What flavors are long term EX- Marlboro smokers vaping????

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Oct 4, 2012
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Oct 4, 2012
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Thanks to each of you that has taken the time to share your knowledge and experience with me. I ordered up some 24 mg nicotine suspended in pure VG (and also one suspended in 70VG/30PG) from Wizard Labs and want to try to vape it straight. I am hoping that some big hits of vapor with nicotine and no flavor will be more appealing than the potpouri tasting so called "tobacco" juices that I wasted 2cartos on. I also have a bottle of V2 red liquid 18 mg in route that i ordered yesterday before asking yall (and receiving) this good information. If the VG/Nicotine is too effectless, I may add some of the V2 Red to see if that helps.

I am convinced that like many of you said, that there is no juice that replicates the taste of burning phillip morris sucked thru a filter. If I can invent one, I would give free samples (really FREE - not with strings, which it seems that no vendor does?) and have customers longterm, rather than sell bottles of perfume tasting smack and call it tobacco? Is it possible that the best attempt at replicating the aformentioned taste is that found in the gas station ecigs? I hope not...

Again, You all are awesome for your insight and help!


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Mar 9, 2012
Renton, WA
Some juices require "steeping" to get to the flavor they purport to be. That means taking the lid off say overnight, recapping in the morning and letting it sit and that should rid you of the perfumey flavor. I am NOT going to say "avoid tobacco flavors" a) because it isn't answering your question and b) I like tobacco flavors. I have read that ECBlends have a juice called "Redbox" and "New red Box" (but they will require that "steeping". So order a sample of that from them and also from this site

want2vape 3ml 10+1 Sampler Special and try the following - Acid Blondie, Alcazar, Analog Mild, 555, Tabac Espec, Cold Infusion, Red Pirate, Morley RY4 and Campfire Coffee (coffee can very easily mimic the "type of hit" oddly enough). Because they're small samples, you could put some in a 2-3 ml clearomizer, give it a few puffs to warm the liquid, then let it sit overnight. Because of the small amount and the heating that can activate the steeping to a good enough degree to get a good idea of what the mature flavor will taste like. Good luck and keep us all updated.

Glad to know the way to steep newly arrived e-liquids. I have some newly arrived liquids from Virgin Vapors and learned I have to steep them prior to use. Leaving it uncapped overnight is one thing I need to do. Thanks for the tip.


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Oct 21, 2011
Austin TX
I smoked marlboro lights for 15 years and when I started out with v2cigs their "Red" was my savior. It was the only flavor that really satisfied my wanting tobacco. A year later I still have some old v2 Red carts laying around that I vape on every once in awhile. As much as I hate waiting 2 weeks for v2 to ship, it always crosses my mind to buy more Red e-liquid.


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To be honest and I hope I do not offend anyone but I only did tobacco flavors for a very short time before I switched. The whole process of going electric was to get rid of the smokes. I now make my own DIY concoctions and I do mostly mello fruit flavors. I "personally" think the sooner you get off of tobacco flavors the better. As I said though, this is only my personal experience as I never could find a tobacco that satisfied me. There is not going to be any flavor that directly resembles tobacco mostly for the simple fact that you are not burning the flavor, no combustion.


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Oct 2, 2012
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To be honest and I hope I do not offend anyone but I only did tobacco flavors for a very short time before I switched. The whole process of going electric was to get rid of the smokes. I now make my own DIY concoctions and I do mostly mello fruit flavors. I "personally" think the sooner you get off of tobacco flavors the better. As I said though, this is only my personal experience as I never could find a tobacco that satisfied me. There is not going to be any flavor that directly resembles tobacco mostly for the simple fact that you are not burning the flavor, no combustion.

I don't think you've offended anyone. Some long tern smokers like myself, still desire that tobacco taste. I use Red from v2, and will be getting Sahara today and see if I like that. I am also getting some Cherry as my first fruit experience.


