am i crazy...

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ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
i went to best buy with my girlfriend last night to buy a GPS for her parents. there was this garmin for $120 and a tomtom for $90. i decided to go for the cheap one and she got mad. she said and i quote "you dont have a problem spending $120 for a tube but you have a problem spending $120 for a GPS." i started thinking about what she said and she is right. i have a problem spending $120 for a GPS but i dont have a problem paying $100 for a mod:(. a GPS is worth $120 because of the technology and engineering put on it. a GPS tells you where you at, my PV cant:lol:. but somehow i have a problem spending $100 for a GPS but i dont have a problem spending $100 for a metal tube8-o. is she right, am i crazy:confused:

Well, if you look at the 'tube' as a means of making you feel healthier or possibly extending your life, not sure what comparison there could be with that and any other product on the market.

Kind of funny, though, that I actually wanted to replace my old Garmin but am waiting til I accumulate enough $$$$ for a good one....after I get my 'tubes' straightened out first :)



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
i went to best buy with my girlfriend last night to buy a GPS for her parents. there was this garmin for $120 and a tomtom for $90. i decided to go for the cheap one and she got mad. she said and i quote "you dont have a problem spending $120 for a tube but you have a problem spending $120 for a GPS." i started thinking about what she said and she is right. i have a problem spending $120 for a GPS but i dont have a problem paying $100 for a mod:(. a GPS is worth $120 because of the technology and engineering put on it. a GPS tells you where you at, my PV cant:lol:. but somehow i have a problem spending $100 for a GPS but i dont have a problem spending $100 for a metal tube8-o. is she right, am i crazy:confused:

As another poster said that he used to sell them back in the day, so did I. You got the better GPS and saved $30.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009
i went to best buy with my girlfriend last night to buy a GPS for her parents. there was this garmin for $120 and a tomtom for $90. i decided to go for the cheap one and she got mad. she said and i quote "you dont have a problem spending $120 for a tube but you have a problem spending $120 for a GPS." i started thinking about what she said and she is right. i have a problem spending $120 for a GPS but i dont have a problem paying $100 for a mod:(. a GPS is worth $120 because of the technology and engineering put on it. a GPS tells you where you at, my PV cant:lol:. but somehow i have a problem spending $100 for a GPS but i dont have a problem spending $100 for a metal tube8-o. is she right, am i crazy:confused:

No, you're not crazy, you just value certain items hight than others, something we all do.

In this particular case, you were right btw, the TomTom is the better choice, you gain little from the added $30, and your GF was just taking a stab at you. She probably knew, if she had to seriously argue the point, she wouldn't have had a leg to stand on. Why she wanted to argue with you I don't know, but the GPS/PV thing was just a proxy.

As for the prices for PVs and mods, well demand and supply. Sure the things are too expensive in the absolute, but what can you do?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2009
i went to best buy with my girlfriend last night to buy a GPS for her parents. there was this garmin for $120 and a tomtom for $90. i decided to go for the cheap one and she got mad. she said and i quote "you dont have a problem spending $120 for a tube but you have a problem spending $120 for a GPS." i started thinking about what she said and she is right. i have a problem spending $120 for a GPS but i dont have a problem paying $100 for a mod:(. a GPS is worth $120 because of the technology and engineering put on it. a GPS tells you where you at, my PV cant:lol:. but somehow i have a problem spending $100 for a GPS but i dont have a problem spending $100 for a metal tube8-o. is she right, am i crazy:confused:

Oh boy, there is so much wrong with this I don't even know where to begin. Unless there is alot of the story that you left out, I'll give you my take on the situation.

First of all, you bought a "tube" for yourself with your money that you earned. What business is it of hers what you buy for yourself with your own money? This is an issue with not respecting boundaries.

Second of all, it's a gift for her parents, so why were you buying it? They are her parents, not yours, and she is just a girlfriend, you're not even married, right? So if you were just being a kind and generous person by buying her parents a gift with your money, then she should have been grateful and appreciated your generous offer instead of criticizing the gift, and insulting and belittling you in the process.

