A new rule: make a vape budget and stick to it

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Dec 28, 2012
Piedmont Triad, NC
I buy what I want. Since getting a couple Grooves to go with my eGo's my battery needs are covered for a while. I bought 4 Kanger heads, more than a few replacement coils (they are cheap), and lots of juice. The juice will last a good while as should the hardware. I guess I am done till the juice or coils run out.



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Jan 9, 2013
Poole UK
I set my monthly budget at £100 but then i see a bargain and i have to have it. Part of me knows i'm being stupid but the other part of me always comes back with ' go on, your worth it.'
ECF really doesn't help. I see so many wonderful reviews and recommendations that i just have to try everything.
At my age i should know better but it's a case of chasing the dream. I love vaping but i'm always looking out for that perfect experience. The trouble is one weeks perfect vape is the next weeks 'whatever' vape.
I am really hoping that one day i'll wise up and stop looking at vaping as a hobby, but as an addiction. After all i never used to buy every brand of cigarettes.


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Have to stop browsing at all my favorite vendors, finding stuff in stock that's been out of stock forever, then ordering it without thinking of the consequences.

I get paid twice per month. I know how much I'm "saving" by not smoking, and can hopefully restrict myself to spending just that much each pay period.

The question in my mind is what if they are out of stock on my "ordering day" and then my addictive personality comes into play! Someone mentioned eating beans for a week, not sure if my kids would go for it! :ohmy:

Would you recommend a twice monthly ordering day, or just order whenever you feel like it but stay within the budget?

I have been trying to get others to understand the importance of deciding on a vape budget, and STICKING to it...for weeks now.

For me, my vape budget is $75/month. I have no trouble sticking to it, thankfully :)

Everyone's vape budget is going to be different. I don't think it is QUITE as important what your budget is......that you set for yourself....hoewver, it is VERY important that you set a budget, and don't go over.

It is FAR too easy to over spend....and it seems like quite a lot of people have that problem. The truth of the matter is though, vaping ISNT an expensive hobby. Find some batteries you enjoy.....a few delivery devices, and some e-liquids you enjoy. Consider that your BASE.

It is okay to try different batteries, different eliquids, and different delivery devices. We ALL do that. However, that is why it is important to 1) Set a budget, and 2) Have your BASE (as I mentioned above), so that you are already comfortable, and each month you just explore a tiny bit more :)

The less you spend, the more you will enjoy each piece of eqiupment/ejuice.


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Nov 27, 2011
Thanks for your input everyone! It's been like this from day one with any hobby I get involved in, I buy too much and lose focus and eventually give up on the hobby.

However, if I don't pursue it then I get bored with it and then give up on it.

Trying not to give up on vaping a second time, but also trying not to go all in and lose focus. It's a pretty tough balancing act.


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May 24, 2013
Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Seriously though, as long as your staples (battereis, attys juice) are stocked up, I'd order whenever you want, staying within budget of course.
As long as the bills are paid, our bellies are full and there's extra money in the bank, I'll wear out that submit button... and the postman! LOL!

I'm new to this and went overboard this weekend, so I'm agreeing with your attitude for now. I'm enjoying the exploration but spending way more than is required. Call it my new hobby. I have the following things coming from my weekend explorations:

Mr eliquid
Chai tea
Lemon ice
Pure Michigan
3 tanger T3 tanks
Freedom Juice
Belgian Cocoa
Fast Tech
Vivi nova
T4 tanks

Vaping $$$$$ not smoking priceless :)


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Nov 27, 2011
I still haven't figured it out thought I was done once I hit 5 pv's...6th one is on the way. Too many clearos cartos and tanks sitting around...the backups for backups story is getting old to the girlfriend lol. Just had to explain the tracking information I left on the computer from Greece...doghouse for me tonight.

What's coming from Greece, it's not my Spheroid is it? :D


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Apr 5, 2013
Dallas, Tx
I'm still new and establishing what I like, trying out clearos, and figuring out juice tastes.
I KNOW i'll buy juice i hate or can't vape - probably far more than I DO like. Luckily I can always PIF :)

same with batteries. even if I end up some crazy provari lover with 8 of them, it's always good to have a few ego styles so i'm cool with buying a few now.

Once i get settled with some juices I like, delivery methods I like, etc I'm sure i'll put myself on a "budget"

When I was single and kid-free and the internet was in its infancy I use to hop on amazon (back when they only just started and only sold books and dvds. LOL) every payday and i'd limit myself to +/- 50 bucks.
I'd order a few books or a few dvds. but I think I only had 10-15 dvds back then, and i'd just moved to texas with everything I owned in my 4dr...so I'd had to chuck most of my books and to call me an avid reader is an understatement.

I'll probably do similar with vaping. 50 a paycheck or 100/mth. But I won't limit myself because for once in my life i'm not HURTING for money and living paycheck to paycheck which is an awesome feeling. if I go 5-10 bucks over it won't kill me :)

its a nice feeling however. instead of being like "oh...payday. hand all my money over to bills" you get to be "whooo! payday..time to buy some goodies for me!"

with kids I don't get to do that very often!

Johnnie Price

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Nov 18, 2012
Waldorf, MD
One of the benefits of being satisfied with my extremely simple setup is that I can afford the occasional impulse buy and not worry about it.

I vape Mt. Baker's menthol on an eGo-C. Once a month I get a 50 ml bottle from MBV and every 2 months I get an eGo-C atomizer head from Smoktek.

Of course, I'm also poor. So an impulse buy for me is a couple of extra adapters and a Killer 705 clone. ;)


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May 16, 2013
I spent $65/month on analogs, I've allowed myself $20-25 per month in vape related products. I order from FT so that money goes a long ways. While 65 isn't that much compared to what most smokers spend, that extra 45 bucks enough to pay for my cats medicine and special diet every month. I'll buy myself a present once and a while, but overall I won't exceed my vaping budget.

Self control is key, luckily I have it by the ....-load when it comes to what I do with my money.
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