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Mar 20, 2012
Smoked Marlboro lights for many years and after a year of vaping continue to only vape tobacco flavors. After a lot of trial and error my all day vapes are Virginia or Adirondack from Back Wood Brew. Former Malboro friends I have introduced to vaping love the Dessert Joe from Smokeless Image as well.
I like you loved the mall/gas station marlboro flavor which I could not find in a liquid from other companies.
Try a bunch of samplers you will find the one for you!


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Sep 27, 2012
Boston, MA
I smoke Vapor4Lifes WOW Kamel flavor mixed with V4L's VG WOW Traditional Tobbaco (Cowboy). I do an 85/15 mix so just a little cowboy. Of course no one is gonna have a flavor that tastes like burnt paper and the other 4000 or so chemicals, but if you focus on the tobbaco flavor and give it a chance smoking it for a day or so you will get used to it and start to like it. Just play around with different flavors. Soon you will smoke a cigarette and be like, "Wow, I think I'm just gonna vape, this is gross" and throw that .... on the ground and squash the hell out of it.


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Oct 4, 2012
Somewhere out there
Ok, great news for those who want a smoke or neutral / bland taste and don't want a perfumy / potpouri / medicine tasting flavor! In my short time using E cigs / Vaping, I was able to obtain enough info from everyone here to concoct a very simple juice PLEASE REFER TO THE DIY FORUM FOR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INFORMATION BEFORE YOU DO THIS THOUGH:

10 ml of 2.4% nicotine in 30% PG / 70% VG (purchased from wizard labs)
0.5ml distilled water (purchased from walmart) so it flows in my cartomizers and tube tank

I mixed it into an empty volcano "tobacco" juice container after i poured the nasty tasting contents out and washed it. Then I got to filling my tube tank and refilling my V2 red cartomizers - wait, more information on that in another thread I will create called MY OPINIONS ON E-CIGS FOR THE HARDCORE EX-CIGARETTE SMOKER.

If you smoked marlboro lights (gold) or a similar nonmenthol cig for many years, i trust that this easy to mix solution will be exactly what you are looking for. It was exactly what I needed to feel / taste like I am smoking a cigarette (which I liked to do, I quit for health concerns only). This is also MUCH cheaper than buying tobacco "flavored" juice (which IMO tasted terrible, unless you like tasting perfumy potpouri)

Additionally, I offer that if you order the nicotine in a 50/50 mix of PG / VG, you can put it straight (without the distilled water) into your cartomizer, tank or whatever. In my case, Since I had some V2 Red Full flavor 1.8%, a added 1 ml of that to the same mix and it was even better IMO. I certainly didn't invent this concoction, I beleve that many are vaping similar smoke like blends, but I wanted the info to be easy to find for people like me who want to use E-CIGS but want to taste more like smoking a cigarette It may help them quit burning cigarettes!

Thanks again for everyones assistance!
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Oct 4, 2012
Somewhere out there
Thanks for the info. No more regular cigs for me. I quit them for 5 weeks prior to vaping. I dont even think of smoking them. I do sometimes check my pocket for a lighter before I co out on the deck to vape though! My only concern is if I could no longer vape, then i might be in trouble.


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Jan 8, 2012
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I know when you first make that transition from analogs to vaping, that you most likely are going to prefer something close to actual cigarettes. Ive been off since January this year, and realized after that first month I didn't want anything to do with tobacco flavors. I will admit that I was smoking menthol cigarettes and I still do prefer menthol juices.


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Aug 9, 2012
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30 plus year pack a day smoker of Marlboro Mediums. I finally quit the real thing for good when I found the right juice combos to satisfy my urge. Now, these will NOT taste like Marlboro, but they were the ones that got me to realize, "hey...this vaping thing is SO much more fun and satisfying then cigarettes!"...just my thoughts, from one Marlboro'er to another:

Altsmoke's Alt Liquid-Ry4 18 mg
Backwoods Brew -Casablanca, 555 Exotic, Hunter's Blend

I smoke all of them at one time or another, and it's been nearly a month since I've even thought of having a real cig.

Good luck-and welcome!
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