Anyone else keep singled flavor bottles as reference?

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(Single* flavor bottles. Oops.)

I have a lot of bottles with a single flavor in them to vape for reference when making new mixes. I have around 75 flavors, so I don't keep things like apple or orange since I know pretty well what they'll taste like, but I have things like Vienna cream, cardamom, oakwood, etc.

Does anyone else do this? Or do you just try them once and sort of remember it from there?
I ask because it takes up a decent amount of space. I'm also not sure how well individually testing them will show how well they'll actually work together. There have been a few times where it seemed like something would make a great mix with just 2 flavors but they ended up tasting terrible.


Vaping Master
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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
The first time I buy any flavor, I mix it solo until I get what I want from it (or decide there is no way I like it). Some flavors are fine stand-alone, and the ones that aren't I keep and use to try out recipes. I only dump stuff that I simply don't care for. And yes, lots of notes! I've been making my own since January and I still have much to try, lots to learn.
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