What is NET, WTA, and what do they really mean?

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Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Hey Gang,

I figured I would put this question up for some clarity.

What is NET...?

How would you define NET...?

What is WTA..?

How would you define WTA..?

I encourage anyone for their input and two bit..including others that have not tried either or enjoy one over the other.

I don't know if other suppliers are allow to voice in this thread but I welcome ANYONE's input including other suppliers feel free to post away.
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Apr 17, 2011
NET is the big net that most vapers get caught in, buying the negative propaganda that non WTA vendors spew out to look to keep their customers from leaving the vaping purgatory that they are caught up in and ascend to the much more heavenly experience that only WTA provides.

The thinking here, or lack thereof, is eerily similar to what anti vaping people try to use. They do their best to create an air of uncertainty, and then use whatever doubt they can create about the safety of what we're vaping to look to scare us. So the line that they really haven't tested juice moves to they really haven't tested WTA, although regular juice suffers from this specious argument as well.

They also forget that the assumptions of safety that we make toward regular nicotine juice is in reference to its comparisons with the harms of smoking tobacco, where we are moving to what is a clearly harmful product to one that must be worlds apart in terms of safety. They forget that this is the same rationale that we use to assess the risk profile of WTA, where once again it's a hell of a lot better than smoking.

People say that nicotine is only an alkaloid like caffeine, so we don't have to worry about it, but forget that the additional components of WTA are alkaloids as well, and therefore would not be something we really need to worry about as well.

The main thing that gets them trapped in this net is the fact that their minimalist approach, where they are on a mission to get by with the least amount of substances, neglects the very important fact that for a lot of people, regular juice fails in its mission to satisfactorly substitute for smoking, and people have to look for alternative substances such as snus or even going back to smoking, or even more often, continuing to smoke.

If they truly are minimalist, they would only vape unflavored juice, and if there is anything that might be something you don't want in your juice it is some of the additives that are in flavors. High quality juice avoids this, but their thinking would indicate that none of us should ever vape flavored juice of any kind, why take a chance? ;)

I had resigned myself to smoking the rest of my life quite some time ago, and made the decision that perhaps I wouldn't live as long as I could if I quit, but I didn't want to go through life wishing I could smoke. In fact, it really wasn't a choice at all, as after a short time away from smoking, I reached a point where nothing else mattered and I would need to light up again.

So I would define WTA as the only true means to replace smoking while still being able to achieve the same quality that I got when I smoked, which also includes not ever craving smoking even in the least, and standing beside smokers while they are smoking and feeling sorry for them and their inferior experience. What they don't know won't hurt them though, just like what all the dead head nic juice vapers don't know won't hurt them, but while you may resist our attempts to enlighten you, please do not tread on us.

NET can also mean naturally extracted tobacco juice I hear. All this really does is make the taste of the juice more closely resemble tobacco, which tastes like .... anyway and I've no idea why people like it. However it lacks the essential components that WTA has, so it's just another form of crappy nic juice.
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Unregistered Supplier
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Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I know almost nothing about NET but am waiting for someone to enlighten me.

I too wonder often about that term. Yet, I still have not received a solid answer.

What is Naturally Extracted Tobacco....? Terms come and go and might be misused or confusing.
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May 27, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
NET- Natural Tobacco Extract Basically, tobacco is placed in PG or VG, sometimes with a little alcohol to help things along (The PG/VG with alcohol is the "solvent")
The solvent takes on the flavor of the tobacco, along with other things (I may be wrong but this will contain some WTAs)
The solvent is then strained to remove particles and now we have a flavor base of flavored VG/PG.
This keeps one stuck to tobacco flavors, but it is a "natural extract" similar to any other flavor extract.

Now, I have not used NTE or WTA juice, I don't think I have the need to and many tobacco flavors just smell horible so I shy away from them.
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May 30, 2011
I assume nicotine needs to be added to a NET for it to be of use to the average vaper? I know that's a stupid question - the raw NET may have *some* nicotine (and teeny-tiny amounts of WTAs) but to get the nicotine to a useful level you surely have to add some..."unnaturally" extracted nicotine?
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May 27, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
I assume nicotine needs to be added to a NET for it to be of use to the average vaper? I know that's a stupid question - the raw NET may have *some* nicotine (and teeny-tiny amounts of WTAs) but to get the nicotine to a useful level you surely have to add some..."unnaturally" extracted nicotine?

That would be a yes to adding the nic.
Almost any tobacco flavor does have some nic. That is why FDA made the claim "Unreliable nicotine levels" when they found trace amount of nicotine in a 0mg cartomizer. This is usually not enough to satisfy a typical Vaper.
I was only speeking of the process that produces the flavor. Just like a natural Black Tea flavor, or orange or whatever.


