You have GOT to be kidding me!

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house mouse

Vaping Master
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Oct 24, 2010
I'm sure ignorance and laziness are the more important factors with this...

I mean if this guy can make money on what is given freely on the net in an abundant nature with just a few minuets of research, than that says something about the current human condition doesn't it?

It takes more than a few minutes of research to get the average Joe up and running with a quality PV. And I think that a lot of us that have been doing this for a while have forgotten just how overwhelming this site was when you first logged in here. The information and all of the sub-forums here are mind boggling to the potential vaper. I remember sitting on the computer on this forum trying to puzzle out everything I was reading for hours. If you look at it from the point of view of someone who doesn't know the difference between an atomizer and a cartomizer, doesn't have hours to spend on this site trying to decipher between what's objective info and what's personal opinion, and believes this will get them off cigarettes for good if they could only figure it out, then I don't think it makes them ignorant or lazy. Just overwhelmed.

If the guy knows his stuff, I don't see this as a bad thing.


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Oct 3, 2009
Richmond, VA
I agree that it is overwhelming, which is why I think the mentor program would be awesome. Personally, I'd feel like a leech charging someone $20 to give them free information, but I guess if someone is willing to pay it then it's his right to capitalize on it.

I'm just curious as to whether his "advice" is impartial or if he gets a kickback. I have no issue with affiliate marketing. I do some myself, but to put yourself out there as an expert on ecigs to drive an affiliate program is something I just wouldn't do.

Who knows. I guess he could be legit. The post just really rubbed me the wrong way.


Ultra Member
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May 7, 2011
I'm sure ignorance and laziness are the more important factors with this...

I mean if this guy can make money on what is given freely on the net in an abundant nature with just a few minuets of research, than that says something about the current human condition doesn't it?

Capitalism isn't to blame here, it's the people who flourish this kind of capitalism by buying into it without knowing any better or are too lazy/busy to figure it out on their own.

Don't forget, without capitalism all our e-juice vendors and ecig suppliers wouldn't be so abundant and we wouldn't have as many options/cheap prices as we do now.

These examples of capitalism only work if the people allow it to and constantly buy into it. And in the end, they are the ones to blame for its success or failure. If it ends up being successful, that that means the information on the net is harder to obtain that we think and may have helped a lot who were too busy to fully research these things.

I'm pretty sure Uncle Willie wasn't knocking capitalism...

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with the ad or what he is offering. Information is valuable, sometimes immensely so... You also have to figure in opportunity costs. Some people might enjoy browsing ECF for little nuggets of information, but others might rather spend that time playing with their children.


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Dec 19, 2010
ProVari Nirvana
I don't know, maybe I'm just a dewy-eyed polyanna (and I know people who would laugh themselves sick to see me write that) but I see something like this and wonder if it's someone out of work and is desperately trying anything to keep a roof overhead and food on the table. Maybe because I've been there - not now, thank heavens, but I've been there. I just can't help but think there could be more to this than someone trying to rip people off.


Full Member
Feb 7, 2012
This is just my :2c: To me the community found on this forum of vapor's it worth all the weight in gold!

1.) You have great support to help people in rough times.
2.) Everyone here is friendly!
3.) Everyone is willing to share their experiences and knowledge
4.) We all learn something new everyday from someone here

So for the total sum of all this, priceless!
Thank you Everyone here on the ECF!!


Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2009
Richmond, VA
I don't know, maybe I'm just a dewy-eyed polyanna (and I know people who would laugh themselves sick to see me write that) but I see something like this and wonder if it's someone out of work and is desperately trying anything to keep a roof overhead and food on the table. Maybe because I've been there - not now, thank heavens, but I've been there. I just can't help but think there could be more to this than someone trying to rip people off.

I don't know if he's trying to rip people off, trying to boost affiliate sales, trying to make an extra buck to keep the roof over his head, or is genuinely knowledgable and values his time. Any of those things are possible. If this information wasn't readily available or required years of expensive college to accumulate, I could understand charging for it.

I just know that personally, even if someone offered to pay me for helping them, I wouldn't be able to take money from someone to help them find a healthier lifestyle by guiding them through the vape world waters. However, as I mentioned before, if there is a market for those services then who am I to say this guy shouldn't capitalize on it.


Super Member
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Sep 16, 2010
Washington DC
I don't know if he's trying to rip people off, trying to boost affiliate sales, trying to make an extra buck to keep the roof over his head, or is genuinely knowledgable and values his time. Any of those things are possible. If this information wasn't readily available or required years of expensive college to accumulate, I could understand charging for it.

I just know that personally, even if someone offered to pay me for helping them, I wouldn't be able to take money from someone to help them find a healthier lifestyle by guiding them through the vape world waters. However, as I mentioned before, if there is a market for those services then who am I to say this guy shouldn't capitalize on it.

Same here. Even if jobless, I doubt I could take someone's money to pass along knowledge that people so willingly and helpfully gave me for free, right here oh this forum. I don't think my conscience would allow it. But that's just me, I know that people sell information all the time, I just hope he is actually giving the people who might pay him really great intel.
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