Cant vape in the house.....aruggggggggggggggg

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2010
Kodak TN
Just my opinion on the matter, but are you helping pay for the house?? If so I would tell her so. It is your house too. I am not saying I would make a fight out of it, but it sounds like she is complaining about nothing. That is not a good sign in a marriage. I know because my wife is sometimes like that as well. She smoked for 3 years while I had already switched to vaping. At first she gave me grief about vaping in the house, but at the end of the day I told her I was going to do it whether she liked it or not. After a couple weeks she just finally gave up whining about it. Now she finally vapes as well. No more stinkies for us!! Now I just started getting into sub-ohm vaping and the nagging problems have returned, but just a little. She knows it is a hobby for me, and is getting to be more understanding of that. Keep at it, maybe your wife will come around.



Senior Member
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Jan 3, 2014
North Carolina
When I started to vape, I told my wife what I was planning on doing, told her there will be a learning curve, expenses, then linked all the studies etc about it. Have not heard one complaint sitting next to her watching TV and using my epipe. In fact she is fascinated by the e-stuff and even liked the Blackberry net juice I am using and she does not smoke or vape. Key is I did not demand anything just informed.

Oh and I never did smoke in the house.
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Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
Our vapor dissipates quickly. The smell is due to the flavorings. Some flavorings linger longer than others. Maple lingers a very long time for instance. Vanilla does as well. Light flavors obviously linger less time. She shouldn't be choking from it though. Does she choke a lot in the state hospital where they pump the same things we vape into the air ducts to sterilize the air? PG is used with asthma medication to prevent choking and coughing. You should let her know these things.

My mom doesn't like me vaping in her car because she says it makes her throat tickle and she coughs and she doesn't like the smell, no matter what flavor i'm vaping. But when I sneak my hits and purse my lips to disperse the vapor before it leaves my mouth, she doesn't even realize I'm vaping. She doesn't cough and she can't smell it at all. Its funny. You can always make your toilette the vape throne.


Vaping Master
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Jan 27, 2011
east TN
Oh but you are quite wrong. I have been vaping for over a year now. I blow my vapor out the open back door. I sub ohm vape and produce more vapor than an ego battery. ................

.................Now I just started getting into sub-ohm vaping and the nagging problems have returned, but just a little. .............

in my opinion if you sub ohm it's a different animal. filling a room with vapor with only one or two hits........ I would be a little more understanding of complaints... I'm just a "normal" vaper who puts out "normal" vapor


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
My wife didn't let me smoke the analogs in the house well she hate's the vaping just as much....please tell me I don't have to go outside to vape

Seems like a Very Small Sacrifice to go Outside and Vape to keep your Wife Happy. Especially seeing that you were able to do it when your Smoked Analogs.

Good Wives don't come around that Often. I give Her this one.


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Jan 13, 2012
NW Indiana
not spouse related, but here is a story for ya....I went to visit my mother(who has never smoked) and during the visit I said ill be right back going to step out for a minute(have always smoked outside at her place, so was just going to step out for a vape, out of respect) she saw me grab my pv and was like whats that? I said oh this is what I bought with the Christmas money you gave me, so I could quit smoking. she was intrigued and was like cool as long as its not "burning anything"(as in flame/smoke/etc) you can use it in here and tell me about it. so here I am vaping away in my moms house, talking to her about it, and she then was telling ppl at work about it, and CONVERTED 2 PPL, and she has never smoked/vaped a day in her life! :D

was doing this in the same room as her, with her 4ft away and it didn't bother her at all, so wifey is full of it!!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 30, 2013
Stonington, ME, USA
My wife didn't let me smoke the analogs in the house well she hate's the vaping just as much....please tell me I don't have to go outside to vape else having same problems..She says it makes her feel like she is choking..Anyways anyone in the Atlanta area I went to Vape911 for the first time today, its on canton rd in Marietta...Got some good juice...

I have a brother in law like that. Says he's allergic to cats, but has one in his garage. (He's a mechanic). He says the cat doesn't bother him in there, because the door is open so much. He also never choked up when he was at my mother in laws if he thought her cat was outside, but the moment he saw the cat, he started coughing and gagging. Funny he didn't cough and gag when the cat was hiding under his chair and he didn't know it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2012
My wife didn't let me smoke the analogs in the house well she hate's the vaping just as much....please tell me I don't have to go outside to vape else having same problems..She says it makes her feel like she is choking..Anyways anyone in the Atlanta area I went to Vape911 for the first time today, its on canton rd in Marietta...Got some good juice...

She lets me vape in the house...:D

Sorry... Couldn't resist.


Senior Member
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Jan 17, 2014
Groton, Connecticut, USofA
I was the one that converted my wife and mother in law to vaping. I was vaping for at least a month while those two still smoked. They'd go outside and I'd show off at how I didn't "have to" go outside. Now we all vape indoors. My wife and I do have a rule about not vaping around the kids. All is well. Now, if only I can sneak in some new mods and RBA's.


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Jun 4, 2013
United States
  • Deleted by UntamedRose
  • Reason: just no


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Feb 16, 2012
Garland, TX
If other aspects of your relationship are happy, I say let this one go. I've been married for 33 years and no matter how well matched a couple is, there are ALWAYS going to be things that you do that rub your partner the wrong way. Period. The trick to maintaining a happy relationship is doing your best not to do those things. Or at least to not do them too often.

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