Whats up with Tobaccos that have a flower/perfume smell/taste

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May 17, 2010
Have you tried FSUSA tobacco flavors?

I tried 25 tobacco samples and they all tasted like perfume to me. Couldn't find one vapable juice in the whole lot.

But that's just my opinion, some people love their stuff.
I totally agree except I call it a chemical taste. I sampled 20 of their flavors and hated them all. Everyone had that flavor. After one day, after one week, even after a month. I give a thumbs up to Vapor Station, but I have only tried the Frisco and the Frost. Frisco is supposed to be tobacco flavored, it is reminiscent of tobacco but has a slightly sweet hazelnut flavor. I like it though. I vape it on a ProVari at 4.8V with a 2.7ohm carto as my all day vape. I recently tried 5 (tobacco) flavors from the Vapor Room (Turkish, TVR, Ginger's Blend, 555, USA Reds) TVR was ok and the Turkish was pretty good, no sweet or perfumie taste. I am ordering more of that, the rest were not for me. These juices need to steep though!! At least 5 days!! I think we have the same kinda taster and are looking for the same kinda of a vape. I'll let ya know if I come across any more.

I never met a 555 or a RY4 that I liked


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Aug 16, 2011
Safety Harbor, FL
Most of the quality made to order juices need to be steeped for at least a week. I make DIY juices and after you add all the ingredients it takes about a week for the flavors to come together. The juice keeps changing as it ages and after about a month you start to lose the flavor "definition". Some of the minor flavors disappear and the juice tastes "kinda sorta" like the premium 2 week old juice that you used to have.

That's why some of the cheaper off the shelf juices (Dekang) aren't as flavorful as made to order juices. They have been sitting on a shelf or in a warehouse for a few months.

I think some of the made to order juice houses try to compensate for this loss of flavor over time, by adding too much flavor and actually overcompensate. Almost all fresh made juice, especially if it contains tobacco flavor, tastes chemically/perfumery for the first week. I've made some DIY juices that when tested on day 1 tasted like BLECK, but tasted GREAT on day 8 or 9.

There really isn't a way to speed this process up either, believe me I've tried.

Leave those juices steep for a week and then re-sample them, you may be in for a pleasant surprise!

Good luck!



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May 17, 2010
I am thinking that it is type of flavoring that they use (Flavor Art, Capella, The Perfumer's Apprentice and so forth) that make the chemical taste I don't like. I tried some fruit flavors some I liked and some I didn't. I am thinking of DIYing my own so was researching the flavor sites and found out that the ones I didn't like were artificially flavored and the ones I liked were extracts.

Love your new avatar Frankster


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Oct 13, 2011
staten island, new york
I am thinking that it is type of flavoring that they use (Flavor Art, Capella, The Perfumer's Apprentice and so forth) that make the chemical taste I don't like. I tried some fruit flavors some I liked and some I didn't. I am thinking of DIYing my own so was researching the flavor sites and found out that the ones I didn't like were artificially flavored and the ones I liked were extracts.

Love your new avatar Frankster

Thank you, I love them both...I think I should put a pic of myself up there with me watching another boring youtube e-liquid review...lmao


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Oct 19, 2011
pittsburgh, pa
I am thinking that it is type of flavoring that they use (Flavor Art, Capella, The Perfumer's Apprentice and so forth) that make the chemical taste I don't like. I tried some fruit flavors some I liked and some I didn't. I am thinking of DIYing my own so was researching the flavor sites and found out that the ones I didn't like were artificially flavored and the ones I liked were extracts.

Love your new avatar Frankster

wickedalibi, when you say 'extracts', are you talking about what some vendors (like Velvet Vapor, Cloudsofvapor CNP, etc...) offer as 'Organic' juices... or something completely different?


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May 17, 2010
wickedalibi, when you say 'extracts', are you talking about what some vendors (like Velvet Vapor, Cloudsofvapor CNP, etc...) offer as 'Organic' juices... or something completely different?
The actual flavor that is added to the VG/PG. Example: green apple juice (I hated it), pomegranate (I liked it), same company mixed the juice, same PG/VG mix, same nic MG. The premium vendors use food grade flavorings in their juice. I was looking at the three flavor vendors listed above, all of the apple flavorings were artificial, the pomegranate flavoring was an extract. I mean the stuff that is supposed to make it taste like an apple. An extract actually is from the apple, artificial means that it didn't come from an apple. As far as I can tell there are only a couple of places to get food grade flavors. I am thinking that I only like the extracts or flavoring from one company. (flavoring not ejuice)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2010
Thanks for the bwb smoke...as for the floras (is that the word they use) I do not see the connection of that with tobaccos...I thought I was exaggerating the taste...At least now I know that is out there. I wish there was a way to know that before you buy a tobacco juice...there is no way I can vape that.

