. It is simpler and at first I was a little disappointed, but now I have to say it is a rugged sturdy unit, seems to vape more even too. So it is really up to you, the Vamo is a great purchase but if you have the cash Provari.


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  • Aug 13, 2011
    As you can see there are a lot of ways to pluck this chicken, and the good news is that you get to decide for yourself which setup to get.

    OR ...... you can be like me, and just get them all :lol:

    Anymore tho' I just ask myself one question before I put out the cash for another PV, and that is, "how well will it work a year from now?"

    You also need to know that just getting a new PV isn't the whole answer to your question. You still need to decide what you are going to use on it. Being a dyslexic, I tend to look at this the other way around. I look at a new atty/RBA, or whatever, and then think about what will power it best. Voltage/wattage is only a small piece of that equation. There is also air flow management, fit & finish, pocket friendly, or desk friendly, and on and on to consider.
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    Personally, my progression led me to the Provari very quickly. Uneducated, I bought the Blu starter kit, and was obviously unsatisfied. I sold it on craigslist and moved on to the ego-t with the ce-4 tank. I was so impressed with it, with the quality of the flavors it introduced me to, the vapor production and that it really satisfied my nicotine cravings. I was still smoking when I started vaping with the ego, just experimenting with the idea of it. I had my guard up from my experience with the mini/cigarette style ecigs. I kind of quit analogs accidentally when I realized that: a) my nicotine cravings were being satisfied by vaping, and b) i was craving my cigarettes/cigars less and less... I happen to have an incurable autoimmune disease that centers itself in the lungs, so smoking wasn't just stupid for the obvious reasons. There was an extra element of danger for me because of my health, so I take the gift I have received from vaping very seriously. Because of the seriousness of it, and the essential miracle of being able to completely stop using the analogs I had smoked for 14 years, I went to my e-cig guys and told them I wanted the best they had. So to make a long story short, I bought my Provari after less than two months of vaping. I can justify it by saying that I have gotten my money back several times from the cigarettes I HAVEN'T purchased... So that's my 2 cents.


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    Aug 18, 2012
    I happen to have an incurable autoimmune disease that centers itself in the lungs, so smoking wasn't just stupid for the obvious reasons. There was an extra element of danger for me because of my health, so I take the gift I have received from vaping very seriously. Because of the seriousness of it, and the essential miracle of being able to completely stop using the analogs I had smoked for 14 years, I went to my e-cig guys and told them I wanted the best they had. So to make a long story short, I bought my Provari after less than two months of vaping. I can justify it by saying that I have gotten my money back several times from the cigarettes I HAVEN'T purchased... So that's my 2 cents.

    Good for you!

    For the OP, if you have the cash, the Provari is awesome. Stack an RBA on that once you are comfortable with one and it will blow you away. I just put ribbon Kanthal in mine to experiment and I am blowing MASSIVE clouds of vapor. I have no regrets about spending the $200+ I spent on mine about two months ago.

    If you're on a budget, yeah as the other posters have said the Vamo has a lot of features as a VW device. I'd pick it over a new ego twist if I already had an ego. For about $40 you can buy one and then pick up a few 18650 batteries instead of needing more than one device.


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    Feb 11, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    I went from EGO Twists to Provari (2 actually) in my first month of vaping and it's saved me a lot of money in trial and error. That said, my hubby prefers the Twists. It's all about personal preference. Neither of us considered the Vamo but there are lots of folks who like them. If you're interested in some pretty in-depth reviews of many, many PVs you might want to check out Phil Busardo at

    I'm really not tempted to own any other mods now, with the exception of the iHybrid which is absolutely in my future ;) Good luck with your choices.


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    Feb 5, 2013
    Chicago Area
    I got a Provari a little over a month after I started vaping. I lost all interest in other vv mods once I got it in my hands. I'm not saying that I'm not tempted to buy anything new. I just feel like I don't need to purchase another vv mod unless I want to try out a vw mod. The Provari does everything I need, other than using my mechanical mods when I want to vape gen attys.

    Plus the fact that you considered buying a Provari. Unless you get a chance to test it out first and not like it. Anything else you get, there will be that lingering thought in your mind, that you should have just gotten a Provari. Just like I'm kicking myself for not getting a Bliss while they were still in stock.
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