32 days.. And now it hurts?

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Senior Member
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Dec 6, 2011
Boston, Ma
So I've been doing well for over a month now. I've played around and stuff here and there with many juices and they all have been fine. But starting yesterday morning, my mouth and tongue are just super sore! It hurts to even roll my tongue. The sides feel un comfortable too. I think it all started when I got my epower could the higer voltage on the low res be killing my mouth at 26mg. Nothing else has changed other than liquid.. But all 26mg!

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Dec 21, 2011
San Diego
Could it be that you're inhaling a lot more nicotine than you would be if you were smoking cigarettes and irritating your tongue? I had to do calculations to figure out as best I could that with the amount of vaping I plan on doing, that in a day I won't be taking in more nicotine that I normally would be with cigarettes. I wish you good luck!


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Dec 6, 2011
Boston, Ma
My mouth gets sore if a bit of juice splashes into my mouth. The cause for this is usually when I flood an atomizer, overfill a cartomizers, or sometimes when my battery is low on a charge.

I can't say it was that. I am pretty good with preventing this now. I did get a tiny bit last night, but it was sore before that. I think maybe its a mix of higher volts 26mg nic and lr cartos?

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Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
1) Not all juices are created equal. Even some VG's have given me mouth sores... cheaper stuff in particular. Different people are sensitive to different things. Step 1 - change juices. Another vendor, or maybe DIY a sample for testing purposes.

2) A lot of things can effect how juice is atomized, and how it vapes. Change atties/cartos and see if it helps. 1/2 atomized juice is harsh... so you'll know it. IDK if that's it or not but it can be a culprit.

3) Try reducing the nic a bit. Nic numbs... so you can't tell what is going on. Also, nic has a peppery "bite" to it.


Senior Member
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Dec 6, 2011
Boston, Ma
Could it be that you're inhaling a lot more nicotine than you would be if you were smoking cigarettes and irritating your tongue? I had to do calculations to figure out as best I could that with the amount of vaping I plan on doing, that in a day I won't be taking in more nicotine that I normally would be with cigarettes. I wish you good luck!

So your saying I should tone down the nic? Or stop vaping so much?

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Da Catt
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Mar 8, 2011
Upland, PA
Are you having any other symptoms? Nausea, dizzyness? If you are feeling, or do start feeling, these, it could be too much nicotine.
What PV were you using before you got the ePower? A higher voltage (using similar atty/carto) will vaporize more nic and other components (flavorings). If you have any lower nic eliquid, try that and see if it helps.


Senior Member
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Dec 6, 2011
Boston, Ma
Are you having any other symptoms? Nausea, dizzyness? If you are feeling, or do start feeling, these, it could be too much nicotine.
What PV were you using before you got the ePower? A higher voltage (using similar atty/carto) will vaporize more nic and other components (flavorings). If you have any lower nic eliquid, try that and see if it helps.

No dizzyness our nausea. I was using a ego-t 650mah..

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Della Cirque

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Oct 1, 2011
Deep East Texas
I agree with DaveP, try to drink lots and lots of water. When I had a sore tongue a couple of weeks ago it was from using an atty that needed to be cleaned. (popped lots of hot juice on my tongue) I broke open a piece of aloe vera and laid it on my tongue for a couple of minutes. Tastes nasty but my tongue was back to normal the next day.
Good Luck!


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Dec 21, 2011
San Diego
Teeto - Hi! I think either really cutting down the nic or vaping considerably less would work. It's certainly worth a try! :) For me, I haven't vaped yet(waiting for my stuff in the mail!) I ordered all my stuff with a 6mg nic so I could vape a lot rather than buying juice with 24mg nic and vaping less! *I also did buy 1 24mg nic 30ml bottle of juice to vape to get me through cravings for more nicotine.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 6, 2011
Boston, Ma
I agree with DaveP, try to drink lots and lots of water. When I had a sore tongue a couple of weeks ago it was from using an atty that needed to be cleaned. (popped lots of hot juice on my tongue) I broke open a piece of aloe vera and laid it on my tongue for a couple of minutes. Tastes nasty but my tongue was back to normal the next day.
Good Luck!

My boge's actually pop a lot but they are brand new. I thought that was normal?

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Dec 10, 2010
Birmingham AL
Ever since I began vaping 16 months ago, I have had multiple problems with blisters on my tongue. I feel your pain and I understand it. I do think that it is a combination of factors. I drink alot, so that is not my issue, but it can be one. Also the amount of pg or vg can, the base of the vendor's juice, the amount of nicotine, getting juice in your mouth as well as acidic drinks. I have tried brushing more, using mouth wash and Orajel Anticeptic rinse as well as Xylecain. It may just be a temporary thing for you from an isolated incident. But if it continues pm me for what I found two months ago that really cures the problem. It is too weird to post about!!


Ultra Member
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Oct 8, 2011
So I've been doing well for over a month now. ........But starting yesterday morning, my mouth and tongue are just super sore! It hurts to even roll my tongue. The sides feel un comfortable too.
THAT was the problem I experienced when I began vaping in 2009. After about a month, my mouth, throat and lungs were so sore I couldn't stand it. As a result, I quit vaping and went back to analogs, and it cleared up.

A month or two later, I tried vaping again, and same thing happened. So...still wanting to quit analogs, but unable to vape consistently, I used the ecig to REDUCE the number of analogs I smoked. THAT worked OK...but I was still smokin'. :(

It was only a few months ago that I realized the problem most likely was 100% PG juice that tasted like crapola. With better juice (30% or more VG to 100% VG), I've not had the sore tongue issue again, and I've made the switch completely to ecigs...FINALLY.

Although I really like 100% VG, I seem to be doing fine with as low as 30%. Don't know if that could be what you're experiencing, but I wanted to put it out there anyway.

Hope you find the solution soon, but I'm confident you'll find a solution eventually. Hang in there.


Senior Member
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Dec 6, 2011
Boston, Ma
To be honest I don't know what it was. I'm still vaping though.. I for new flavors and tried them that day so they were fresh. I haven't touched those juices since that day, until just right now. I was vaping pineapple mixed with green apple and eating actually pineapple, so maybe to juice just needed to steep or the actually pineapple slices bitterness sliced up my tongue and caused the vape to irritate it. I don't think it had to do with the pg or vg combo, I have always used mixes of the two. We will see though. I will update this after a few days side I an running low on vapable juices I like. Sucks when you have 30ml bottles you don't like and man do I have a few lol

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Super Member
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May 27, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
My issue is what is called canker sores. Used to get them bad as a kid. Stopped gettinging them around age 14. Started smokeing at age 14.

Stopped the analogs last January. Canker sores came back late february, early March. Yep, took about a month.
After doing reserch, its a known thing, quit smokeing sores come back. The leading theory is the body is over-healing an irritation or a percieved irritation, meaning the smokeing was hampering the healing process so the sores dont form.

Same triggers I had as a kid, spicy food, acidic foods, etc. PG e juice seems to trigger them also. A 50/50 seems to work for me, but its easier to find 100 VG so I use that. Is the PG an irritant, or is it the VG smooths out irritation of the nicoteen I really couldn't tell you.
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