Calling all Dog lovers - The Ehpro True MTL RTA

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vaper dedicato
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    True rta (~1.5ohm), Sir Lancelot mech
    BTW, I don't know if this is still an issue with anybody but I am using a 3 ml ID coil and MORE cotton than I thought I needed. Not a drop has appeared. I've been filling with the AF closed, but just for laughs I'm gonna leave it open next time.


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 30, 2017
    Metro ATL
    BTW, I don't know if this is still an issue with anybody but I am using a 3 ml ID coil and MORE cotton than I thought I needed. Not a drop has appeared. I've been filling with the AF closed, but just for laughs I'm gonna leave it open next time.
    I like a 2.0mm id because @Dubminer recommended it way back in the doggy thread, and it really improved my vape over my old std. 2.5, but whatever works for everyone is great.

    On the True, I've accidentally left mine open a couple of times, for quite a while - 20-30 minutes, and even took a couple of hits. But still never a tiny drop of a leak since my very first build, a couple of months later. I don't think you need to worry about closing it at all while filling, if everything else is right.

    And somehow, this tank produces far less condensate on top of the mod than anything I've owned, including the doggy. I couldn't be happier with this tank.


    vaper dedicato
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    I don't think you need to worry about closing it at all while filling, if everything else is right.
    After my post, I went ahead and filled 'er up again since it was close enough time to do so. Had the AF full open at the time, and left it open. No seeps, drips, or leaks at all.
    I couldn't be happier with this tank.
    My pros/cons ratio is steadily growing on the pro side.. :vapor:


    I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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    Jan 25, 2011
    Welp, the abstolute TRUEth is that I am also enjoying this little tank very mucho.

    I did not feel like reading back in this thread for refill instructions/comments/foibles, but I somehow recalled that one 'should' close off the air flow prior to filling. So I did. I even did the upside down turn, then opened the air flow back to favorite hole position.

    A short while later, I reached for my handy-dandy mod that is carrying the TRUE on its shoulders, when lo and yeah baybee, I beheld, my hand was completely submerged in the liquid I had just added to the tank. I'd say 90% of it had leaked out.

    That was the first and only time I refilled with the air flow closed. :facepalm:

    I think it's time for a musical interlude.



    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    I can't stress this enough to always make sure the fill cap is tightly closed after filling with juice.

    ...Twist & shout! Or, just twist. :rolleyes:

    You don't necessarily NEED to shout, but it's definitely a lot more fun when you twist AND shout.

    At least for me. :cool:



    vaper dedicato
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    Just curious on everyone's airflow choice,
    Kinda like life for me. Sometimes half way, sometimes all the way, but always half fast.. o_O


    Senior Member
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    Jan 31, 2019
    I like a 2.0mm id because @Dubminer recommended it way back in the doggy thread, and it really improved my vape over my old std. 2.5, but whatever works for everyone is great.

    On the True, I've accidentally left mine open a couple of times, for quite a while - 20-30 minutes, and even took a couple of hits. But still never a tiny drop of a leak since my very first build, a couple of months later. I don't think you need to worry about closing it at all while filling, if everything else is right.

    And somehow, this tank produces far less condensate on top of the mod than anything I've owned, including the doggy. I couldn't be happier with this tank.

    i tried 2mm id. flavor wasnt as good as 2.5mm. when i think about it, it was my first try using the screws to secure the coil. i mostly use the clamps. i have to give the 2mm a try using the clamps to be fair.

    brewdawg, can i ask for a side picture of your 2mm coil please?
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    Vaping Master
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    Aug 30, 2017
    Metro ATL
    i tried 2mm id. flavor wasnt as good as 2.5mm. when i think about it, it was my first try using the screws to secure the coil. i mostly use the clamps. i have to give the 2mm a try using the clamps to be fair.

    brewdawg, can i ask for a side picture of your 2mm coil please?
    Sure - here you go. I know some invert the coil, but find it easier (probably because I've always done legs down) to keep the legs on the bottom, then after lining it up straight, just pushing down to about a mm above the intake hole. It looks farther above the hole in this pic than it seems without the magnification - it's really very close.


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 30, 2017
    Metro ATL
    No regrets for me either. I swapped a doggy with someone that had leaks with this tank, and I'm starting to believe this comes from following the instructions. My first build, I followed instructions and cut the wick just to the bottom of the ledge above the deck floor. It leaked. When I rebuilt, I did it like doggies, and had enough length to touch the very bottom of the deck and tuck under, and it's been dry as a bone since.

    The True I got in the swap, I asked them to leave the build in there. It was done exactly like the instructions too, and it leaked for them. I rebuilt with the longer wick, touching the bottom & tucked (like my pics in the posts above), and it's been completely dry.


    Ultra Member
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    May 20, 2014
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    and even with the True AFC fully closed there's still more air flow than I would prefer.
    Hi RC. I'm still not done reading the whole thread but I remember Brewdawg saying that when AFC fully closed, on his, there was no air at all. I'm thinking o-rings. Ah, just saw Brewdawg's post about that. Sorry for the repeat but worth saying that most of us have been vaping for awhile now and I find it vexating that ONE device could fall into the hands of so many people with so many variances. How can we have a proper discussion when we first have to launch an investigation and analyze possible flaws in the mechanical engineering? I had more faith in Ehpro. Every Ehpro product I've purchased has passed quality control save one. And that one was sold to me by someone else. It was the original Bachelor with a top fill cap that was so loose I had to secure it with a vape band. Lol, I'm starting to think it's karma! Whatever it is I'm not pleased hearing all the stories and am miffed that my vape friends get put through the mill when all they want to do is enjoy a good vape. This is just plain bad business practice, imo. If all of you were discussing clones from SXK, SJMY, Coppervape, Ulton, YFTK, et al, it would be understood but EHPRO? The same thing happened with the Ares manufactured by Innokin, another trusted name in the business. My Ares was flawless but two of my friends had "lemons". I was starting to doubt them, thinking they didn't know what they were doing. It was driving everyone crazy. They thought they were at fault, too, because others were getting good results. In the end and after 2-3 months of sheer madness it was clearly shown that there were flaws in their Ares tank(s). Yes, they both bought 2 because they were so psyched about the hype. If I remember, one of those tanks was okay but can you imagine buying two of something and they both crap out on you. So, 1 out of 4 was good. Is that acceptable? END OF RANT.........good morning:)
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    Vaping Master
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  • Jul 27, 2014
    Schiller PK IL USA
    I agree with Brewdawg1181 on wicking this tank. The first few times I had leaking issues I thought it was a loose 510 that I tightened but still had a drop or 2 under the base so I made the tails fluffier but still stayed at the bottom of the wick slots and still had a drop or 2 on the bottom of the base, I even had a small leak out of the air hole once, all of these small leaks happened wicking the tank as the instructions stated to do. I started wicking this tank as @Brewdawg1181 suggested (Doggystyle) and not even a drop after many refills. The same great flavor and smooth airflow as before.
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