What are you making today.

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Nov 2, 2014
Cardiff, uk
Today I have been doing 5ml test batches of a few recipe ideas I had,
My own cinnamon Danish
Cinnamon danish, brown sugar, sugar cookie

My own Climax
cinnamon Danish, vanilla custard, vanilla, brown sugar

double chocolate, caramel, hazelnut, dulce de leche, sweet cream

My own version of grants vanilla custard
vanilla custard, vanilla, brown sugar, dulce de leche, sweet cream

My own Belgian chocolate waffle
waffle, chocolate, caramel, sugar cookie

My own creamy caramel butterscotch
butterscotch, caramel, sweet cream, brown sugar, sweet cream

Plus mixed up a couple batches of unflavoured 75/25 vgpg mix for when I get vape tongue or my throat hurts a bit:vapor:
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ECF Veteran
I made this yesterday. I based it off of baseballmoms recipe although I added a bit of my own touches :)

Rice Crunchies 7%
Marshmallow 5%
Whipped Cream 2%
Butter 2%
Sweetener 2%

And then I made this. It's supposed to be made with Dragonfruit but I didn't have any.
Sucker Punch Remix

Lemon - 8%
Vanilla Cupcake - 3%
Bavarian Cream - 2%
Sweet Cream - 2%
Vbic - 2%
Van Swirl - 2%
Marshmallow - .5%

Tastes good off the cuff but I wish I could go back and cut the % of the Lemon down a bit. It's not crazy strong but I just wish it was backed off a bit. I haven't really steeped it so maybe in time it'll all settle.

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
Earlier today I mixed a new base at 4% pg, 76% vg, and 20% distilled water - 6.5mg. The result is the most odor and flavor free base I've tried. I mean there is some sort of flavor here from the vg, but it's very light. Vapor production is down just a tad, and the vapor has a more silky mouth feel to it.

At the moment, I'm trying a blue cola, strawberry mix with it and the flavors seem to popping through pretty good. I'll have to test a lot more, but so far I'm liking this pretty good.


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i mixed up some Wapple

and a few 5ml experiments hope they develope will :toast:
That looks good. I've been wondering how watermelon & green apple would go together.

For some reason I'm just not a fan of regular apple. I've only tried TFA Apple but I recently got the Five Pawns sample pack (couldn't help it curiosity got me - waste of $$ if ur wondering) and I don't even care for the apple in Gambit (or is it Grandmaster?) Either way their apple pie flavor tastes exactly like TFA Apple. Makes me think maybe I'm just not a fan..

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
That looks good. I've been wondering how watermelon & green apple would go together.

For some reason I'm just not a fan of regular apple. I've only tried TFA Apple but I recently got the Five Pawns sample pack (couldn't help it curiosity got me - waste of $$ if ur wondering) and I don't even care for the apple in Gambit (or is it Grandmaster?) Either way their apple pie flavor tastes exactly like TFA Apple. Makes me think maybe I'm just not a fan..

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I'm not a fan of TFA apple as a stand a lone either. I like a few drops of it in some of my tobacco mixes every once in a while. I just picked up some Hangsen in my last order, but I haven't tried it yet. I'll try to remember to post when I try it.

I have FA Fuji apple on my list. FA claims it's the best apple they've ever made and I've seen a couple of good posts on here.
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Sep 7, 2013
Manchester, UK
Today was my first attempt at making some Watermelon E-juice. I've been browsing around the DIY forums for some good watermelon recipes and seen there was a few suggestions about adding raspberry to the mix. I've never actually made a watermelon E-liquid before, so I made two batches - one with raspberry and one with nothing else added.

Both of these are just 5 ml samples with 0 nic:

Flavourart - Watermelon - 15%
Flavourart - Raspberry - 2%

Other batch was just:

Flavourart - Watermelon - 15%

Tried both of these in my dripper right away and so far the Watermelon and Raspberry is very delicious, but I maybe the raspberry could be dropped to 1%. Also, maybe the straight up watermelon could do with sweetener?

Either way, I'm gonna let these sit for a couple of days and see if they improved :)

Vape on :vapor:


Senior Member
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Jul 5, 2014
NS, Canada
Trying for a Raspberry Lemonade, wasn't successful in getting the "Lemonade" taste I was going for, but it still ended up yummy:
7% TFA Raspberry(Sweet)
6% TFA Lemon
2% EM

Later I am going to do a second 100 DT of my "Vanilla Berry" see if I can get it tuned down a bit more, first run was too strong and a bit harsh on the exhale.


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ECF Veteran
Today was my first attempt at making some Watermelon E-juice. I've been browsing around the DIY forums for some good watermelon recipes and seen there was a few suggestions about adding raspberry to the mix. I've never actually made a watermelon E-liquid before, so I made two batches - one with raspberry and one with nothing else added.

Both of these are just 5 ml samples with 0 nic:

Flavourart - Watermelon - 15%
Flavourart - Raspberry - 2%

Other batch was just:

Flavourart - Watermelon - 15%

Tried both of these in my dripper right away and so far the Watermelon and Raspberry is very delicious, but I maybe the raspberry could be dropped to 1%. Also, maybe the straight up watermelon could do with sweetener?

Either way, I'm gonna let these sit for a couple of days and see if they improved :)

Vape on :vapor:
I may have to pick up FA watermelon or ANY other vendor than what I have. When I last ordered it was thru wiz labs & I always like to mix things up (well usually) between capella & tfa. I randomly pick flavors between the 2 unless I've heard specifics.

I ordered Capellas Sweet Watermelon. I've heard good things about their other "sweet" fruits but ugggghhhh so far for me anyways the watermelon hasn't been good. It tastes very "unripe" (is there a word for that?)

Now I may not be the best judge. I hate pretty much all melons or melon type fruits except for watermelon & I prefer the candy over the real thing any day [emoji5]
Now let me see if I've made anything worth posting!

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Ok so this is what I've made recently:

No Name -- Yum?
sweet cream. 2%
whipped cream 3%
bavarian cream 2%
dairy milk 1.5%
butter cream 2%
graham cracker 2%
marshmallow 3%

Green Apple Danish

green apple 4%
vanilla bean ice cream 4%
cinnamon danish 2%
cinnamon sugar cookie. 3% vanilla swirl 1.5%

So I had a little help from a friend with these but they came out awesome and were a huge eye opener. I had been going by "you need high flavor percentages" in your mixes that way you don't have to steep. Well these are pretty low and I always taste my mixes right away & they were really good! I use all VG except for what's in the flavors and I had been making all my mixes like 20 - 30 % flavoring. They were good right away but what I noticed with most of them is some of the flavors actually seemed to diminish with time -- weird?

anyway - this was interesting for me as I had been following just one way of doing things. These were great off the bat and gradually got better with time - as I feel a juice should. I'm thinking maybe I should shift my way of mixing a bit? I still will never be that person who mixes and waits weeks for a juice though!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
so fuji apple ive mixed it in place of my tfa apple in a couple of my recipes and i will be getting my tfa apple back and trying to find the sweet spot on the FA fuji , its not bad just different so working with it for a month or so i should figure it out

Sorry that didn't work out for you. Should I take fuji off my list then?

I may have to pick up FA watermelon or ANY other vendor than what I have. When I last ordered it was thru wiz labs & I always like to mix things up (well usually) between capella & tfa. I randomly pick flavors between the 2 unless I've heard specifics......................

Watermelon seems to be another hard one. Between FA, TFA, Capella, and Hangsen, I'd give Hangsen the edge but it still isn't that good, and I don't recommend it.
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