Vaping, a New Dawn for former and current Smokers

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA
Why ? - The many varieties of devices, flavors, and nicotine strengths still available in many places not contaminated by the political whores who apparently hate all tobacco so much that they are willing to jeopardize the lives of many thousands, if not millions, of ex and even current smokers, by killing off the vape industry in favor of their hypocritical agendas of tobacco control.

The fact that vaping tobacco has been proven to be less toxic than lit tobacco products is, to them, all the more reason to restrict and eventually eliminate it. {As has been done in India where all vaping is a crime}

vaping has been and is still being used by many to wean their way off of nicotine by gradually lowering nicotine concentration - For others who do not want to quit completely vaping offers a much safer alternative to the toxic stew present in lit tobacco, especially cigarettes.

And the fact that vaping for flavor with zero nicotine is available - seems to give them all the more reason to outlaw flavors ?!??!?!

Do they know what they are doing you may ask? - Sure they do, and its all about money. Apparently they make more in tax revenues from old fashioned cigarettes - Still as tax rates go up everywhere on vape products, they may decide there is enough to be made to keep it legal. But don't fool yourself, it has nothing to do with 'saving the children'. In a nation where it may soon become easier, in some places, to buy marijuana than tobacco - I ask who is going to save the children from the political whores who can no longer keep following the mantra that "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Who will save the children from them ?

And no I am not against marijuana legalization - but still must point out that tobacco, a mental stimulant, is being downgraded by a drug often used to get 'stoned'

Maybe this is what they want - Not a thinking population of voters - When a stoned population is easier to fool!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2020
Be my guest and post the message where you want.
Thank you, i will.

Any suggestions?
Meant things like Facebook, Twitter, MeWe... all those "social media" things i can't figure out. Letters sections of newspapers (print & online). Political forums if folks there have any concern for personal freedoms issues. Because the war on vaping has wider implications.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA
Because the war on vaping has wider implications.
True! But if you start posting pro vaping posts in places not directly concerned with vaping and/or issues like
'smoker's rights', at least before they got away with eliminating all smoker's rights, and decided to push vaping into the same category even though it is not - Though the anti-smoke crowd of yesterday says vape vapor is also bad and therefor the banning of public vaping in many places.

Point being you can come off looking as the bad guy for promoting a habit which may have negative side effects {ie. addiction}.

Years ago I used to promote pipe smoking to cigarette smokers as pipe {and cigar} smoking is statistically safer than cigarette smoking. A few ago, when I switched to exclusive vaping I did the same by promoting it to cigarette smokers.

Today I would not - 'They' have convinced the public that vaping is as, if not more, dangerous than smoking
- Not true you say? - 'They' don't care! - 'They' can not stand, and have trouble sleeping at night if they think there is any tobacco user enjoying tobacco - 'They' don't give a damn - You see it is the same as the war on alcohol {Prohibition} and the war on drugs - The net result, if not the agenda, is to feed the Underworld!

Even on forums that are supposed to be for vaping I've had some of my posts, including one similar to this one attacked, by what I call 'Bloomberg trolls' {shills} who find some excuse, such as I insulted marijuana by saying people use it to get stoned and therefor "you're stupid". I believe these anti vape trolls are bought and and paid for !!!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2020
True! But if you start posting pro vaping posts in places not directly concerned with vaping ...
... you can come off looking as the bad guy ...
You're right, certainly. The times i've posted anything about vaping in non-vaping-related venues, i've linked an article and prefaced it with something like, "If you don't smoke or vape, you may not care, but you should because if they can get away with doing it to vaping, they'll do it to other things like ..." The focus is on promoting liberty and truth rather than on promoting vaping. None of us wants to promote vaping to non-smokers anyway, right?

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
You know now i come to think about it, TPD regulations etc have not made the slightest difference to me. I can even come to terms with 2 mil tanks by using them as a re wicking reminder. Nicotine liquid over 20mg was banned but i can still buy 72mg nicotine liquid anytime i want. There isn't anything i can't get actually. There is as much hot air about the positives as there are about the negatives.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2020
You know now i come to think about it, TPD regulations etc have not made the slightest difference to me. I can even come to terms with 2 mil tanks by using them as a re wicking reminder. Nicotine liquid over 20mg was banned but i can still buy 72mg nicotine liquid anytime i want. There isn't anything i can't get actually. There is as much hot air about the positives as there are about the negatives.
A positive attitude is a good thing but he old "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" applies to our circumstances.

When a federal tax on cigarettes began, it was a penny/pack and the stated purpose was to pay off WWII debt. Who could object? -- It was only 1 cent, it was for a national need, cigarettes are unhealthful anyway, and if you don't want to pay it then just don't smoke them. No one had serious objections. They should have. Look at where we are now?

The federal income tax was 1% at first and only paid on the highest of incomes. Now?

A 20mg limit? That's plenty for almost anyone anyway! Uh huh. Then it's 18, 12, 2, 0, gone.
2ml tanks? Just refill more often; you can still vape! Until you can't.
Just not there. Not there either. And not there. Or there. Or there. Or... anywhere.

TIP - TOE. Tacit Incremental Prohibition -> Total Overt Elimination

It's no big deal until it is.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2020
A positive attitude is a good thing but he old "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" applies to our circumstances.

When a federal tax on cigarettes began, it was a penny/pack and the stated purpose was to pay off WWII debt. Who could object? -- It was only 1 cent, it was for a national need, cigarettes are unhealthful anyway, and if you don't want to pay it then just don't smoke them. No one had serious objections. They should have. Look at where we are now?

The federal income tax was 1% at first and only paid on the highest of incomes. Now?

A 20mg limit? That's plenty for almost anyone anyway! Uh huh. Then it's 18, 12, 2, 0, gone.
2ml tanks? Just refill more often; you can still vape! Until you can't.
Just not there. Not there either. And not there. Or there. Or there. Or... anywhere.

TIP - TOE. Tacit Incremental Prohibition -> Total Overt Elimination

It's no big deal until it is.
As i was saying...
Brookline, Mass. Bans Tobacco, Vape Sales to Anyone Born in 21st Century
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    When I started vaping, NJoy was involved in a law suit with the FDA. NJoy won, and that pizzed the FDA off.
    So for us, the hand writing has been on the wall since.
    Since that time, the only solution for us was to become 'self reliant'. Anyone who has not taken the time to learn how to make their own mods & atomizers, and how to DIY their own liquids has their head stuck in you know where.

    It doesn't take a computer to produce a good vape, it's not rocket science!
    The cat got out of the bag a long time ago, and it is so simple. Any kid can make everything they need to vape if they wanted too. Juul has just made it easy for them. So you had better learn how to rely on yourself if you want to continue to vape.

    And in answer to the Brookline Mass. fiasco, everyone on planet Earth has nicotine in their system. It's in our food chain. (it's called the "background level" when testing for nicotine) Every broad leaf plant contains nicotine. So if you want more nicotine in your system, just eat more eggplant & tomatoes. (or are they going to ban those too)
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