Looking for HONEST answers

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Maybe start her on something smaller an ego or even njoy king of something to get her over the first hump.

Baditude said:
Is she truly comfortable with the size and weight of a mod? It might be a size thing that she has issues with. She might do better with a slimmer and lighter eGo?

Is she resisting vaping with typical coughing issues? Many smokers resist vaping by exagerated coughing and saying, "That's way to harsh for me!" If she is sincerely having issues with newbie coughing, advise that it is common among new vapors and will soon pass.
Beckyblue said:
No, she's actually complaining the opposite of the "too harsh" chorus. Even with the Vamo cranked up, she says it does not pack the requisite punch of a Marlboro Red. That's why I came to this sub-forum to see if the Provari could punch her more soundly.
Kingblunt, you didn't read through the entire thread. I already covered that suggestion, and the smoker in question wants something that hits harder than a Vamo.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 29, 2010
Los Angeles
Just an update (and big ditto josho on the awesomeness assessment). The tank's staying with me 'til I get my second, but I gave a wide array of heating-elements to that co-worker (not even really a friend, I'm just so eager for a convert:blush:); and she's liking both the Kanger T2s and T3s a lot better than the couple vivi novae I'd palmed off on her. But the Vamo's just not working with any 510-ego adapters (makes everything read 0.0 ohms). If the Provari shines with an adapter and these Kangers, maybe I will let her spend her last penny on it, after all.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
you could try 36mg juice and more pg in your blends. Get her some Atomic Cinnacide too. If that doesnt knock her on her .... nothing will :)

*edit If you do try the cinnamon juices just be aware they are a known lung irritant. Some people vape them all the time but others might need another type of juice to fall back on in case its too much.

I agree with zapped. I vaped 36mg for about a month before stepping down to 24mg for about a year, then 18mg, and now 16mg. And many of us initially vaped but cut down our smoking until we completely quit. I went from a pack and a half a day down to 8 a day when I first started vaping and then finally quit completely after about a month. Of course the PV's were mostly crap mini's when I started. She may need a new strategy to fit her needs.


Senior Member
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Dec 19, 2012
I've been using some ce5 (single long wick replaceable head) clearos that work good on the vamo. Just have to make sure the tank is tight on the base because you have to unscrew it by the tank section and can remove tank by accident. But I have a bunch and they work well on all 3 of my vamos, so they maybe worth a shot so you don't have to fuss with an adapter for the kangers.

I am trying to help my cousin switch to vaping but considering she lives in another state its hard to help much. I sent her a ego/clearo starter kit and she likes it but was having a hard time with cravings. She's planing for her wedding in two months so personal stress definitely playing a part.

Hopefully you find a combo that satisfies her, a lot of good suggestions and advice so far.
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