I find that to be disturbing selfish behavior.

Your problem is not that you bought the wrong item, your problem is that maybe you are with the wrong girl. This is just a small symptom of a much bigger and more serious problem. This is a big red flag for you to take notice of what you're dealing with here. Look at it for what it really is, don't sugar coat it, and ask yourself why you put up with this. These things don't get better, they only get worse as time goes on.

Ask yourself why you allow yourself to be treated this way. Perhaps there is something within yourself that believes that you don't deserve better, and if that's the case then you need to look at yourself and realize that you are important, you matter, and you deserve to be with someone who treats you the same way that you treat them.

A more appropriate response from a loving girlfriend after you purchased that gift should have been something along the lines of ......"That was such a thoughtful and generous thing for you to do, I know they are going to love it and I appreciate the fact that you bought them such a nice gift."

That would be the reply of a mature lady who values the feelings of others. Just giving you some food for thought here. :)


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
This is a big red flag for you to take notice of what you're dealing with here.
I was thinking the same thing.

But what bothered me even more, which you didn't even mention, is the fact that this "tube" is probably going to save his life. Either she doesn't understand that, or she doesn't care, or she thinks he should quit without needing to use it, or she is just the kind of person that would use something like that against him to suit her own purposes.

None of those choices sound very good to me, but I'd really hope for the first choice.
If she doesn't understand, at least you can explain it clearly so that she does.

But the other choices look like big problems to me.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
i went to best buy with my girlfriend last night to buy a GPS for her parents. there was this garmin for $120 and a tomtom for $90. i decided to go for the cheap one and she got mad. she said and i quote "you dont have a problem spending $120 for a tube but you have a problem spending $120 for a GPS." i started thinking about what she said and she is right. i have a problem spending $120 for a GPS but i dont have a problem paying $100 for a mod:(. a GPS is worth $120 because of the technology and engineering put on it. a GPS tells you where you at, my PV cant:lol:. but somehow i have a problem spending $100 for a GPS but i dont have a problem spending $100 for a metal tube8-o. is she right, am i crazy:confused:
Not anymore than the rest of us.:p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2009
I was thinking the same thing.

But what bothered me even more, which you didn't even mention, is the fact that this "tube" is probably going to save his life. Either she doesn't understand that, or she doesn't care, or she thinks he should quit without needing to use it, or she is just the kind of person that would use something like that against him to suit her own purposes.

None of those choices sound very good to me, but I'd really hope for the first choice.
If she doesn't understand, at least you can explain it clearly so that she does.

But the other choices look like big problems to me.

Yes, I know what you are saying, and if she really loved him, she would love his ecig, that is 100% true. But, the point I was making is that it's his money to do whatever he wants with. If he bought a fake turd encased in lead crystal and spent $200.00 for it, that's his business. She has no right to say anything about it. That's way overstepping the boundaries of a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship.

I'd say he needs to tell her to seriously grow up and draw some serious boundaries in that relationship, or find a new girlfriend. I'd probably pick the later option.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 7, 2009
Chicago, IL USA
lisalisa and dc2,
man you guys are giving me a good beating right now:(... i have a great girl, trust me ive been with some crazy ones in the past. the GPS, its a gift(not a x-mas gift but just because) for her parents. her parents are flying to texas next week and they're renting a car in there. im giving them a GPS to help them get around. they dont need a GPS because they already have a built in GPS in their cars but they're renting a car in texas. just like my parents, my dad bought a cheap garmin to take it with them if they rent a car. all of my parents cars has a built in GPS already. i dont need one also because my car came with it and so is my girlfriend's car. so i think thats why i dont wanna spend a lot of money on it. most of the cars today has a GPS already.

i do the same thing with her, she ALWAYS spends $1000-$2000 on purses and dont get me started on her shoe collection:-x... she takes most of the walk in closest in our townhouse. i have to use the spare bedroom as my closest because i dont have any room in our bedroom. i always complain why she would spend $$$$ on a purse/shoes/clothes when she can buy another plasma:p..... i do want that new LED samsung. trust me we have boundaries... the GPS is a dead issue now. her parents loved the gift and thats what it matters. you have to make your future in-laws happy:p....


