Did or do you have plans to ever quit vaping?

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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
I could see one day getting down to 0mg nic, but I don't see any reason to quit vaping. As long as the juice still tastes good, why not? Fewer calories than desert.

This, ^^ Gambit's still cheaper than a personal trainer! (sweet tooth here too) *lol*

I HAD intended before actually vaping to quit in a year, will I? not sure, who knows? do I want to right now? NO, I couldn't make the leap to 6mg completely, I keep a couple 12's around still..that was tough, so going to 0mg w/o the vaping, too soon to know. *shrugs*


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Jan 24, 2014
I will most likely never quit vaping. When I was very sick in June, I couldn't vape for 4 days, and although I'd been smoke-free more than 3 months, 4 days of not vaping led to a month of smoking before I could kick them out the door again. So no, I'll never stop vaping. Can't see any reason to decrease nicotine either, given its positive effects on geriatric dementia and even Alzheimers -- I'd rather be sucking on a tube till I'm 120 than lose all my marbles before I'm 80.



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Mar 27, 2014
Orlando, FL
Maybe, someday, but probably not. Any time I was able to quit smoking, twice for as long as 2 years and a couple of times for several months, I always went back. If I do ever stop I'll keep some equipment and liquid for that inevitable day when I can't resist. I'm pretty sure that if I had had a vape available I wouldn't have picked up that first tempting cigarette after being "clean" for so long. By the way, that first one always tasted awful, once I even threw up. Did that stop me from picking up right where I had left off? Not a chance. I think I'm probably a vaper for life, though perhaps not as actively as now.


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Aug 6, 2014
Northern MI USA
No plans for quitting, ever. I have lived 42 of my 59 years blowing smoke and still enjoy that part of vaping. I know I can be happy without nicotine because I quit the smokes for 5 years at one time in my life. I know all my mods will wear out and as I sit here pushing my VTR fire button I wonder how many actuation's she's got in her. As long as mods and tanks are on the market I'll be vaping.


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Jan 24, 2014
Maybe, someday, but probably not. Any time I was able to quit smoking, twice for as long as 2 years and a couple of times for several months, I always went back. If I do ever stop I'll keep some equipment and liquid for that inevitable day when I can't resist. I'm pretty sure that if I had had a vape available I wouldn't have picked up that first tempting cigarette after being "clean" for so long. By the way, that first one always tasted awful, once I even threw up. Did that stop me from picking up right where I had left off? Not a chance. I think I'm probably a vaper for life, though perhaps not as actively as now.

After 3 1/2 mo smoke free, I didn't even find the 1st one all that bad; a bit strange, yes, and pretty harsh on my no-longer-acclimated throat, but not really bad -- and within 2 or 3 more, they just tasted like *coming home* -- which is why I knew I couldn't keep at it for too long, or I'd NEVER be able to quit again. Even a month's smoking was pretty hard to kick loose.



Runs with scissors
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Mar 25, 2013
I started vaping to see if it was a viable way to quit smoking. That worked.
I liked vaping enough to drop from 24mg to 18mg after a month so I wouldn't get the spins. that worked.
I vaped 18mg for about a year and dropped to 12mg for purer flavor. That was easy.
I'm not concerned with nicotine. It's as safe as caffiene AFAIC (maybe safer).

My quit meter shows I kept over $5.5K from the clutches of the merchants of death so I'm not concerned about owning (and using) about $1000-$1200 worth of vape gear. I sold most of what I outgrew.

My DIY cost me about $100-$120 for a full year of vaping. It's down to about 3 cents a ml now and I like it.
I buy an occasional 30ml from "gourmet" vendors just to see if I might like something even better but wind up selling/PIF half or more.

I have no plans to quit or drop my nic level but...

...if I find out that vaping has hidden health hazards that we don't know about yet I'll stop cold, sell my gear and supplies and move on.

No more smoking. That's history.

Johnny Popular

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Dec 4, 2013
New Mexico
Maybe, someday, but probably not. Any time I was able to quit smoking, twice for as long as 2 years and a couple of times for several months, I always went back.

