Contest-Need Tag Line for Logo!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
Any last submission should be made by around lunch on Friday. Then we will post the winners by Satuday night.

Gotta say, you guys have WOWed us. Some of you guys really put some thought in this and we appreciate it. Thanks for all of the submissions. Be aware that winning submissions will become the property of BreezEsmokes. Just something I have to put in here.

So we will be handing out prizes Monday. Just to let you know we will post winners here and I will PM the winners and you will be given an email to reply to with your choice and shipping info. Thanks again.


Gotta love how smoothly you're running this contest! Thanks for the fun. :thumb:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2010
Spencerport, NY
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind @ breezEsmokes

That's cool, yet a copyright infringement if they use it... If Bob Dylan remembers writing that, there could be trouble (though, he's pretty spent these days, he might see it and say... "that sounds familiar...")
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2009
Central Texas USA
Thanks Freaky, it really has gone smoother than I thought. Glad everybody participated. You guys don't know it, but you have helped us a lot. And the winner will be rewarded. KewlKitty will render her decision soon.

We just picked up a small chain of convenience stores plus I had a couple of doctors call me this week. We are marketing more to the local market and have not scratched the surface. One of my customers is passing my business cards out to everyone she sees. Another reason we were wanting a catchy tag line.

Zen, I agree Dylan is pretty well used up.

One more thing, got an updated version of the 510 juice tank coming in tomorrow. Will call it V3 and should have them up by lunch if we can get them in the morning.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 26, 2010
Here, there, everywhere!
We just picked up a small chain of convenience stores plus I had a couple of doctors call me this week. We are marketing more to the local market and have not scratched the surface. One of my customers is passing my business cards out to everyone she sees. Another reason we were wanting a catchy tag line.


That is awesome! Good luck and keep up the good work getting them out in the eye of the public!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 20, 2011
That is obvious and clever. Don't think I have seen it. Although I am not making the decision.

OK, we may not make it to the finish. I will get KewlKitty to look over them tonight and see what she wants to do.

Thanks again guys!


Did KewlKitty and you name the company, because I like the name...since vaping is more like a breeze compared to cigarette smoke....a tasty breeze at that.

It's the bees knees.

Fire's displeased.

Embrace the spirit.

Sweep across the seas.


Nature provides the keys. We provide the breeze.

You'll want to write Odes.

Nature's trapeze. (Nature's a trapeze)

Life's trapeze. (Life's a trapeze)

A Whirl of Good Taste.

Good Taste Travels Fast.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2009
Central Texas USA
Hey Kelsey, Thanks for the compliment. Actually KewlKitty named it and talked me into opening it up since I was buying and trying every e-cig available about 2 years ago looking for that perfect vape. I named our other business which is an upper-end sign shop called Digitec Grafix. We were using digital technology to print and install vehicle wraps and trade show graphics when we started 12 years ago. We had another business before that traveling all over the U.S. doing promotions. I have been a plumber, aircraft mechanic and certified solar technician. So I have done a lot and not afraid to try anything.

Probably told you more than you wanted to know but now you know that we know how to treat customers and run a successful business.

Good luck to you and everybody on the submissions.



Full Member
Apr 5, 2011
Because quitting should be a breeze
and we're not just blowing smoke

BreezeSmokes - blowing away the competition.

And nosy me, 7 years in marketing research, I would actually make some small changes to the logo. It's Breeze E-Smokes when said out loud right? Because it looks like Breezy Smokes, which makes me think analogs, I think that is how people are reading it. The pink swirls would work but they resemble a question mark. That otherwise would be the right direction because it puts emphasis on the "e" but the look isn't quite right yet. The name is great, could KewlKitty be any more unique? Too many ecig companies have names that sound too similar to each other, Breez is different. Anyway, just my 2 cents (not worth much) but I would go with an air swirl sort of like what you find in Anime textures and change the Esmokes to the pink that is just the "e" currently. I'm giving too much unwanted input here, ignore me sorry I can't help it!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 26, 2010
I need a Tag Line to go with our logo. We are currently using: BreezEsmokes, Have A Fresh and Breezy Smoke!

An example would be: Doing business with BreezE is easy! Or Don't Choke On Your Smoke!

1). Taste what you've been missing
2). Vaping made Easy
3). Vaping can be a breeze...with the right equipment or with our equipment
4). We blow away the competiton
5). Vaping made Simpler
6). The switch made easy
7). Live Easy
8). The Future of Smoking
9). Blow past the smoke
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