Do you vape around your kids?

Do you vape around your kids?

  • Yes. I have no problem vaping around my kids.

  • Yes. But I'm concerned about their health / letting them see me vape.

  • Sometimes: I try to limit how much I vape around my kids.

  • Rarely: I actively try to avoid vaping around my kids.

  • Never: If my kids are around, I'm either outside, or not vaping.

  • Don't know.

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Senior Member
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Dec 4, 2012
Stockton, CA
I have my kids to thank for why I vape in the house without question. I switched to vaping after my oldest daughter said " Mommy I wish dad would quit smoking so he doesn't die" That pretty much started the wife saying your quitting whether you like it or not. So I bought my first Ego kit and told the kids how it works and why it was better but my wife while she was thrilled I was vaping said it's too much like smoking and you still need to do it outside. Well in one of those kids say the darnedest things moments my youngest daughter said " Mommy if vaping is so much better why does daddy have to do it outside. From that moment on I vaped in the house.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2011
Despite the fact that I do not have kids yet I am visiting often my cousins and everyone of them has taken the task of procreating with gusto so I have a whole bunch of little cousins. And in general I try not to vape around. I am not so much worried about the harmful consequences as I am worried about being a bad example. E-cigs are not so cheap to get, but cigarettes are and it is a short step ...


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

With this in mind, this poll asks the question, do you vape around your kids?


Perhaps this Poll would be More Insightful if the Age of the "Kids" was Quantified?

When one looks at the Results, one Wonders what the Age Distribution of the Kids might be for say "Yes - No Problem"


Senior Member
Verified Member
Jul 20, 2014
I never smoked inside or in our cars, and never while my son was in the immediate area while outside. I do vape in all those situations though. A lot of my non-smoker friends let me vape inside at their place, I call it free air freshener. Who doesn't like walking into a room that smells like strawberries and banana nut bread?!


Full Member
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May 14, 2014
United States
my pops smoked cigarettes around me when i was a kid, and i never really minded it. it drove my ma nuts. she'd be ever so mad about it.
i think it probably led me to try cigarettes i'm sure. and finally 12 or so years after picking up smokes, i started vaping and have never looked back.
there's no place i won't vape. i shouldn't feel bad about it.


Full Member
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I vape all the time around my 13 yr old Daughter... she hates the smell of cigs to the point she has a hard time in the car with her grandmother. I do everything I can to let her know that ingesting anything into your lungs is not a great idea but she gets it and was very supportive of me when making the switch off analogs almost 3 years ago.
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