How much have you spent on devices to date ?

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evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I've alot spent more than I would spend in a year of smoking. And im only halfway trough my wishlist. But then vaping has become more of a hobby and not only an alternative to smoking. I also find at the hobby aspect of it makes it easier to stay of the real thing. Besides as long as its better for my health I never regret spending money on any of my impulse purchases :)

It just seems to me that the longer you leave tobacco alone the worse it tastes. That's been my experience anyway.

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
In 4years I have spent about $1000 but I don't really keep track. The first year I think I spent like $200 and compared to analogs at $6 a pack, when I smoked 2 packs a day x 365 equalling $4380 not mentioning of course that one friend that never had any cigs on him so maybe every now and then it was like 3 packs in a day. I think I didn't need to care anymore how much I spent when comparing to $4k a year as long as I don't spent $4k on Ecigs I still come out on top. I have as well joined a gym $10 a month and spend plenty of time doing cardio that I couldn't do when I smoked analogs still under the 4k mark. I also vape everywhere I go instead of standing outside away from everyone Priceless. I love to vape!!!!!!:)

I'd forgotten about that. People don't bum ciggies off me anymore !:)

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
About $400 here in 4 months. No plans to buy another mod this year. I'm gonna wait and see what 2014 brings. T-Systems look nice though. If they were ever in stock. Just can't justify another $150-200. Part of this for me is about SAVING money.

2014 .....right !.....I want to see something that produces vapour without me having to suck on it.


Full Member
May 23, 2013
memphis, tn
V2cigs Standard Starter Kit - $59.00
Joye Ego-C starter kit from - $79.00
Sigelei ZMax V3 kit from - $89.00
KeCig K100-101 kit from - $39.00
Smok Natural rba kit from chasethevape - $75.00
protanks, puritank, evods, vivi novas, batteries - approximately $100
Initial investment - approximately $400 plus juices


evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
If you're talking about durable supplies and not factoring in replacement wicks/atties/cartos, probably about $300 since I started in late February. I started with an eVic and two Smoktech UDCTs. Since then, I bought a pair of vivi novas, a pair of protanks, a few t2s, and an MT3. This weekend I bought a Sid, a 3400 mAh battery, and a charger.

And now you're cooking on gas !:toast:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2013
Bay Area, CA
I went from a Blu starter kit to an ego c twist starter kit. Been vapin for about 3 months and i can see how this can be a very expensive hobby. I'm wanting to upgrade again but am not sure which direction to go. I think i may bite the bullet and go for a Provari and hopefully the buck stops there. I don't mind experimenting with juices but I don't want a bunch of devices I won't be happy with. HAHA was analogs cheaper?

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I spent about $150 this month to retry vaping. I don't feel too bad seeing that I was a pack a day smoker in NY. In a sense I saved $150. But...yeah.. going to get more soon. I want a VV so I'm debating between a pair of eGo twists or a single iTaste MVP.

One thing i know is that the more that is spent on vaping the more committed to vaping a person becomes !:)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2013
Way west of the Mississippi
One thing i know is that the more that is spent on vaping the more committed to vaping a person becomes !:)


I think I'm getting close to $600 on devices alone. 1 Provari Mini and 2 Nemesis. At first the purpose was to quit smoking. Now it's moved on to hobby status.
Only been at it a month and a half. Costs should drop now that I've got a good set up.

Volcano Inferno starter kit with 2 juices-$84.00
Various e-juice sampler packs-$47.00
E-juice full bottles-$45.00
Provari Mini with extra bat, extension, charger, 2 tanks, and a box of carto's-$278.00 (4th of July sale woot!!:))
Total- $424.00

More than worth it in order to quit those disgusting analogs!
Even my wife agrees with me on that one.
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I've been vaping for about 2 1/2 years now and I'd say I haven't spent nearly as much as you guys! I remember buying ego batteries in parts to "lower the cost" and got into mechanical mods and variable wattage devices right after the newbiness died off. So I'd say somewhere in the $450's range. Most of the devices I've bought happened to be on sale and rebuilding my attys has been a true pennysaver!
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