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    Actually, a couple years ago when Dvap was researching and developing the process of extracting wta, he did analysis on some soaks and didn't pick up any noticeable traces of wta. It would definitely pick up the flavor though. I don't know if he used any alcohol or not. I was thinking that it was a straight pg/vg soak.
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    Unregistered Supplier
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    Mar 11, 2009
    Phoenix, AZ
    Actually, a couple years ago when Dvap was researching and developing the process of extracting wta, he did analysis on some soaks and didn't pick up any noticeable traces of wta. It would definitely pick up the flavor though. I don't know if he used any alcohol or not. I was thinking that it was a straight pg/vg soak.

    Oh yeah...I have that post give me a sec.

    So NET's is just a fancy way of saying its a maceration...?
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    Super Member
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    May 27, 2011
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    Oh yeah...I have that post give me a sec.

    So NET's is just a fancy way of saying its a maceration...?

    Maceration?... Is that doing that silly hand gesture dance from 1995?
    On a serious note, it seems like Maceration in a chemistry contect. Maceration has a different meaning in food preperation.
    There really may be more info in the DYI section, my knowledge is glanceing at best.
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    Apr 17, 2011
    Yeah it's a soak so presumably you would get a lot of stuff in very small quantities like nicotine and other alkaloids but nothing at an effective level. I remember reading that stuff from dvap back then I was trying to get WTA juice and was looking for something to try in case I couldn't, and decided that this wasn't worth bothering with. So yeah it's another term for maceration and might sound good to someone who quit smoking and is craving tobacco but I can't imagine anyone getting too satisfied with this crap :)
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    Signature Guru
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    Dec 9, 2012
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    NET or Naturally Extracted Tobbaco: also called the "Plunger filter method" and "The coffee filter method." This process allows vapers to secretly smoke solid tobacco particulates mixed in with vaporized PG and VG. Extensive research has proved that vaping NET tobacco extracts is safer than throwing poop at monkeys.

    If "NET" extracts were extracted and filtered by professionals (i.e. people who also extract WTA's) Then I would call it "Tobacco Flavorant Extraction" TFE's would contain far less particulate matter than home brewed NET's and would be (I imagine) far safer.

    Jerry, I turn over all rights to the term "Tobacco Flavorant Extraction" to Aroma E-Juice, to use as they will. :D
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    Vaping Master
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    May 30, 2011
    I spend way too much time thinking about NETs, especially for something that so far hasn't gotten me too excited. To me, it's just another flavor. None of them, including SLC Punk, really made me think "tobacco" in the sense of what burning tobacco tastes like. It can taste fresh, leafy, vegetative, sweet, in its best incarnation or like cigarette butts floating in a coffee can full of water in its worst.
    If I want fresh leafy vegetative tobacco flavor would it not be good to munch down a leaf and forget the vaping part?
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    Signature Guru
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    Dec 9, 2012
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    ...If I want fresh leafy vegetative tobacco flavor would it not be good to munch down a leaf and forget the vaping part?
    Can I sell tickets for the "snork eating nicotina rustica salad" event? Please...

    A perfect burning tobacco taste is the unobtainium flavor that vaping strives for. Unfortunately, most of us will have been non-smokers for so long, that by the time it's perfected, we'll all think it tastes gross. :D
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    Unregistered Supplier
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    Mar 11, 2009
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    I spend way too much time thinking about NETs, especially for something that so far hasn't gotten me too excited. To me, it's just another flavor. None of them, including SLC Punk, really made me think "tobacco" in the sense of what burning tobacco tastes like. It can taste fresh, leafy, vegetative, sweet, in its best incarnation or like cigarette butts floating in a coffee can full of water in its worst.
    If I want fresh leafy vegetative tobacco flavor would it not be good to munch down a leaf and forget the vaping part?

    You know I remember a Dentist telling his patients that wish to quit something along the same lines.

    He would say "just eat one cig and I guarantee you will never want to smoke again."
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    Dec 9, 2012
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    My dad almost caught my brother chewing one time when he was in his teens. He swallowed it to avoid detection, and then carried on a five minute conversation before hopping in his car and leaving. He actually got about halfway down our 1/4 mile long driveway before he upchucked. Almost 30 years later, he still chews.


    Unregistered Supplier
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    Mar 11, 2009
    Phoenix, AZ
    Could the process used for obtaining a "naturally extracted tobacco" flavor be used for obtaining a "naturally extracted spinach*" flavor?

    *Insert your favorite botanic foodstuff here.

    YUMMMM "naturally extracted Turnip" .....that's a NET correct?


    Sounds good but I'm not sure that's Kosher.
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