[Giveaway]Share your Story to Win LUXE PM40 Christmas Kit--When did you Start Vaping and Why?

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Brand Manager
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2016
I live in Missouri, United states.

I was a 23 year smoker back in 2009. My mother and father both were life long smokers and both had COPD. I had switched cigarette brands and had gone from one pack a day to a pack and a half and could really feel it in my chest and breathing and knew I was headed in the same direction as my parents. I had tried nicotine gum, zyban, lozenges, and even self hypnosis but nothing made me want to quit smoking. I saw a short story on the local news about these new electronic cigarettes people were using. I got online and found ECF and after a few recommendations ordered two 510 cigalike kits. So my vaping Journey started in the summer of 2009. I immediately got down to 4-5 cigarettes a day but it took several months to get completely off them. Then one day I decided I had beat cigarettes and was going to smoke one just for old times sake. Big mistake. One turned into a few and I was dual using for a very long time after that. I eventually started using swedish snus and nasal snuff along with vaping and was finally able to get off the cigarettes. I ended up quitting the snuff but still use snus and vape.

I do have many Vaporesso products thanks to being asked to write reviews for Vaporesso. I also had some Vaporesso stuff prior to that. I had two Gen kits, two revenger kits, and a polar. All of which I liked very much. Not just because I write reviews for them, I think Vaporesso products are very innovative and definitely well built from my experience. I am thankful for companies like Vaporesso that have taken the ball and are running with it.

If my name is picked in the random drawing then please give the prize to the next person in line. I have plenty and would rather it go to someone who needs it.

Dear hitman,

I would like to thank you for your excellent story and we are happy to see that your lifestyle changed.

VAPORESSO is dedicated to establishing a smoke-free world while raising the quality of life for our users. Based on our continuous innovation, strict quality control, and substantial commitment, we create products that can fit all levels and styles of vapers. VAPORESSO strives to be able to help as many people as possible, fulfilling our mission of being BEYOND THE ORDINARY.

Thank you again for loving Vaporesso. Hope you can support us as usual.

Best Regards,

Vaporesso Official


Brand Manager
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2016
I am 39 y.o. born in US. I tried to start vaping long ago with old type of ecigs, not really having any incentive to quit, but it didn't worked at all. Nothing really changed with my smoking until 2018, when a friend gifted me an actual mod, even though it was just a simple smok stick, with that I was truly able to quite smoking. After over a year of suffering with that, I decided I wanted to actually try to enjoy vaping instead of just suffering through it to stay away from cigarettes, because it was incredibly harsh on my throat.
That is when I decided to get first Swag kit, discovered how much better Vaporesso coils are compared to smok coils. After some time I bought Vaporesso Click and enjoyed it for a very long time. Even though I dont use my Swag anymore (it was really nice but I gifted it to a friend of mine when I bought Click) I have to congratulate you on the build quality, the design and colors, the style of your mods. And most importantly it's use of the batteries on them, very balanced.
I would like to thank Vaporesso for sending me XROS, it is a whole new discovery for me and my fav for now also, it is very well built and perfectly designed.
Think thats all, wish you all the best and thanks for this chance.

Hi AlphaLegion,

Thank you for your story, there is nothing more gratifying to me than to receive your story. It's really happy to hear that you didn't suffer from the harshness on your throat now. Thank you for choosing Vaporesso.We will keep creating great products for people who need them.

Thank you again.

Best Regards,

Vaporesso official.


Brand Manager
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2016
Dude this is not cool. This is my post and my story on Reddit word-for-word, you just changed to your age, location to make it your own. And I can provide proof that this is mine.
Please take this down and write your own story for this ECF forum. Have a heart and don't use my Dad's lung cancer as your story.
I am sorry to hear that. We take it seriously, anyone who copies others' stories will be disqualified.


Brand Manager
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2016
My vaping story started about 4 years ago.
I'm originally from Ukraine and I'm in mid 30s age.
But first, a little foreword - I wasn't some kind of a hard-smoker, but I've tried to quit smoking several times, almost reached the goal, but in the end I failed everytime. The only thing I managed to do - I've switched to hookah instead of cigarettes. Yeah, I know, it is not a reasonable decision, but at least I was not smoking pack a day.

And, finally, some day about 3 years ago I saw my friend vaping. This is it - a new start of my life.
I've bought some simple mod (seems like it was Kanger Subox) and started vaping. Oh, good old times, tons of wire and cotton used to learn proper wicking, hours and hours of online reading to understand all the ropes. Then I've dicovered that I can mix liquids myself, choose nic amount, choose flavor, choose pg\vg - everything myself. Yes, it was good, interesting and exiting. And it still is! I've switched my wife to vape also, and she is so grateful for that.

During this not so long vape-voyage we've seen so much, observed the evolution of vape devices - from small vapepens to mech-mods, big boxmods and, finally, to PODs of different kinds, and it still goes on! We've met new friends and started a life much more healthier.
Now I can't imagine how people can still smoke cigarettes, with all that disgusting and stinky smell and other so-called "benefits"

Hi La_Navidad,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I wish to express my sincere appreciation for your story, this is the second time you share your story with us. Thank you for your support.

Wish you a good day.