I called them "floras" for berevity. It's not really the proper use of the word.
As for vendors stating that it has that flavor, everyone would have to taste the same thing for it to make sense. I know several people that don't notice it unless I point it out.

Well, this just alerted me to the fact that there are obviously different definitions of "perfumey." I use and like BWB Backo, but there is a "hay" or "grassy" flavor to it. However, to me, that is a lot different than the "alcohol-y", "older-lady" (I'm one), "flower-y" type of flavor that I, too, have detected in some of the many juices that I've tried. You might want to try to define what kind of "perfume" you're talking about. :)

I tasted the hay flavor too. When I say perfumey - I mean that my Burberry cologne has a distinct, pleasant smell. Tasting it otoh is not quite as pleasant.

<--- hates the perfumey ones too. So far, I've only received a few in my almost 2 years of vaping. One of them wasn't even tobacco... it was a larger botte of a desert flavor that I fell in love with from the sample bottle. Go figure.

Get that stuff off the shelf people!

I've tasted it in many flavors. It has gone away (or at least leveled off) on some juices, after steeping.

Thank you...The tobaccos that I have that taste like that will never be purchased by me again, and I will not even buy a different tobacco from those vendors again. My only concern is how do I know they have that taste...they all taste the same so there must be a certain ingredient that they are putting in that makes it taste that way...I would like to know that ingredient.

Also, I hear almost everyone on ecf talk about steeping...why does the vendor not do that before they sell it. When I buy a bottle of wine, I want to drink it at that moment. I can do that because the wineries age the wine before they sell it. Now, why can the vendors not do that. I'm sorry, I do not want to buy e-liquid that I must steep before I use it. I want it ready to go when I open the bottle...just like with wine.

I think I have a very very strong argument here...if it' good enough for wine, it has to be good enough for e-liquid.

Roll baby roll

E-liquid is made to order by most USA companies, so steeping is a must. Comparing nicquid to other products is really apples to oranges.

First, most custom liquid vendors are doing this from their home as an artisan. It's not feasible to generate a stock and risk inconsistent results.

Second, if I sell you something and tell you there are a couple steps to prepare it or get the most our of it, then it's your own stubborn fault if you don't.

In other words, if you don't like to assemble your furniture, don't buy from IKEA.

I think that your frustration about flavor is founded but your stubbornness is shooting you in the foot.


Even if you find someone who likes 70% of the same flavors you like, you're still going to get a recommendation from that person that you can't stand. It's just the nature of the beast. You think liquid reviews are boring? I think they're pointless completely. Some people can taste those perfumey ingredients, some can't. Some think 555 tastes like something nutty, I think it taste like cow's nuts. ymmv, to each their own and all that.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2011
staten island, new york
[/QUOTE]First, most custom liquid vendors are doing this from their home as an artisan. It's not feasible to generate a stock and risk inconsistent results.

Second, if I sell you something and tell you there are a couple steps to prepare it or get the most our of it, then it's your own stubborn fault if you don't.

In other words, if you don't like to assemble your furniture, don't buy from IKEA.

I think that your frustration about flavor is founded but your stubbornness is shooting you in the foot.


Even if you find someone who likes 70% of the same flavors you like, you're still going to get a recommendation from that person that you can't stand. It's just the nature of the beast. You think liquid reviews are boring? I think they're pointless completely. Some people can taste those perfumey ingredients, some can't. Some think 555 tastes like something nutty, I think it taste like cow's nuts. ymmv, to each their own and all that.[/QUOTE]

I do not know where the quote went on this so forgive me.

Hello there, I am not quite sure if your answer above was for me or almighty god. I will assume that it was for me.

I do not think people understood what I meant about the steeping, not completely. I stated that if a vendor does not state that you should steep a juice, I feel that is the same as saying the juice is good to go as soon as you get it. On the other hand, if the vendor states that you should steep the juice, then I agree with you that you should steep it.

I never said that if the vendor said steep it, I do not want to steep it but use it right away, then yes that is my fault, but I do not think I said that and if I did I meant it as I am writing it now. I hope you understood what I just tried to explain.