Same, I'm pretty sure as long as I am vaping, I won't go back, not again. When I did go back to smoking, not too long ago it was because I had, for the most part, quit vaping.

Adorable avatar by the way. Sunday can't come soon enough. I require my Who fix as well.

Maurice Pudlo

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Nov 27, 2013
United States
I see no need to give up vaping, I enjoy it, I never really enjoyed smoking.

I am in the reduce nicotine crowd though not for the same reasons as others. For me, I want to be in control of my vices. Picking up some nicotine containing juice and vaping to me should be a choice I've made. Maybe an evening ritual of sorts, or when I desire the feeling that comes from nicotine after you've been away from it for a spell.

To me, its about getting my life under control, I'm sitting at 6mg/ml as I type this, down from 18mg/ml when I started.

I've left the house and forgot my rig, it wasn't a huge deal like forgetting a pack of smokes and a lighter. That surprised me a bit.

So yeah, I'm never smoking again, and I'll get this nicotine thing under control, but I don't think I'm interested in quitting, if I had to quit for some reason, I don't think it would be an issue.

I vape because I want to vape, not because I feel I have to vape. And interestingly enough every craving urge I've had was clearly for a cigarette, not a vape, not a cigar, not a good sit down with a pipe, just the freaking cigarettes.

I worry most about that, those pesky cigarettes are safe from being banned, vaping ... not so much, at least as I know vaping. I will give up vaping if the only option is BT products. They will never get another penny of mine.



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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Yeah, right, and give up getting vape mail? :sneaky:

Smoked 43 years, been off cigarettes almost 1 1/2 years. Did the drop to zero thing. Proved to myself I could do it and now use 3mg. Way happier with the 3mg than 0mg. That's just me. I vape so I won't smoke whether it's 24mg or 0mg. I've tried cigarettes twice since quitting and thought they were horrid both times, really killed any desire to smoke again yet I know myself well enough to know that if I quit vaping, I just might smoke again under the right circumstances. Like vaping though so it's not a problem and I can still get vape mail. :)


Slightly mad but harmless
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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
Like most everyone here, I started vaping to quit smoking; I didn't (nor do I) have a plan to quit vaping, although I have cut my nic level from where I started (24mg to 12mg recently).

I did not "enjoy" smoking for about a decade before I quit. I honestly hated the fact that I smoke. I really like vaping. I enjoy the flavors, and I enjoy rebuilding.

If it ever gets to the point where I don't have any fun with my vaping, I'll put some thought into quitting that, too.


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Jun 18, 2014
No...unless some truthful info comes out that this is somehow worse for me than 2 packs a day....I still vape 24mg, no real plans to drop it... I have no plans on ever not vaping....anything that keeps me from smoking is a small miracle in my book....if I don't vape, I WILL smoke, no doubts about it...so I will vape on for good :D


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Mar 31, 2014
Valdosta, Georgia, United States
I got my reo almost a month ago. This is essentially my end game mod. I may get more in the future but this is it. Am I gonna ever stop vaping? I doubt it. I enjoy it. It's something I very much enjoy doing, whether it's tinkering or building coils or just sitting in my room after a hard day an vaping. Give me my reo and a nice bottle of Nicoticket and that's all I'll ever need. Maybe one day I'll go down to zero nic but... Well I've changed a lot in the past year. I've given up on many bad habits that almost defined me as a person. I was on a very dark road and addicted to many bad things that I'm finally clean of. I look at it like this. Even if it comes to light that their are some bad side effects to vaping, it's still loads better for me than anything I used to do. Some people do drugs, some drink, some eat, some chase thrills, ect. We all have bad habits, but everyone needs their niche. Life is too short to live blandly. For now and the foreseeable future vaping will be my last guilty pleasure that I hold on to. And if that's bad or I have people judge me for it. Then so be it. I'll calm down later on with the buying and constant shopping. But for now I'm just gonna enjoy what niche I have left. :)
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