M401 vs. 510 -- Can't decide. :(

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
vaping is definitely not as simple as getting a pack of smokes and lighting a match. There is some learning and getting used involved. But once you get through it will become a second nature.


But it would be soooooo much easier on us Newbies if there was one main page, easily found.....and I mean easily were in a short brief point we were told of the pitfalls. Yep, that would have made my decision a lot easier. I would have gone for the Prodigy right off the bat rather than spend $150 on the M401 with a few extras.

Most people that are on the go, really don't have time to play around with tiny carts and recharging bats. They barely have time to take a pee let alone fiddle with gadgets.

Yes, I think that the Prodigy would work great for them with the 801 larger carts. It would definitely cut down their analogue consumption and that would be a great thing.

Thank you again for your informative, sharing nature. ;)

I will email this page to a few smokers as well. Knowledge is Power. And with this type of knowledge, an informed decision can be made.

btw: your post came thru 3 times.
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