It seems that many things that I say on ecf are lost in translation...I do not know why, I guess I am not explaining myself correctly.

Thanks for the info though. As for the flower part. In my opinion, I do not understand why anyone would want to mix a tobacco with that taste. The juices that I have that taste like that have no tobacco flavor at all in my opinion. I just do not understand that. Maybe there are people who like that taste. I read somewhere that Tobacco absolute used a perfume type base. If that is true, then maybe that would explain that sort of taste.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2010
I may have misunderstood, so my apologies. I see a lot of communication errors here so I don't think the problem rests on your shoulders.

This is just my opinion, mind you, but I think you're struggling with the same issues that many of us are. You're looking for an evolved, mature, clear process that is easy to interpret and act upon.

Unfortunately, this is still primarily a cottage industry. There are no regulations. We don't know how much longer it will be legal to DIY or sell components from your home. We don't know what regulation will look like when it finally gets to that point.

A lot of the vendors are hobbyists more than entrepreneurs and some are better at it than others. The industry is just all over the place. Feel free to vent. It can certainly help open eyes help guide the process. Just realize that your quest for the right juice is yours alone. Almost every recommendation I got for juice, I didn't like. I found a couple based on reviews but, at this stage, I think it was just luck.

Even hardware has been mostly a 'miss' for me when I went on people recommendations (except the resurrectors - I'm glad I believed the reviews).

I'm just saying, you're audience here is a bunch of people all flying blind just like you. This forum is not the face of the e-cigarette movement (it's as close as anything I've seen however) it's just a collection of similarly interested people. Nobody here can really change anything for you. We can nod and agree or chastise you for your approach, but ultimately, you're preachin' to the choir.

Don't know why I'm on a soapbox. I should probably step down and get back to work.

Peace, love and nicotine!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2011
staten island, new york
I may have misunderstood, so my apologies. I see a lot of communication errors here so I don't think the problem rests on your shoulders.

This is just my opinion, mind you, but I think you're struggling with the same issues that many of us are. You're looking for an evolved, mature, clear process that is easy to interpret and act upon.

Unfortunately, this is still primarily a cottage industry. There are no regulations. We don't know how much longer it will be legal to DIY or sell components from your home. We don't know what regulation will look like when it finally gets to that point.

A lot of the vendors are hobbyists more than entrepreneurs and some are better at it than others. The industry is just all over the place. Feel free to vent. It can certainly help open eyes help guide the process. Just realize that your quest for the right juice is yours alone. Almost every recommendation I got for juice, I didn't like. I found a couple based on reviews but, at this stage, I think it was just luck.

Even hardware has been mostly a 'miss' for me when I went on people recommendations (except the resurrectors - I'm glad I believed the reviews).

I'm just saying, you're audience here is a bunch of people all flying blind just like you. This forum is not the face of the e-cigarette movement (it's as close as anything I've seen however) it's just a collection of similarly interested people. Nobody here can really change anything for you. We can nod and agree or chastise you for your approach, but ultimately, you're preachin' to the choir.

Don't know why I'm on a soapbox. I should probably step down and get back to work.

Peace, love and nicotine!

Thank you for your post.

Lady J

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ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2011
I've found that Halo's Prime 15 has a nice unfloral (to me) tobacco flavor. It seems to have a very very tiny hint of cocoa powder, and it has a somewhat nutty smell. I've heard decent things about their Captain Jack, but the description makes me think I personally wouldn't be a fan: "this e-liquid is somewhat harsh with a reckless throat hit even at lower nicotine levels. This unique blend has a distinct pipe tobacco feel that is not for the faint of heart. Its raw flavor is a great match for those seeking a dry tobacco blend with very little sweetness."

I wish you luck finding what you're looking for. I've only had one liquid (not a tobacco) that has had a floral weirdness to it, and I do not like that at all.


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
I understand what you mean by perfumey. The Square disposable ecig had the taste of perfum and pepper. Yuck. Other people that had used them said that it taste like a cig. I cant' wrap my mind around how one person can taste dirty gym socks, and another peaches??? This concept is too weird to me. Anyhoo... I had a bottle of wicked usa desert ship and it did not taste floral or perfumy at all. Kinda tasted nutty and bland. Kinda like a cig, but not smoky ashy, more like the way an unlit cig smells. If that makes any sense. You might give it a try. :)
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