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Yea the TomTom is a better unit - garmin you just get there name since they have been around a lot longer. I use to sell these things back in the day - and I can tell you Tom Tom has come a long way and has great ui and ease of use. Deffently the better choice for older folks. The Garmen would have probably confused them.

Yeah, I like the TomTom units better myself. And agree it seems much easier to use for non-technical folks.

My father bought some expensive Motorola thing even I, the techno geek engineer, can not figure out. My Uncle zooms around with his TomTom Go.

Karl the heretiK

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
i went to best buy with my girlfriend last night to buy a GPS for her parents. there was this garmin for $120 and a tomtom for $90. i decided to go for the cheap one and she got mad. she said and i quote "you dont have a problem spending $120 for a tube but you have a problem spending $120 for a GPS." i started thinking about what she said and she is right. i have a problem spending $120 for a GPS but i dont have a problem paying $100 for a mod:(. a GPS is worth $120 because of the technology and engineering put on it. a GPS tells you where you at, my PV cant:lol:. but somehow i have a problem spending $100 for a GPS but i dont have a problem spending $100 for a metal tube8-o. is she right, am i crazy:confused:

And the funny thing is... you have no problem spending $100 on a tube because you're too cheap to spend much more on analogs...

It's all about priorities... I have no problem dropping $60 on a nice dinner out, but gods forbid, don't ask me to spend more than $25 on a pair of shoes... priorities don't make you crazy... they just make you who you are...

Good luck, man...


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2009
You need a ManCave, trust me on that, life will be so much nicer,
check it out

man cave
A room, space, corner or area of a dwelling that is specifically reserved for a male person to be in a solitary condition, away from the rest of the household in order to VAPE, work, play, involve himself in certain hobbies, activities without interuption. This area is usually decorated by the male that uses it without interferance from any female influence.

man cave:
An emotional sanctuary for men when they're stressed and need "space" or time away from females, responsibilities, etc.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2009
lisalisa and dc2,
man you guys are giving me a good beating right now:(... i have a great girl, trust me ive been with some crazy ones in the past. the GPS, its a gift(not a x-mas gift but just because) for her parents. her parents are flying to texas next week and they're renting a car in there. im giving them a GPS to help them get around. they dont need a GPS because they already have a built in GPS in their cars but they're renting a car in texas. just like my parents, my dad bought a cheap garmin to take it with them if they rent a car. all of my parents cars has a built in GPS already. i dont need one also because my car came with it and so is my girlfriend's car. so i think thats why i dont wanna spend a lot of money on it. most of the cars today has a GPS already.

i do the same thing with her, she ALWAYS spends $1000-$2000 on purses and dont get me started on her shoe collection:-x... she takes most of the walk in closest in our townhouse. i have to use the spare bedroom as my closest because i dont have any room in our bedroom. i always complain why she would spend $$$$ on a purse/shoes/clothes when she can buy another plasma:p..... i do want that new LED samsung. trust me we have boundaries... the GPS is a dead issue now. her parents loved the gift and thats what it matters. you have to make your future in-laws happy:p....

Oh my gosh....not trying to beat you up at all, quite the opposite. :) Listen, when you're young and in love sometimes you have blinders on and can't see the whole picture.

Perfect example, my first husband. I thought he was the greatest thing in the world, everyone else saw red flags and told me about it........I defended him and ignored the advise of others.

He ended up abusing me terribly........turns out that everyone was right about him and I was blinded by love. That blindness caused me so much pain, you can't even imagine.

I"m not saying this is the case with you and your girlfriend, I'm just saying that your story raised a few serious red flags with me, and I wasn't the only one. :|
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