Vaporesso official.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 23, 2018
I'm from Ukraine. From a city called Kropyvnytskyi (previously called Kirovograd). I was born in 1990. I don’t remember the exact year, but I started smoking cigarettes once in 2005. In the fall of 2017, my wife offered me to try an electronic cigarette. Of course it was difficult to give up cigarettes. Besides, my first vape was not original, I was deceived, and for a while I used it with big problems. At the beginning of 2019, I was presented with a Vaporesso Tarot baby. This is a great device, compact, reliable and stylish! I've been a vaper for 3 years already! I am very grateful to my wife for pointing me on the right path!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2020
I am still a young vaper from Norway. But I really like this hobby.
I decided that I need change and a way to get away from smoking. It may sound cliché , but I was really slowly killing myself one cigarette at a time so vaping was the natural progression of my desire to stop smoking. Now 2 year later vaping has also become hobby ( kind of obsession). So now I am happily chirring vapor clouds whenever I have the chance.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2020
My story of vaping is very trivial. I am 30 years old and I think I have started to vape about a year ago, or to be correct - a year and a half ago. Smoking was my constant bad habit through my all life.. I think I was smoking since I was 16 years or something about it, not really proud of that. But finally I managed to swap to vaping, it was hard but step by step I got rid of all smoking alternatives. At first I was vaping prefilled ecigs and it was good for some time but I cannot say it was true vaping, the true story began only when I got my first RDA and Tank, I spent several months deeply studying how to build coils and how to find a proper mod for my attys. All that stuff forced me to forget about cigs and I noticed my health to improve a lot. I like all devices from Vaporesso, I have seen many reviews saying much useful about, but unfortunately, I don't own anything from Vaporesso yet, haven't got a chance. I wish everybody to be healthy and Merry Xmas and happy New Year! And thanks, Vaporesso!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2014
United States
Greetings! I live in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. I'm a 57 F. I have a few stories on why and how I started vaping. I'll tell you the one that motivated me. I started smoking at 14 and over the years had failed to stop. You name it-I tried it except for Chantix. I would never ever put that in my body. Fast forward-I promised my mother on her death bed that I would quit.

Fast forward two years from her death I picked up a ego ecigarette in 2010. It took a while to convert but I did. I was 1-2 pack a day smoker so it was hard but I did it. 10 years later I'm still vaping.

I do have a few vapresso items. The swag 1 & 2.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2017
I’m 63 yo, from Russia. I've been a smoker for more than half my life. I noticed vaping about four years ago. New gadgets caught my eye. New technology for me, interesting devices. I didn't plan to quit smoking but it so happened that having started vaping, I quickly and painlessly gave up cigarettes and never returned to them. My preference in vaping is an MTL RTA devices.

My Vaporesso weapons:

Twice I independently repaired one of my Swags and returned it to a combat state, since I don't want to lose it. It has a wonderful design, ergonomics. These are my favorites for daily use.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2019
I am 38 and I live in Florida in the United States.

I've been vaping for about 5 years.

My husband originally started vaping and I was still smoking. Out of respect for him I kept it to a single room or Outdoors when the weather was nice however he was still getting contact with the smoke. He had been diagnosed with the beginnings of COPD and I didn't feel it was fair for me to continue to contribute to that, literally killing my husband. So he bought me my first all-in-one kit which I used a variance of for quite a few years until last year when I bought my first legitimate mod which was the Vaporesso Polar Kit with the Cascade baby tank...

so yes vaporesso was actually the first legitimate mod that I ever owned. I picked it because it was on sale and I didn't know if I was really going to like this new device because I've been using little aios. But I did like it and I still use it more so the mod than the tank but I like the tank as well.

Thank you for always engaging with the Forum. Vaporesso is one of the most consistent brands that runs giveaways here and the giveaways are always legitimate going out of your way to make sure somebody gets their product even if it was lost by the Postal Service. You can't get any better than a brand that is willing to replace a product that they didn't lose that you one for free! If a brand is willing to do that when they didn't receive any money you know that when you purchase their products you can trust their warranty. So thank you Vaporesso!


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 7, 2019
Sydney Australia
My story of vaping is very trivial. I am 30 years old and I think I have started to vape about a year ago, or to be correct - a year and a half ago. Smoking was my constant bad habit through my all life.. I think I was smoking since I was 16 years or something about it, not really proud of that. But finally I managed to swap to vaping, it was hard but step by step I got rid of all smoking alternatives. At first I was vaping prefilled ecigs and it was good for some time but I cannot say it was true vaping, the true story began only when I got my first RDA and Tank, I spent several months deeply studying how to build coils and how to find a proper mod for my attys. All that stuff forced me to forget about cigs and I noticed my health to improve a lot. I like all devices from Vaporesso, I have seen many reviews saying much useful about, but unfortunately, I don't own anything from Vaporesso yet, haven't got a chance. I wish everybody to be healthy and Merry Xmas and happy New Year! And thanks, Vaporesso!


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 7, 2019
Sydney Australia
Hi Vapers, Thank you for all of your stories. The purpose of this event is to let more people know your own
experience and to give a guide to those people who are struggling and suffering
What a bunch of BS. This is about promoting your brand. Nothing wrong with that but we aren't idiots so please treat us with respect.


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 7, 2019
Sydney Australia
What's your problem, man?
Fair question @MorganJ11 .

My problem is watching people bow and scrape to these companies like Vaporesso who pretend they give a damn about you or me. All they care about, and their sole intention here, is to promote their product.

Nothing wrong with promoting a product but disguising that intent under a cloak of altruism disgusts me.

We give them our hard earned dollars and they give us a product in return.
Why should we thank them for the opportunity?
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